37 research outputs found

    Membranes by the Numbers

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    Many of the most important processes in cells take place on and across membranes. With the rise of an impressive array of powerful quantitative methods for characterizing these membranes, it is an opportune time to reflect on the structure and function of membranes from the point of view of biological numeracy. To that end, in this article, I review the quantitative parameters that characterize the mechanical, electrical and transport properties of membranes and carry out a number of corresponding order of magnitude estimates that help us understand the values of those parameters.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    Hydrophobicity and Charge Shape Cellular Metabolite Concentrations

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    What governs the concentrations of metabolites within living cells? Beyond specific metabolic and enzymatic considerations, are there global trends that affect their values? We hypothesize that the physico-chemical properties of metabolites considerably affect their in-vivo concentrations. The recently achieved experimental capability to measure the concentrations of many metabolites simultaneously has made the testing of this hypothesis possible. Here, we analyze such recently available data sets of metabolite concentrations within E. coli, S. cerevisiae, B. subtilis and human. Overall, these data sets encompass more than twenty conditions, each containing dozens (28-108) of simultaneously measured metabolites. We test for correlations with various physico-chemical properties and find that the number of charged atoms, non-polar surface area, lipophilicity and solubility consistently correlate with concentration. In most data sets, a change in one of these properties elicits a ∼100 fold increase in metabolite concentrations. We find that the non-polar surface area and number of charged atoms account for almost half of the variation in concentrations in the most reliable and comprehensive data set. Analyzing specific groups of metabolites, such as amino-acids or phosphorylated nucleotides, reveals even a higher dependence of concentration on hydrophobicity. We suggest that these findings can be explained by evolutionary constraints imposed on metabolite concentrations and discuss possible selective pressures that can account for them. These include the reduction of solute leakage through the lipid membrane, avoidance of deleterious aggregates and reduction of non-specific hydrophobic binding. By highlighting the global constraints imposed on metabolic pathways, future research could shed light onto aspects of biochemical evolution and the chemical constraints that bound metabolic engineering efforts

    The reductive glycine pathway allows autotrophic growth of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans

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    Supplementary informationis available for this paper athttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-18906-7Six CO2 fixation pathways are known to operate in photoautotrophic and chemoautotrophic microorganisms. Here, we describe chemolithoautotrophic growth of the sulphate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (strain G11) with hydrogen and sulphate as energy substrates. Genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic analyses reveal that D. desulfuricans assimilates CO2 via the reductive glycine pathway, a seventh CO2 fixation pathway. In this pathway, CO2 is first reduced to formate, which is reduced and condensed with a second CO2 to generate glycine. Glycine is further reduced in D. desulfuricans by glycine reductase to acetyl-P, and then to acetyl-CoA, which is condensed with another CO2 to form pyruvate. Ammonia is involved in the operation of the pathway, which is reflected in the dependence of the autotrophic growth rate on the ammonia concentration. Our study demonstrates microbial autotrophic growth fully supported by this highly ATP-efficient CO2 fixation pathway.We acknowledge Änne-Michaelis and William Newell for assistance with the LC-MS forthe metabolomics experiments and Daniel Amador-Noguez for access to the LC-MS usedfor13C intracellular metabolomic analysis. We thank Ines Cardoso Pereira and John vander Oost for critically reading the manuscript. This research was funded by the Neth-erlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) through SIAM Gravitation Grant024.002.002 and the Innovation Program Microbiology (WUR), NJC acknowledgesfunding from NWO through a Rubicon Grant (019.163LW.035) and a Veni Grant(VI.Veni.192.156).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    eQuilibrator 3.0: a database solution for thermodynamic constant estimation

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    eQuilibrator (equilibrator.weizmann.ac.il) is a database of biochemical equilibrium constants and Gibbs free energies, originally designed as a web-based interface. While the website now counts around 1,000 distinct monthly users, its design could not accommodate larger compound databases and it lacked a scalable Application Programming Interface (API) for integration into other tools developed by the systems biology community. Here, we report on the recent updates to the database as well as the addition of a new Python-based interface to eQuilibrator that adds many new features such as a 100-fold larger compound database, the ability to add novel compounds, improvements in speed and memory use, and correction for Mg2+ ion concentrations. Moreover, the new interface can compute the covariance matrix of the uncertainty between estimates, for which we show the advantages and describe the application in metabolic modelling. We foresee that these improvements will make thermodynamic modelling more accessible and facilitate the integration of eQuilibrator into other software platforms.ISSN:1362-4962ISSN:0301-561