61 research outputs found

    Impact of Baseline Magnetic Resonance Imaging on Neurologic, Functional, and Safety Outcomes in Patients With Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury

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    Study Design: Systematic review. Objective: To perform a systematic review to evaluate the utility of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with acute spinal cord injury (SCI). Methods: An electronic search of Medline, EMBASE, the Cochrane Collaboration Library, and Google Scholar was conducted for literature published through May 12, 2015, to answer key questions associated with the use of MRI in patients with acute SCI. Results: The literature search yielded 796 potentially relevant citations, 8 of which were included in this review. One study used MRI in a protocol to decide on early surgical decompression. The MRI-protocol group showed improved outcomes; however, the quality of evidence was deemed very low due to selection bias. Seven studies reported MRI predictors of neurologic or functional outcomes. There was moderate-quality evidence that longer intramedullary hemorrhage (2 studies) and low-quality evidence that smaller spinal canal diameter at the location of maximal spinal cord compression and the presence of cord swelling are associated with poor neurologic recovery. There was moderate-quality evidence that clinical outcomes are not predicted by SCI lesion length and the presence of cord edema. Conclusions: Certain MRI characteristics appear to be predictive of outcomes in acute SCI, including length of intramedullary hemorrhage (moderate-quality evidence), canal diameter at maximal spinal cord compression (low-quality evidence), and spinal cord swelling (low-quality evidence). Other imaging features were either inconsistently (presence of hemorrhage, maximal canal compromise, and edema length) or not associated with outcomes. The paucity of literature highlights the need for well-designed prospective studies. © 2017, © The Author(s) 2017

    Eléments pour une théorie de la négociation collective

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    Comment dĂ©finir la nature et la fonction du «collective bargaining » ? A la suite de l'Ɠuvre des Webbs , on a souvent eu tendance Ă  l'interprĂ©ter comme une forme de marchandage collectif analogue dans son principe au marchandage individuel. En rĂ©alitĂ© une telle analyse est absurde de mĂȘme qu'est d'ailleurs erronĂ©e, de maniĂšre plus gĂ©nĂ©rale, toute analyse qui enferme la nĂ©gociation collective dans des termes strictement Ă©conomiques ou la limite Ă  une maniĂšre de contrĂŽler le marchĂ© du travail. Forme d'Ă©laboration paritaire de normes, la nĂ©gociation collective est en fait une institution qui recouvre un processus politique, manifeste des relations de pouvoir et contribue Ă  modifier la nature du «management ». Toutefois, de mĂȘme qu'on ne peut l'interprĂ©ter de maniĂšre strictement Ă©conomique, on ne doit pas y voir une forme embryonnaire de «co-gestion ». Ce serait se tromper sur ce qu'est le systĂšme de dĂ©cision dans une entreprise et nĂ©gliger la rĂ©fĂ©rence aux valeurs qui sous-tend l'action syndicale.Flanders Allan D. ElĂ©ments pour une thĂ©orie de la nĂ©gociation collective. In: Sociologie du travail, 10ᔉ annĂ©e n°1, Janvier-mars 1968. pp. 13-35

    The employment of women in Great Britain 1891-1921

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    This is a study of women’s employment in Great Britain from 1891 to 1921 with special reference to its division from men’s. It examines, first, the occupational distribution of the nation’s labour force during the 1891-1914 period and finds a definite division between the work done by women and the work done by men. It then asks what factors underlay women’s absence from the work men did and women’s presence and men’s absence from the work women did. After answering these questions it shows and accounts for the major changes that occurred in women’s employment between the pre-First World War years of 1891 to 1914, the First World War years of 1914 to 1918, and the post-First World War years of 1914 to 1921 and considers what effect they had on the sex division of labour.Of secondary interest is the reaction of women to their own employment position. The 1891-1921 period coincides with the advance of the so-called women’s rights movement whereby women, as active agents in furthering their interests as citizens, wives, mothers, and persons, also undertook to improve their position as workers. Why was there dissatisfaction with it? What were the measures taken to better it? How effective were they? What did they signify for the division of labour? This thesis encompasses these questions as well.Descriptively this thesis sets out, in more statistical and narrative detail than has ever before been attempted for the 1891-1921 period and for Great Britain as a whole, the existence of a sex division of labour, secondly, its extensiveness, and thirdly, the position of the dividing line.Analytically it isolates the principal factors affecting the determination of what was women’s and what was men’s work. In the process it shows that any analysis that begins with the character of the supply and demand for male and for female labour as given facts cannot adequately explain the sex division as it fails to explain why sex as such appears as a differentiating factor. For this, account must be taken of how males and females were transformed into masculine and feminine persons and how masculinity and femininity as contemporaneously defined affected a person's labour attributes and, directly and indirectly, an employer’s choice of labour.Finally, this thesis, by considering women’s employment over a period of time, becomes a record of how it changed as the factors affecting its determination were modified. Moreover, by focusing attention on the contemporary developments making for change between 1891 and 1921, this thesis provides a springboard for analyzing subsequent changes in women’s employment.</p

    La réforme de la négociation collective : de Donovan à Durkheim

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    Les auteurs empruntent Ă  Durkheim la notion d'anomie pour dĂ©crire le dĂ©sordre actuel des relations industrielles en Grande-Bretagne et rendre compte de la faillite institutionnelle du systĂšme de nĂ©gociation collective. La multiplication des conflits depuis la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale Ă  la faveur d'une conjoncture Ă©conomique nouvelle de plein emploi, la prolifĂ©ration des normes et, partant, l'Ă©clatement gĂ©nĂ©ral des systĂšmes de rĂ©glementation du travail en sont la cause. En effet , les processus de rĂ©solution des conflits et de rĂ©glementation des relations de travail ont cessĂ© de relever d'unitĂ©s et de champs d'accord relativement larges, comme c'Ă©tait le cas de la convention collective nationale, pour s'opĂ©rer Ă  des Ă©chelons de plus en plus restreints. Ce sont les diffĂ©rents groupes de travailleurs qui, selon leur puissance au sein de l'entreprise et en fonction de leurs intĂ©rĂȘts spĂ©cifiques, tentent de faire accepter les normes qui leur sont les plus favorables. Soumettre l'application des accords nĂ©gociĂ©s Ă  des sanctions lĂ©gales serait une mesure insuffisante et mĂȘme inutile : pour que fonctionnent Ă  nouveau les mĂ©canismes de la nĂ©gociation collective, il devient nĂ©cessaire de reconstruire l'ensemble des systĂšmes normatifs Ă  tous les niveaux des relations industrielles.Fox Alan, Flanders Allan D. La rĂ©forme de la nĂ©gociation collective : de Donovan Ă  Durkheim. In: Sociologie du travail, 11ᔉ annĂ©e n°3, Juillet-septembre 1969. pp. 225-240

    Key seabird areas in southern New England identified using a community occupancy model

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    Seabirds are of conservation concern, and as new potential risks to seabirds are arising, the need to provide unbiased estimates of species\u27 distributions is growing. We applied community occupancy models to detection/non-detection data collected from repeated aerial striptransect surveys conducted in 2 large study plots off southern New England, USA; one off the coast of Rhode Island and the other in Nantucket Sound. A total of 17 seabird species were observed at least once in each study plot. We found that detection varied by survey date and effort for most species and the average detection probability across species was less than 0.4. We estimated the influence of water depth, sea surface temperature, and sea surface chl a concentration on species-specific occupancy. Diving species showed large differences between the 2 study plots in their predicted winter distributions, which were largely explained by water depth acting as a stronger predictor of occupancy in Rhode Island than in Nantucket Sound. Conversely, similarities between the 2 study plots in predicted winter distributions of surface-feeding species were explained by sea surface temperature or chlorophyll a concentration acting as predictors of these species\u27 occupancy in both study plots. We predicted the number of species at each site using the observed data in order to detect \u27hot-spots\u27 of seabird diversity and use in the 2 study plots. These results provide new information on detection of species, areas of use, and relationships with environmental variables that will be valuable for biologists and planners interested in seabird conservation in the region

    Severe human parechovirus type 3 myocarditis and encephalitis in an adolescent with hypogammaglobulinemia

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    Human parechovirus (HPeV) belongs to the Picornaviridae family of RNA viruses. HPeV infections can be asymptomatic, lead to mild respiratory and/or gastrointestinal symptoms, or less frequently cause severe diseases such as sepsis, meningitis, encephalitis, and myocarditis. Severe neurological HPeV infections occur most commonly in infants and neonates. There are currently 16 recognized types of HPeV. HPeV type 3 (HPeV3) has been the predominant type associated with severe central nervous system disease in neonates and newborns since its discovery in 1999. Although HPeV-related infections have been reported in adults, symptomatic HPeV3 infections in adolescents and adults are uncommon. A case of severe HPeV3 myocarditis and encephalitis in an adolescent is described
