2 research outputs found

    Printable Cement-Based Materials: Fresh Properties Measurements and Control

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    Digital fabrication with cementitious materials is a rapidly growing field of research in which the evolution of strength during the various processes, such as 3D printing, is the key controlling parameter. The strength evolves over multiple orders of magnitude during the process, and thus, it is essential to properly characterize the strength evolution in order to guarantee process success. This chapter summarizes the state of the art in these characterization methods for digital fabrication with fresh cementitious materials, reviewing well-known and more recently developed methods.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Concrete Structure

    Predicting salt damage in practice: a theoretical insight into laboratory tests

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    Salt crystallization represents one of the major causes for the degradation of building and ornamental stone. As such, it has attracted the attention of researchers, who over the years have progressively unraveled most mechanisms involved in salt damage. Despite this mechanistic understanding, many questions subsist about how to quantitatively predict damage or its progression, and in particular how to relate performance on site to that in laboratory tests.In this context, a new RILEM TC 271‐ASC has been started with the objective of defining laboratory tests that deliver more reliable predictions of field behavior. One deliverable of this TC is to provide a theoretical insight into this question based on recent progress on the understanding of salt damage.This paper presents a summary of this work, highlighting key aspects relating to crystallization pressure, chemo‐mechanics and mass transport. Implications are discussed in relation to the most used accelerated salt crystallization tests in an attempt to better define which field exposure conditions that these tests best represent and may be used for, or define effective test procedures representing specific field conditions. A simple conceptual model for the development of salt damage is introduced. During an initial “induction” phase, transport of ions and accumulation of salt in the porous materials occurs without causing detectable damage until a critical point, termed “damage onset” is reached. Beyond this point, during the “propagation phase”, the material degrades, typically losing strength and cohesiveness. The implications of these two phases are discussed in relation to the selection of appropriate salt weathering tests and conservation interventions.Heritage & Technolog