36 research outputs found

    The importance of thiamine (vitamin B1) in plant health: From crop yield to biofortification

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    Ensuring that people have access to sufficient and nutritious food is necessary for a healthy life and the core tenet of food security. With the global population set to reach 9.8 billion by 2050, and the compounding effects of climate change, the planet is facing challenges that necessitate significant and rapid changes in agricultural practices. In the effort to provide food in terms of calories, the essential contribution of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) to nutrition is often overlooked. Here, we focus on the importance of thiamine (vitamin B1) in plant health and discuss its impact on human health. Vitamin B1is an essential dietary component, and deficiencies in this micronutrient underlie several diseases, notably nervous system disorders. The predominant source of dietary vitamin B1is plant-based foods. Moreover, vitamin B1is also vital for plants themselves, and its benefits in plant health have received less attention than in the human health sphere. In general, vitamin B1is well-characterized for its role as a coenzyme in metabolic pathways, particularly those involved in energy production and central metabolism, including carbon assimilation and respiration. Vitamin B1is also emerging as an important component of plant stress responses, and several noncoenzyme roles of this vitamin are being characterized. We summarize the importance of vitamin B1in plants from the perspective of food security, including its roles in plant disease resistance, stress tolerance, and crop yield, and review the potential benefits of biofortification of crops with increased vitamin B1content to improve human health

    Of clocks and coenzymes in plants: intimately connected cycles guiding central metabolism?

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    Plant fitness is a measure of the capacity of a plant to survive and reproduce in its particular environment. It is inherently dependent on plant health. Molecular timekeepers like the circadian clock enhance fitness due to their ability to coordinate biochemical and physiological processes with the environment on a daily basis. Central metabolism underlies these events and it is well established that diel metabolite adjustments are intimately and reciprocally associated with the genetically encoded clock. Thus, metabolic pathway activities are time-of-day regulated. Metabolite rhythms are driven by enzymes, a major proportion of which rely on organic coenzymes to facilitate catalysis. The B vitamin complex is the key provider of coenzymes in all organisms. Emerging evidence suggests that B vitamin levels themselves undergo daily oscillations in animals but has not been studied in any depth in plants. Moreover, it is rarely considered that daily rhythmicity in coenzyme levels may dictate enzyme activity levels and therefore metabolite levels. Here we put forward the proposal that B-vitamin-derived coenzyme rhythmicity is intertwined with metabolic and clock derived rhythmicity to achieve a tripartite homeostasis integrated into plant fitness

    Complex behavior: from cannibalism to suicide in the vitamin B1 biosynthesis world

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    Although thiamin was the first vitamin discovered over a century ago, it is only within the last decade that its metabolism has begun to be unraveled. Over the last few years, several structural and biochemical studies have provided insight into the unprecedented mechanisms of the proteins involved, revealing some remarkable biochemistry. Thiamin biosynthesis is particularly unusual in eukaryotes (fungi and plants) in that it cannibalizes essential cellular cofactors and relies on single turnover proteins, which succumb to enzymatic suicide. Here we provide an overview of recent structural studies that have advanced our understanding of this vital metabolite and question whether the single turnover proteins act to monitor the level of the essential elements used as substrates

    A substrate-induced change in the stereospecificity of the serine-hydroxymethyltransferase-catalysed exchange of the alpha-protons of amino acids: evidence for a second catalytic site

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    NMR has been used to study the catalysis of the hydrogen-deuterium exchange of the alpha-protons of amino acids by serine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC from Escherichia coli. 13C-NMR was used to follow the exchange of the alpha-protons of [2-13C]glycine. The enzyme-catalysed first-order exchange rate of the pro-2S proton of glycine was approximately 7000 times more efficient than that of the pro-2R proton of glycine at both pH 7.0 and 7.8. 1H-NMR was used to follow the hydrogen-deuterium exchange rates of the alpha-protons of L- and D-2-amino derivatives of butyric, pentanoic and hexanoic acids at pH 7.8. Increasing the size of the R-group leads to a progressive change in the stereospecificity of the exchange reaction from the pro-2S proton of glycine to the 2R proton of L-amino acids. The stereospecificity for the alpha-protons of L-amino acids increased as the size of the R-group increased. With glycine, removal of tetrahydrofolate led to a large decrease in the stereospecificity of the exchange reaction but did not affect the exchange rates of the alpha-protons of any of the larger amino acids studied. We show that the Schiff base formed between L-2-aminohexanoic acid (L-norleucine) and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate binds at a different site from the Schiff base between glycine and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. The molecular basis of these results is discussed

    The effect of histidine-228 on the catalytic efficiency and stereospecificity of the serine hydroxymethyltransferase catalysed exchange of the alpha-protons of amino acids

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    13C-NMR has been used to determine how replacing the histidine-228 residue of serine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC by an asparagine residue effects the catalysis of the hydrogen-deuterium exchange of the alpha-protons of [2-13C]glycine at pH 7.8. The H228N mutation did not lead to a large change in the stereospecificity of the first order exchange rates of the alpha-protons of glycine both in the presence and in the absence of tetrahydrofolate. However, the mutation did lead to large decreases in the stereospecificity of the second order exchange rate in both the presence and the absence of tetrahydrofolate. In the absence of tetrahydrofolate this decrease in stereospecificity was largely due to the decrease in the second order exchange rate of the pro-2S proton, while in the presence of tetrahydrofolate the large increase in the second order exchange rate of the pro-2R proton of glycine made a major contribution. We conclude that the H228N mutation has significant effects on the catalytic efficiency and stereospecificity of the second order exchange reactions, but only a small effect on the corresponding first order exchange reactions

    On the two components of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate synthase from Bacillus subtilis

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    Vitamin B6 is an essential nutrient in the human diet. It can act as a co-enzyme for numerous metabolic enzymes and has recently been shown to be a potent antioxidant. Plants and microorganisms have the ability to make the compound. Yet, studies of vitamin B6 biosynthesis have been mainly restricted to Escherichia coli, where the vitamin is synthesized from 1-deoxy-d -xylulose 5-phosphate and 4-phosphohydroxy-l-threonine. Recently, a novel pathway for its synthesis has been discovered, involving two genes (PDX1 and PDX2) neither of which is homologous to any of those participating in the E. coli pathway. In Bacillus subtilis, YaaD and YaaE represent the PDX1 and PDX2 homolog, respectively. The two proteins form a complex that functions as a glutamine amidotransferase, with YaaE as the glutaminase domain and YaaD as the acceptor and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) synthesis domain. In this report we corroborate a recent report on the identification of the substrates of YaaD and provide unequivocal proof of the identity of the reaction product. We show that both the glutaminase and synthase reactions are dependent on the respective protein partner. The synthase reaction can also utilize an external ammonium source but, in contrast to other glutamine amidotransferases, is dependent on YaaE under certain conditions. Furthermore, we report on the detailed characterization of the inhibition of the glutaminase domain, and thus PLP synthesis, by the glutamine analog acivicin. Employing pull-out assays and native-PAGE, we provide evidence for the dissociation of the bi-enzyme complex under these conditions. The results are discussed in light of the nature of the interaction of the two components of the enzyme complex

    Natures balancing act: examining biosynthesis de novo, recycling and processing damaged vitamin B metabolites

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    Plants use B vitamin compounds as cofactors for metabolism. Biosynthesis de novo of these metabolites in plants is almost fully elucidated. However, salvaging of precursors as well as cofactor derivatives is only being unraveled. Furthermore, processing of these compounds when damaged by cellular activities to prevent deleterious effects on metabolism is emerging. Recent investigations indicate that the role of B vitamins goes beyond metabolism and are being linked with epigenetic traits, specific developmental cues, the circadian clock, as well as abiotic and biotic stress responses. More in depth investigations on the regulation of the provision of these compounds through biosynthesis de novo, salvage and transport is suggesting that plants may share the cost of this load by division of labor

    Examining strategies to facilitate vitamin B1 biofortification of plants by genetic engineering

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    Thiamin (vitamin B1) is made by plants and microorganisms but is an essential micronutrient in the human diet. All organisms require it as a cofactor in its form as thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP) for the activity of key enzymes of central metabolism. In humans, deficiency is widespread particularly in populations where polished rice is a major component of the diet. Considerable progress has been made on the elucidation of the biosynthesis pathway within the last few years enabling concrete strategies for biofortification purposes to be devised, with a particular focus here on genetic engineering. Furthermore, the vitamin has been shown to play a role in both abiotic and biotic stress responses. The precursors for de novo biosynthesis of thiamin differ between microorganisms and plants. Bacteria use intermediates derived from purine and isoprenoid biosynthesis, whereas the pathway in yeast involves the use of compounds from the vitamin B3 and B6 groups. Plants on the other hand use a combination of the bacterial and yeast pathways and there is subcellular partitioning of the biosynthesis steps. Specifically, thiamin biosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast of plants through the separate formation of the pyrimidine and thiazole moieties, which are then coupled to form thiamin monophosphate (TMP). Phosphorylation of thiamin to form TPP occurs in the cytosol. Therefore, thiamin (or TMP) must be exported from the chloroplast to the cytosol for the latter step to be executed. The regulation of biosynthesis is mediated through riboswitches, where binding of the product TPP to the pre-mRNA of a biosynthetic gene modulates expression. Here we examine and hypothesize on genetic engineering approaches attempting to increase the thiamin content employing knowledge gained with the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. We will discuss the regulatory steps that need to be taken into consideration and can be used a prerequisite for devising such strategies in crop plants

    Characterization of YqjM, an Old Yellow Enzyme homolog from Bacillus subtilis involved in the oxidative stress response

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    In this paper, we demonstrate that a protein from Bacillus subtilis (YqjM) shares many characteristic biochemical properties with the homologous yeast Old Yellow Enzyme (OYE); the enzyme binds FMN tightly but noncovalently, preferentially uses NADPH as a source of reducing equivalents, and forms charge transfer complexes with phenolic compounds such as p-hydroxybenzaldehyde. Like yeast OYE and other members of the family, YqjM catalyzes the reduction of the double bond of an array of alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehydes and ketones including nitroester and nitroaromatic compounds. Although yeast OYE was the first member of this family to be discovered in 1933 and was the first flavoenzyme ever to be isolated, the physiological role of the family still remains obscure. The finding that alpha,beta-unsaturated compounds are substrates provoked speculation that the OYE family might be involved in reductive degradation of xenobiotics or lipid peroxidation products. Here, for the first time, we demonstrate on the protein level that whereas YqjM shows a basal level of expression in B. subtilis, the addition of the toxic xenobiotic, trinitrotoluene, leads to a rapid induction of the protein in vivo denoting a role in detoxification. Moreover, we show that YqjM is rapidly induced in response to oxidative stress as exerted by hydrogen peroxide, demonstrating a potential physiological role for this enigmatic class of proteins

    The Pseudoenzyme PDX1.2 Sustains Vitamin B<sub>6</sub> Biosynthesis as a Function of Heat Stress

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    Plants sense temperature changes and respond by altering growth and metabolic activity to acclimate to the altered environmental conditions. The B vitamins give rise to vital coenzymes that are indispensable for growth and development but their inherent reactive nature renders them prone to destruction especially under stress conditions. Therefore, plant survival strategies would be expected to include mechanisms to sustain B vitamin supply under demanding circumstances. Here, using the example of vitamin B6, we investigate the regulation of biosynthesis across eudicot and monocot species under heat stress. Most eudicots carry a pseudoenzyme PDX1.2 that is a noncatalytic homolog of the PDX1 subunit of the vitamin B6biosynthesis protein machinery, PYRIDOXINE BIOSYNTHESIS PROTEIN1. Using Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) as models, we show thatPDX12is transcriptionally regulated by the HSFA1 transcription factor family. Monocots only carry catalyticPDX1homologs that do not respond to heat stress as demonstrated for rice (Oryza sativa) and maize (Zea mays), suggesting fundamental differences in the regulation of vitamin B6biosynthesis across the two lineages. Investigation of the molecular mechanism ofPDX12transcription reveals two alternative transcriptional start sites, one of which is exclusive to heat stress. Further data suggest that PDX1.2 leads to stabilization of the catalytic PDX1s under heat stress conditions, which would serve to maintain vitamin B6homeostasis in times of need in eudicots that carry this gene. Our analyses indicate an important abiotic stress tolerance strategy in several eudicots, which has not been evolutionarily adapted (or is not required) by monocots such as grasses