1,254 research outputs found

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    Nanosecond time transfer via shuttle laser ranging experiment

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    A method is described to use a proposed shuttle laser ranging experiment to transfer time with nanosecond precision. All that need be added to the original experiment are low cost ground stations and an atomic clock on the shuttle. It is shown that global time transfer can be accomplished with 1 ns precision and transfer up to distances of 2000 km can be accomplished with better than 100 ps precision

    Performance of stroke risk scores in older people with atrial fibrillation not taking warfarin: comparative cohort study from BAFTA trial

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    Objective To compare the predictive power of the main existing and recently proposed schemes for stratification of risk of stroke in older patients with atrial fibrillation

    On the effects of powder morphology on the post-comminution ballistic strength of ceramics

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    In this paper in order to try and elucidate the effects of particle morphology on ballistic response of comminuted systems, a series of experiments were carried out via the use of powder compacts with differing initial particle morphologies. This approach provided a route to readily manufacture comminuted armour analogues with significantly different microstructural compositions. In this study pre-formed `fragmented-ceramic' analogues were cold-pressed using plasma-spray alumina powders with two differing initial morphologies (angular and spherical). These compacts were then impacted using 7.62-mm FFV AP (Förenade Fabriksverken Armour Piercing) rounds with the subsequent depth-of-penetration of the impacting projectile into backing Al 6082 blocks used to provide a measure of pressed ceramic ballistic response. When material areal density was accounted for via differing ballistic efficiency calculations a strong indication of particle morphology influence on post-impact ceramic properties was apparent. These results were reinforced by a separate small series of plate-impact experiments, whose results indicated that powder morphology had a strong influence on the nature of compact collapse

    On the shock behaviour and response of Ovis Aries vertebrae

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    When investigating a biological system during shock loading, it is best practice to isolate different components to fully comprehend each individual part [1,2] before building up the system as a whole. Due to the high acoustic impedance of bone in comparison to other biological tissues [3] the majority of the shock will be transmitted into this medium, and as such can cause large amounts of damage to other parts of the body potentially away from the impact area

    Investigation of the high-strain rate (shock and ballistic) response of the elastomeric tissue simulant Perma-Gel®

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    For both ethical and practical reasons accurate tissue simulant materials are essential for ballistic testing applications. A wide variety of different materials have been previously adopted for such roles, ranging from gelatin to ballistics soap. However, while often well characterised quasi-statically, there is typically a paucity of information on the high strain-rate response of such materials in the literature. Here, building on previous studies by the authors on other tissue analogues, equation-of-state data for the elastomeric epithelial/muscular simulant material Perma-Gel® is presented, along with results from a series of ballistic tests designed to illustrate its impact-related behaviour. Comparison of both hydrodynamic and ballistic behaviour to that of comparable epithelial tissues/analogues (Sylgard® and porcine muscle tissue) has provided an insight into the applicability of both Perma-Gel® and, more generally, monolithic simulants for ballistic testing purposes. Of particular note was an apparent link between the high strain-rate compressibility (evidenced in the Hugoniot relationship in the Us-up plane) and subsequent ballistic response of these materials. Overall, work conducted in this study highlighted the importance of fully characterising tissue analogues – with particular emphasis on the requirement to understand the behaviour of such analogues under impact as part of a system as well as individually

    Protocol for a systematic review of the diagnostic and prognostic utility of tests currently available for the detection of aspirin resistance in patients with established cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease

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    BACKGROUND: The benefits of aspirin as an anti-platelet agent are well established; however, there has been much debate about the lack of uniformity in the efficacy of aspirin to inhibit platelet function. In some patients, aspirin fails to inhibit platelets even where compliance has been verified, a phenomenon which has been termed “aspirin resistance”. These patients may in turn be at a higher risk of future vascular events. The proportion of “resistant” patients identified depends on the type of platelet function test. Therefore, the aim of this systematic review is to determine which, if any, platelet function test has utility in terms of identifying patients with a high risk of vascular events. The review has been registered with PROSPERO (CRD42012002151). METHODS: Relevant studies will be sought from bibliographic databases. Trials registers will be searched for ongoing studies. Reference lists will be checked and subject experts contacted. There will be no date or language restrictions. Standard reviewing methodology to minimise bias will be employed. Any prospective studies in patients on aspirin therapy and assessing platelet function in relation to relevant clinical outcomes will be included, as will studies reporting prognostic models. Risk of bias assessment will be based on the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies guidelines, and suitable criteria for assessing quality of prognostic studies. Data on test accuracy measures, relative risks, odds or hazard ratios will be extracted and meta-analysed, where possible, using a random-effects model to account for between-study heterogeneity. Where appropriate, the causes of heterogeneity will be explored through meta-regression and sub-group or sensitivity analyses. If platelet function testing is demonstrated to have diagnostic/predictive utility in a specific population, the potential for a cost-effectiveness analysis will be considered and, if possible, an economic model constructed. This will be supported by a systematic review of existing economic evaluation studies. DISCUSSION: The results of the review could indicate if platelet function test(s) could lead to a reliable prediction of the risk of clinically important events in a defined population, and thus support investigations into adjustments to therapy in order to compensate for a predicted poor response to standard aspirin

    An international longitudinal registry of patients with atrial fibrillation at risk of stroke (GARFIELD) : the UK protocol

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    Background Atrial fibrillation (AF) is an independent risk factor for stroke and a significant predictor of mortality. Evidence-based guidelines for stroke prevention in AF recommend antithrombotic therapy corresponding to the risk of stroke. In practice, many patients with AF do not receive the appropriate antithrombotic therapy and are left either unprotected or inadequately protected against stroke. The purpose of the Global Anticoagulant Registry in the FIELD (GARFIELD) is to determine the real-life management and outcomes of patients newly diagnosed with non-valvular AF. Methods/design GARFIELD is an observational, international registry of newly diagnosed AF patients with at least one additional investigator-defined risk factor for stroke. The aim is to enrol 55,000 patients at more than 1000 centres in 50 countries worldwide. Enrolment will take place in five independent, sequential, prospective cohorts; the first cohort includes a retrospective validation cohort. Each cohort will be followed up for 2 years. The UK stands to be a significant contributor to GARFIELD, aiming to enrol 4,582 patients, and reflecting the care environment in which patients with AF are managed. The UK protocol will also focus on better understanding the validity of the two main stroke risk scores (CHADS2 and CHA2DS2VASC) and the HAS-BLED bleeding risk score, in the context of a diverse patient population. Discussion The GARFIELD registry will describe how therapeutic strategies, patient care, and clinical outcomes evolve over time. This study will provide UK-specific comprehensive data that will allow a range of evaluations both at a national level and in relation to global data and contribute to a better understanding of AF management in the UK

    Interpretation and the Constraints on International Courts

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    This paper argues that methodologies of interpretation do not do what they promise – they do not constrain interpretation by providing neutral steps that one can follow in finding out a meaning of a text – but nevertheless do their constraining work by being part of what can be described as the legal practice

    Brewing of filter coffee

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    We report progress on mathematical modelling of coffee grounds in a drip filter coffee machine. The report focuses on the evolution of the shape of the bed of coffee grounds during extraction with some work also carried out on the chemistry of extraction. This work was sponsored by Philips who are interested in understanding an observed correlation between the final shape of the coffee grounds and the quality of the coffee. We used experimental data gathered by Philips and ourselves to identify regimes in the coffee brewing process and relevant regions of parameter space. Our work makes it clear that a number of separate processes define the shape of the coffee bed depending on the values of the parameters involved e.g. the size of the grains and the speed of fluid flow during extraction. We began work on constructing mathematical models of the redistribution of the coffee grounds specialised to each region and on a model of extraction. A variety of analytic and numerical tools were used. Furthermore our research has progressed far enough to allow us to begin to exploit connections between this problem and other areas of science, in particular the areas of sedimentology and geomorphology, where the processes we have observed in coffee brewing have been studied
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