9 research outputs found
Há endogeneidade no acesso às políticas de desenvolvimento tecnológico e exportador no Brasil?
Este artigo analisa a relação entre três estudos realizados com o objetivo de avaliar políticas públicas selecionadas de apoio à exportação e ao desenvolvimento tecnológico, discutindo como incentivos governamentais podem resultar no apoio a agentes que já realizam as atividades a serem apoiadas. As políticas em questão se referem à promoção às exportações; a incentivos fiscais à pesquisa e desenvolvimento (PD) concedidos no âmbito da Lei do Bem; e à dinâmica das parcerias tecnológicas entre institutos de ciência e tecnologia (ICT) e empresas do setor de informática, desenvolvidas a partir dos créditos oferecidos pelo Fundo Setorial de Tecnologia da Informação (CT-Info). A partir dos resultados dessas três análises, observa-se a identificação de um quadro de endogeneidade decorrente de suas concepções e implementações que impede sua disseminação como veículos de dinamização da economia como um todo
Cenários para a redução dos custos de comércio no Mercosul: Efeitos sobre o comércio regional e mercado de trabalho brasileiro
We estimate the effects of reductions in trade costs between the four original members of Souther Common Market (Mercado Común del Sur - Mercosur) on regional trade and on the Brazilian labor market, using the model developed by Caliendo, Dvorkin e Parro (2019), which features elements such as labor market frictions and input-output linkages. Two counterfactual scenarios about the evolution of trade costs in Mercosur countries are considered. Results suggest that efforts to reduce trade costs can have starkly different effects on regional trade, depending on its geographic coverage: reductions that are limited to transactions among the four countries leads to a substitution between domestic production and intra-bloc trade, with limited effects on extra-bloc trade flows, while general reductions in trade costs of the four countries also affect trade with extra-Mercosur partners. The effects on Brazilian labor market are also different among scenarios, but small in magnitude in both cases
Há endogeneidade no acesso às políticas de desenvolvimento tecnológico e exportador no Brasil?
Este artigo analisa a relação entre três estudos realizados com o objetivo de avaliar políticas públicas selecionadas de apoio à exportação e ao desenvolvimento tecnológico, discutindo como incentivos governamentais podem resultar no apoio a agentes que já realizam as atividades a serem apoiadas. As políticas em questão se referem à promoção às exportações; a incentivos fiscais à pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D) concedidos no âmbito da Lei do Bem; e à dinâmica das parcerias tecnológicas entre institutos de ciência e tecnologia (ICT) e empresas do setor de informática, desenvolvidas a partir dos créditos oferecidos pelo Fundo Setorial de Tecnologia da Informação (CT-Info). A partir dos resultados dessas três análises, observa-se a identificação de um quadro de endogeneidade decorrente de suas concepções e implementações que impede sua disseminação como veículos de dinamização da economia como um todo
Há endogeneidade no acesso às políticas de desenvolvimento tecnológico e exportador no Brasil? Endogeneity in the access of technological and export policies in Brazil
Este artigo analisa a relação entre três estudos realizados com o objetivo de avaliar políticas públicas selecionadas de apoio à exportação e ao desenvolvimento tecnológico, discutindo como incentivos governamentais podem resultar no apoio a agentes que já realizam as atividades a serem apoiadas. As políticas em questão se referem à promoção às exportações; a incentivos fiscais à pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D) concedidos no âmbito da Lei do Bem; e à dinâmica das parcerias tecnológicas entre institutos de ciência e tecnologia (ICT) e empresas do setor de informática, desenvolvidas a partir dos créditos oferecidos pelo Fundo Setorial de Tecnologia da Informação (CT-Info). A partir dos resultados dessas três análises, observa-se a identificação de um quadro de endogeneidade decorrente de suas concepções e implementações que impede sua disseminação como veículos de dinamização da economia como um todo.<br>This paper analyses selected public policies that support exports and technological development. First it analyses selected instruments to promote exports, then the fiscal incentives to support R&D and, at last, the technological partnership between science and technology institutes and enterprises of the computer industry. Finally, it analyses wheter the evaluated policies are able to achieve their objectives
Normas voluntárias de sustentabilidade no comércio internacional: Aspectos teóricos, metodológicos e conceituais
Voluntary and private sustainability standards (VSS) are increasing its importance to manage value chain production: they are required by large multinational networks (mainly retailers) from their suppliers to optimize logistics and harmonize product characteristics; have been recognized as quality certificates to guarantee access to some more regulated markets with respect to environmental social and corporate criterias; and they have been used to prove that it meets more than the necessary legal requirements, reinforcing environmental social governance commitments voluntarily assumed by many companies. This paper describes VSS under different perspectives: i) their concepts, motivations and challenges; ii) the direct effects on trade and indirect effects on socio-environmental sustainability; iii) the transmission paths, retail networks and certifications; and iv) analyzes some empirical studies
Os subsídios afetam as exportações agrícolas brasileiras? Análise a partir de modelos gravitacionais
The aim of the study is to estimate the effects of domestic support subsidies from third countries on Brazilian agricultural exports. The study contributes to the existing literature by applying to the dataset the subsidies provided by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for different levels of disaggregation of government support. The gravity model is applied to agricultural flows aggregated and disaggregated by products and to Brazilian and world exports, which allows comparison of results. When considering exports of all agribusiness products, the direct support to the producer (producer support estimate - PSE) has a negative effect on shipments from Brazil in the period analyzed. Considering the General services support estimate (GSSE) and consumer support estimate (CSE), which deal with general subsidies to the sector and support to consumers of agricultural products, respectively, they did not show statistical significance. Starting with a more detailed analysis at the sectoral level, the results were different for different sectors: in relation to soybeans, the main product in the Brazilian agricultural export basket, the product-specific subsidy (single commodity transfers - SCT) did not show statistical significance on Brazilian shipments. In addition, Brazil's corn, pork and beef exports appear to have a positive relationship with subsidies provided by competing countries, while sugar shipments appear to be negatively affected. In the Fisheries and Aquaculture sector, the unavailability of data affected the achievement of econometric results for Brazil, but when considering world exports, it was possible to observe a positive relationship between subsidies and exports, that is, the subsidies provided to fisheries and aquaculture by countries may have contributed to the increase in exports in this sector
As medidas não tarifárias constituem barreiras ao comércio? Uma abordagem global e multissetorial
This paper analyzes the effects of non-tariff measures on international trade, using a structural gravity model with 77 exporters, 63 importers, and all goods available in the 6-digit Harmonized System. Unlike most of the literature on the subject, we chose to estimate the effect of each measure individually, as disaggregated as possible, at the 2-digit level of the Unctad classification, amounting to 64 NTMs. The results confirm the expected ambiguity, obtaining both positive and negative effects, depending on the measure and product type. Most measures had statistically insignificant estimates, which could mean that the measures actually have no relevant effects on trade flows, but could also stem from limitations of the dataset or the adopted methodology. Some NTMs do have negative effects, including some whose clear purpose is protectionism, such as quotas; however, in practically all chapters of the NTM classification we could find measures both with positive and negative effects, so that even among similar measures the ambiguity remains - which reinforces the need to examine the effect of NTMs in a highly disaggregated environment, in order to avoid spurious results which could stem from aggregating in a same indicator variable measures with opposite effects