7 research outputs found

    Topological defects for the free boson CFT

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    Two different conformal field theories can be joined together along a defect line. We study such defects for the case where the conformal field theories on either side are single free bosons compactified on a circle. We concentrate on topological defects for which the left- and right-moving Virasoro algebras are separately preserved, but not necessarily any additional symmetries. For the case where both radii are rational multiples of the self-dual radius we classify these topological defects. We also show that the isomorphism between two T-dual free boson conformal field theories can be described by the action of a topological defect, and hence that T-duality can be understood as a special type of order-disorder duality.Comment: 43 pages, 4 figure

    From boundary to bulk in logarithmic CFT

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    The analogue of the charge-conjugation modular invariant for rational logarithmic conformal field theories is constructed. This is done by reconstructing the bulk spectrum from a simple boundary condition (the analogue of the Cardy `identity brane'). We apply the general method to the c_1,p triplet models and reproduce the previously known bulk theory for p=2 at c=-2. For general p we verify that the resulting partition functions are modular invariant. We also construct the complete set of 2p boundary states, and confirm that the identity brane from which we started indeed exists. As a by-product we obtain a logarithmic version of the Verlinde formula for the c_1,p triplet models.Comment: 35 pages, 2 figures; v2: minor corrections, version to appear in J.Phys.

    TFT construction of RCFT correlators. V: Proof of modular invariance and factorisation

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    The correlators of two-dimensional rational conformal field theories that are obtained in the TFT construction of [FRSI,FRSII,FRSIV] are shown to be invariant under the action of the relative modular group and to obey bulk and boundary factorisation constraints. We present results both for conformal field theories defined on oriented surfaces and for theories defined on unoriented surfaces. In the latter case, in particular the so-called cross cap constraint is included

    Toward logarithmic extensions of s^(2)k\widehat{s\ell}(2)_k conformal field models

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