23 research outputs found

    Negative cell cycle regulation by Calcineurin is necessary for proper beta cell regeneration in zebrafish

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    peer reviewedStimulation of pancreatic beta cell regeneration could be a therapeutic lead to treat diabetes. Unlike humans, the zebrafish can efficiently regenerate beta cells, notably from ductal pancreatic progenitors. To gain insight into the molecular pathways involved in this process, we established the transcriptomic profile of the ductal cells after beta cell ablation in the adult zebrafish. These data highlighted the protein phosphatase calcineurin as a new potential modulator of beta cell regeneration. We showed that calcineurin overexpression abolished the regenerative response, leading to glycemia dysregulation. On the opposite, calcineurin inhibition increased ductal cell proliferation and subsequent beta cell regeneration. Interestingly, the enhanced proliferation of the progenitors was paradoxically coupled with their exhaustion. This suggests that the proliferating progenitors are next entering in differentiation. Calcineurin appears as a guardian which prevents an excessive progenitor proliferation to preserve the pool of progenitors. Altogether, our findings reveal calcineurin as a key player in the balance between proliferation and differentiation to enable a proper beta cell regeneration

    Identification d'effecteurs de la signalisation Delta/Notch dans la différenciation des cellules endocrines du système digestif

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    Les cellules endocrines du système digestif incluent les cellules pancréatiques, regroupées en ilots de Langherhans et les cellules entéroendocrines, disséminées tout le long de l’épithélium du tube digestif. Un disfonctionnement de ces cellules peut être à l’origine de graves maladies, en conséquence les cellules endocrine du tractus digestif font l’objet de nombreuses études. Une connaissance précise du mode de fonctionnement mais aussi du développement et de la différenciation de ces cellules est requise afin de pouvoir élaborer de nouveaux traitements. Bien que ces deux populations de cellules endocrines soient situées dans des organes distincts, elles présentent de nombreuses similarités. Ces similitudes se retrouvent au niveau des hormones produites mais également au niveau des facteurs de transcription et des voies de signalisation impliquées dans le développement de ces cellules. La signalisation Notch joue un rôle primordial dans le contrôle de la différenciation des cellules endocrines pancréatiques et intestinales, chez la souris et le zebrafish. L’objectif de ce travail consiste à mieux comprendre les étapes précoces de la différenciation endocrine en recherchant des effecteurs de type ARP/ASCL de la voie de signalisation Delta/Notch, impliqués dans le développement endocrine du tractus digestif. Dans le pancréas, nous montrons que le facteur ascl1b est le premier marqueur pancréatique endocrine à apparaître. Ce facteur qui appartient à la famille des ASCL, est requis pour initier la différenciation de la lignée endocrine. Le facteur neurod1, appartenant à la famille des ARP, agit plus tardivement dans le développement de cette lignée afin de permettre le maintien du programme de différenciation endocrine. Nous démontrons que ces deux facteurs agissent séquentiellement dans les précurseurs endocrines pour promouvoir leur différenciation. La perte simultanée de ces deux facteurs conduit à l’absence totale de cellules endocrine. Dans le tractus gastro-intestinal, nous montrons que la signalisation Delta/Notch réprime le destin sécréteur en inhibant l’expression du facteur ascl1a. La présence de ce facteur est absolument requise pour la différenciation de l’ensemble des cellules sécrétrice. ascl1a est à la base de la cascade de facteur de transcription contrôlant la différenciation des cellules entéroendocrines. Nous montrons également que, dans cet organe, neurod1 régule la différenciation de certains types de cellules entéroendocrines. Parallèlement à cette étude des facteurs ARP/ASCL, nous avons mis en évidence la fonction d’un nouveau régulateur de la différenciation endocrine pancréatique: rfx6. Ce facteur est exclusivement exprimé dans la lignée endocrine chez le zebrafish. En l’absence de rfx6, les précurseurs endocrine sont bloqués dans leur différenciation et s’accumulent. Ce facteur est donc requis pour la différenciation terminale des précurseurs endocrines.Identification des facteurs ARP/ASCL impliqués dans la différenciation des cellules endocrines du tractus digesti

    Progenitor potential of nkx6.1-expressing cells throughout zebrafish life and during beta cell regeneration.

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    BACKGROUND: In contrast to mammals, the zebrafish has the remarkable capacity to regenerate its pancreatic beta cells very efficiently. Understanding the mechanisms of regeneration in the zebrafish and the differences with mammals will be fundamental to discovering molecules able to stimulate the regeneration process in mammals. To identify the pancreatic cells able to give rise to new beta cells in the zebrafish, we generated new transgenic lines allowing the tracing of multipotent pancreatic progenitors and endocrine precursors. RESULTS: Using novel bacterial artificial chromosome transgenic nkx6.1 and ascl1b reporter lines, we established that nkx6.1-positive cells give rise to all the pancreatic cell types and ascl1b-positive cells give rise to all the endocrine cell types in the zebrafish embryo. These two genes are initially co-expressed in the pancreatic primordium and their domains segregate, not as a result of mutual repression, but through the opposite effects of Notch signaling, maintaining nkx6.1 expression while repressing ascl1b in progenitors. In the adult zebrafish, nkx6.1 expression persists exclusively in the ductal tree at the tip of which its expression coincides with Notch active signaling in centroacinar/terminal end duct cells. Tracing these cells reveals that they are able to differentiate into other ductal cells and into insulin-expressing cells in normal (non-diabetic) animals. This capacity of ductal cells to generate endocrine cells is supported by the detection of ascl1b in the nkx6.1:GFP ductal cell transcriptome. This transcriptome also reveals, besides actors of the Notch and Wnt pathways, several novel markers such as id2a. Finally, we show that beta cell ablation in the adult zebrafish triggers proliferation of ductal cells and their differentiation into insulin-expressing cells. CONCLUSIONS: We have shown that, in the zebrafish embryo, nkx6.1+ cells are bona fide multipotent pancreatic progenitors, while ascl1b+ cells represent committed endocrine precursors. In contrast to the mouse, pancreatic progenitor markers nkx6.1 and pdx1 continue to be expressed in adult ductal cells, a subset of which we show are still able to proliferate and undergo ductal and endocrine differentiation, providing robust evidence of the existence of pancreatic progenitor/stem cells in the adult zebrafish. Our findings support the hypothesis that nkx6.1+ pancreatic progenitors contribute to beta cell regeneration. Further characterization of these cells will open up new perspectives for anti-diabetic therapies

    Ascl1b and Neurod1, instead of Neurog3, control pancreatic endocrine cell fate in zebrafish

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    Background NEUROG3 is a key regulator of pancreatic endocrine cell differentiation in mouse, essential for the generation of all mature hormone producing cells. It is repressed by Notch signaling that prevents pancreatic cell differentiation by maintaining precursors in an undifferentiated state. Results We show herein that, in zebrafish, neurog3 is not expressed in the pancreas and null neurog3 mutant embryos do not display any apparent endocrine defects. The control of endocrine cell fate is instead fulfilled by a couple of bHLH factors, Ascl1b and Neurod1, that are both repressed by Notch signaling. ascl1b is transiently expressed in the mid-trunk endoderm just after gastrulation and is required for the generation of the first pancreatic endocrine precursor cells. Neurod1 is expressed afterwards in the pancreatic anlagen and pursues the endocrine cell differentiation program initiated by Ascl1b. Their complementary role in endocrine differentiation of the dorsal bud is demonstrated by the loss of all hormone-secreting cells following their simultaneous inactivation. This defect is due to a blockage of the initiation of endocrine cell differentiation. Conclusions This study demonstrates that NEUROG3 is not the unique pancreatic endocrine cell fate determinant in vertebrates. A general survey of endocrine cell fate determinants in the whole digestive system among vertebrates indicates that they all belong to the ARP/ASCL family but not necessarily to the Neurog3 subfamily. The identity of the ARP/ASCL factor involved depends not only on the organ but also on the species. One could therefore consider differentiating stem cells into insulin-producing cells without the involvement of NEUROG3 but via another ARP/ASCL factor

    Nkx6.1 and nkx6.2 regulate alpha- and beta-cell formation in zebrafish by acting on pancreatic endocrine progenitor cells.

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    In mice, the Nkx6 genes are crucial to alpha- and beta-cell differentiation, but the molecular mechanisms by which they regulate pancreatic subtype specification remain elusive. Here it is shown that in zebrafish, nkx6.1 and nkx6.2 are co-expressed at early stages in the first pancreatic endocrine progenitors, but that their expression domains gradually segregate into different layers, nkx6.1 being expressed ventrally with respect to the forming islet while nkx6.2 is expressed mainly in beta-cells. Knockdown of nkx6.2 or nkx6.1 expression leads to nearly complete loss of alpha-cells but has no effect on beta-, delta-, or epsilon-cells. In contrast, nkx6.1/nkx6.2 double knockdown leads additionally to a drastic reduction of beta-cells. Synergy between the effects of nkx6.1 and nkx6.2 knockdown on both beta- and alpha-cell differentiation suggests that nkx6.1 and nkx6.2 have the same biological activity, the required total nkx6 threshold being higher for alpha-cell than for beta-cell differentiation. Finally, we demonstrate that the nkx6 act on the establishment of the pancreatic endocrine progenitor pool whose size is correlated with the total nkx6 expression level. On the basis of our data, we propose a model in which nkx6.1 and nkx6.2, by allowing the establishment of the endocrine progenitor pool, control alpha- and beta-cell differentiation

    Pancreatic and intestinal endocrine cells in zebrafish share common transcriptomic signatures and regulatory programmes.

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    BACKGROUND: Endocrine cells of the zebrafish digestive system play an important role in regulating metabolism and include pancreatic endocrine cells (PECs) clustered in the islets of Langerhans and the enteroendocrine cells (EECs) scattered in the intestinal epithelium. Despite EECs and PECs are being located in distinct organs, their differentiation involves shared molecular mechanisms and transcription factors. However, their degree of relatedness remains unexplored. In this study, we investigated comprehensively the similarity of EECs and PECs by defining their transcriptomic landscape and comparing the regulatory programmes controlled by Pax6b, a key player in both EEC and PEC differentiations. RESULTS: RNA sequencing was performed on EECs and PECs isolated from wild-type and pax6b mutant zebrafish. Data mining of wild-type zebrafish EEC data confirmed the expression of orthologues for most known mammalian EEC hormones, but also revealed the expression of three additional neuropeptide hormones (Proenkephalin-a, Calcitonin-a and Adcyap1a) not previously reported to be expressed by EECs in any species. Comparison of transcriptomes from EECs, PECs and other zebrafish tissues highlights a very close similarity between EECs and PECs, with more than 70% of genes being expressed in both endocrine cell types. Comparison of Pax6b-regulated genes in EECs and PECs revealed a significant overlap. pax6b loss-of-function does not affect the total number of EECs and PECs but instead disrupts the balance between endocrine cell subtypes, leading to an increase of ghrelin- and motilin-like-expressing cells in both the intestine and pancreas at the expense of other endocrine cells such as beta and delta cells in the pancreas and pyyb-expressing cells in the intestine. Finally, we show that the homeodomain of Pax6b is dispensable for its action in both EECs and PECs. CONCLUSION: We have analysed the transcriptomic landscape of wild-type and pax6b mutant zebrafish EECs and PECs. Our study highlights the close relatedness of EECs and PECs at the transcriptomic and regulatory levels, supporting the hypothesis of a common phylogenetic origin and underscoring the potential implication of EECs in metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes

    Identification of an evolutionarily conserved domain in Neurod1 favouring enteroendocrine versus goblet cell fate.

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    peer reviewedARP/ASCL transcription factors are key determinants of cell fate specification in a wide variety of tissues, coordinating the acquisition of generic cell fates and of specific subtype identities. How these factors, recognizing highly similar DNA motifs, display specific activities, is not yet fully understood. To address this issue, we overexpressed different ARP/ASCL factors in zebrafish ascl1a-/- mutant embryos to determine which ones are able to rescue the intestinal secretory lineage. We found that Ascl1a/b, Atoh1a/b and Neurod1 factors are all able to trigger the first step of the secretory regulatory cascade but distinct secretory cells are induced by these factors. Indeed, Neurod1 rescues the enteroendocrine lineage while Ascl1a/b and Atoh1a/b rescue the goblet cells. Gain-of-function experiments with Ascl1a/Neurod1 chimeric proteins revealed that the functional divergence is encoded by a 19-aa ultra-conserved element (UCE), present in all Neurod members but absent in the other ARP/ASCL proteins. Importantly, inserting the UCE into the Ascl1a protein reverse the rescuing capacity of this Ascl1a chimeric protein that cannot rescue the goblet cells anymore but efficiently rescue the enteroendocrine cells. This novel domain acts indeed as a goblet cell fate repressor that inhibits gfi1aa expression, known to be important for goblet cell differentiation. Deleting the UCE domain of the endogenous Neurod1 protein leads to an increase in the number of goblet cells concomitant with a reduction of the enteroendocrine cells, phenotype also observed in the neurod1 null mutant. This highlight the crucial function of the UCE domain for NeuroD1 activity in the intestine. As Gfi1 acts as a binary cell fate switch in several tissues where Neurod1 is also expressed, we can envision a similar role of the UCE in other tissues, allowing Neurod1 to repress Gfi1 to influence the balance between cell fates