569 research outputs found

    Ion acceleration from laser-driven electrostatic shocks

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    Multi-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations are used to study the generation of electrostatic shocks in plasma and the reflection of background ions to produce high-quality and high-energy ion beams. Electrostatic shocks are driven by the interaction of two plasmas with different density and/or relative drift velocity. The energy and number of ions reflected by the shock increase with increasing density ratio and relative drift velocity between the two interacting plasmas. It is shown that the interaction of intense lasers with tailored near-critical density plasmas allows for the efficient heating of the plasma electrons and steepening of the plasma profile at the critical density interface, leading to the generation of high-velocity shock structures and high-energy ion beams. Our results indicate that high-quality 200 MeV shock-accelerated ion beams required for medical applications may be obtained with current laser systems.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Physics of Plasma

    Elimination of the numerical Cerenkov instability for spectral EM-PIC codes

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    When using an electromagnetic particle-in-cell (EM-PIC) code to simulate a relativistically drifting plasma, a violent numerical instability known as the numerical Cerenkov instability (NCI) occurs. The NCI is due to the unphysical coupling of electromagnetic waves on a grid to wave-particle resonances, including aliased resonances, i.e., ω+2πμ/Δt=(k1+2πν1/Δx1)v0\omega + 2\pi\mu/\Delta t=(k_1+ 2\pi\nu_1/\Delta x_1)v_0, where μ\mu and ν1\nu_1 refer to the time and space aliases and the plasma is drifting relativistically at velocity v0v_0 in the 1^\hat{1}-direction. Recent studies have shown that an EM-PIC code which uses a spectral field solver and a low pass filter can eliminate the fastest growing modes of the NCI. Based on these studies a new spectral PIC code for studying laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA) in the Lorentz boosted frame was developed. However, we show that for parameters of relevance for LWFA simulations in the boosted frame, a relativistically drifting plasma is susceptible to a host of additional unstable modes with lower growth rates, and that these modes appear when the fastest growing unstable modes are filtered out. We show that these modes are most easily identified as the coupling between modes which are purely transverse (EM) and purely longitudinal (Langmuir) in the rest frame of the plasma for specific time and space aliases. We rewrite the dispersion relation of the drifting plasma for a general field solver and obtain analytic expressions for the location and growth rate for each unstable mode, i.e, for each time and space aliased resonances. We show for the spectral solver that when the fastest growing mode is eliminated a new mode at the fundamental resonance (μ=ν1=0\mu=\nu_1=0) can be seen. (Please check the whole abstract in the paper).Comment: 36 pages, 12 figure

    Laser-driven shock acceleration of monoenergetic ion beams

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    We show that monoenergetic ion beams can be accelerated by moderate Mach number collisionless, electrostatic shocks propagating in a long scale-length exponentially decaying plasma profile. Strong plasma heating and density steepening produced by an intense laser pulse near the critical density can launch such shocks that propagate in the extended plasma at high velocities. The generation of a monoenergetic ion beam is possible due to the small and constant sheath electric field associated with the slowly decreasing density profile. The conditions for the acceleration of high-quality, energetic ion beams are identified through theory and multidimensional particle-in-cell simulations. The scaling of the ion energy with laser intensity shows that it is possible to generate 200\sim 200 MeV proton beams with state-of-the-art 100 TW class laser systems.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Mitigation of numerical Cerenkov radiation and instability using a hybrid finite difference-FFT Maxwell solver and a local charge conserving current deposit

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    A hybrid Maxwell solver for fully relativistic and electromagnetic (EM) particle-in-cell (PIC) codes is described. In this solver, the EM fields are solved in kk space by performing an FFT in one direction, while using finite difference operators in the other direction(s). This solver eliminates the numerical Cerenkov radiation for particles moving in the preferred direction. Moreover, the numerical Cerenkov instability (NCI) induced by the relativistically drifting plasma and beam can be eliminated using this hybrid solver by applying strategies that are similar to those recently developed for pure FFT solvers. A current correction is applied for the charge conserving current deposit to correctly account for the EM calculation in hybrid Yee-FFT solver. A theoretical analysis of the dispersion properties in vacuum and in a drifting plasma for the hybrid solver is presented, and compared with PIC simulations with good agreement obtained. This hybrid solver is applied to both 2D and 3D Cartesian and quasi-3D (in which the fields and current are decomposed into azimuthal harmonics) geometries. Illustrative results for laser wakefield accelerator simulation in a Lorentz boosted frame using the hybrid solver in the 2D Cartesian geometry are presented, and compared against results from 2D UPIC-EMMA simulation which uses a pure spectral Maxwell solver, and from OSIRIS 2D lab frame simulation using the standard Yee solver. Very good agreement is obtained which demonstrates the feasibility of using the hybrid solver for high fidelity simulation of relativistically drifting plasma with no evidence of the numerical Cerenkov instability

    Collisionless shock acceleration of narrow energy spread ion beams from mixed species plasmas using 1 μ\mum lasers

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    Collisionless shock acceleration of protons and C6+^{6+} ions has been achieved by the interaction of a 1020^{20} W/cm2^2, 1 μ\mum laser with a near-critical density plasma. Ablation of the initially solid density target by a secondary laser allowed for systematic control of the plasma profile. This enabled the production of beams with peaked spectra with energies of 10-18 MeV/a.m.u. and energy spreads of 10-20%\% with up to 3x109^9 particles within these narrow spectral features. The narrow energy spread and similar velocity of ion species with different charge-to-mass ratio are consistent with acceleration by the moving potential of a shock wave. Particle-in-cell simulations show shock accelerated beams of protons and C6+^{6+} ions with energy distributions consistent with the experiments. Simulations further indicate the plasma profile determines the trade-off between the beam charge and energy and that with additional target optimization narrow energy spread beams exceeding 100 MeV/a.m.u. can be produced using the same laser conditions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Accelerators and Beam

    One-to-one full scale simulations of laser wakefield acceleration using QuickPIC

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    We use the quasi-static particle-in-cell code QuickPIC to perform full-scale, one-to-one LWFA numerical experiments, with parameters that closely follow current experimental conditions. The propagation of state-of-the-art laser pulses in both preformed and uniform plasma channels is examined. We show that the presence of the channel is important whenever the laser self-modulations do not dominate the propagation. We examine the acceleration of an externally injected electron beam in the wake generated by 10 J laser pulses, showing that by using ten-centimeter-scale plasma channels it is possible to accelerate electrons to more than 4 GeV. A comparison between QuickPIC and 2D OSIRIS is provided. Good qualitative agreement between the two codes is found, but the 2D full PIC simulations fail to predict the correct laser and wakefield amplitudes.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication IEEE TPS, Special Issue - Laser & Plasma Accelerators - 8/200


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    Introdução e objetivos: A hanseníase é uma doença infectocontagiosa causada pelo Mycobacterium leprae. Nos nervos periféricos, o bacilo se aloja e provoca lesões que causam perda de sensibilidade térmica, dolorosa e tátil, podendo evoluir para incapacidades físicas permanentes3. O isolamento compulsório em Hospitais-Colônia foi a principal medida de controle da doença no passado1. O trabalho objetivou contextualizar a história social da hanseníase pelo viés de ex-pacientes que viveram na Colônia Santa Marta, correlacionando o isolamento social e questionar a responsabilidade do Estado perante aos ex-internos. Metodologia: Questionários com perguntas semiestruturadas, fotografias e diário de campo com observação participante. Resultados e discussões: A Colônia foi reestruturada em Hospital de Dermatologia Sanitária e as moradias em que alojam ex-pacientes da Colônia são organizadas na Vila Santa Marta. Dos ex-pacientes entrevistados, 80% apresentaram sequelas incapacitantes e 100% alegaram ter no preconceito sua principal dificuldade em viver a Hanseníase. Observou-se que o isolamento compulsório contribuiu para a consolidação do estigma da doença, que impediu a reinserção destes na sociedade mesmo após a cura da doença2. Verificou-se que as pessoas com sequelas incapacitantes têm necessidades especiais e encontram em estado de abandono, tanto pelo Estado como pela Santa Marta, sem assistência médico-hospitalar. Infelizmente as ações do Ministério da Saúde são apenas vinculadas a prevenção e tratamento da hanseníase e não contemplam os hospitais-colônia e as pessoas que viveram confinadas por décadas4. Conclusões: O isolamento foi uma medida de Estado e este deveria se responsabilizar pelo cuidado dos ex-internos, assim como estabelecer Políticas Públicas de enfretamento do preconceito. O trabalho é um compromisso com a dignidade das pessoas que são hoje idosas e se encontram em estado de abandono pelo poder público