1,798 research outputs found

    The Playstation Mod Chip: A Technological Guarantee of the Digital Consumer's Liberty or Copyright Menace/Circumvention Device?

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    This article overviews the way in which anti-circumvention laws recently enacted in countries such as the United States, the European Union and Australia have been utilised to reinforce digital rights management. In particular, this artcile looks at the Australian case that has been replicated around the world concerning the modification of the Sony PlayStation console in order to circumvent regional access coding (RAC) on Sony PlayStation games. RAC makes it difficult to use local platforms to play burnt or copied games and games from other geographical regions. The article examines the litigation concerning this issue which is currently before the the highest court in the Australian legal jurisdiction - the High Court of Australia

    Search engine liability for copyright infringement

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    The chapter provides a broad overview to the topic of search engine liability for copyright infringement. In doing so, the chapter examines some of the key copyright law principles and their application to search engines. The chapter also provides an import discussion of some of the most important cases to be decided within the courts of the United States, Australia, China and Europe regarding the liability of search engines for copyright infringement. Finally, the chapter will conclude with some thoughts for reform, including how copyright law can be amended in order to accommodate and realise the great informative power which search engines have to offer society

    Ultra Vires as an Unjust Factor in the Law of Unjust Enrichment

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    This article examines the application of unjust enrichment and restitution law to ultra vires government acts. It posits a general theory about how courts should deal with the effect of unconstitutionality

    Unjust enrichment as a principle of Australian constitutionalism

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    This article examines the central role of unjust enrichment in Australian constitutionalism. The Australian Constitution, amongst other things, divides the legislative powers of the Australian federal system between the Commonwealth (central) and State (regional) governments. Section 51 Constitution provides that the Commonwealth Parliament shall have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to an enumerated list of powers. One of the enumerated legislative powers of the Commonwealth is the power to make laws with respect to the "acquisition of property on just terms from any State or person ...". The provision operates firstly to give the Commonwealth power to acquire property and secondly as an individual right or guarantee of just terms; that is as a constitutional protection of the right to private property..

    Third-party copyright and public information infrastructure/registries: How much copyright tax must the public pay?

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    In a case currently before the High Court of Australia (Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) v NSW ) the fundamental question at issue is whether the owner (in this case surveyors) of copyright material (in this case land survey plans) that is submitted as part of a public register (in this case the land titles registry) with all the benefits that entails, should nonetheless have the right to charge the government and end users every time they reproduce or communicate that material to the public. This book chapter examines the merits of this claim

    The Legality of Free and Open Source Software Licences: The Case of Jacobsen v. Katzer

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    In August 2008 one of, if not the most, influential Intellectual Property courts in the USA known as the Court of Appeals for Federal Circuit upheld the validity of a free and open source software licence known as the Artistic Licence. The case is significant because up until this point there has been little judicial discussion of the legal operation of this new type of copyright licensing that is sweeping across the world fuelled by the ubiquity of the Internet. The decision in Robert Jacobsen v. Matthew Katzer and Kamind Associates, Inc. 2008 U.S. App. LEXIS 17161 (Fed. Cir. 2008) issued on 13 August 2008 provides a unique and welcomed insight into the legal operation of free and open source software licences and by analogy Creative Commons styled open content licences. This article analyses the judgment and provides commentary on its reasoning


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    The conference and research project that produced this book have operated throughout 2006, 2007 and 2008 in a rapidly changing knowledge landscape. One of the most significant changes is that e- Research has moved from being a specialist activity or technique to one that now promises to be adopted as a methodology for almost all research


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    Dissertação de mestrado em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde (Psicologia Forense), apresentada à Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de CoimbraA relação estabelecida entre o cérebro e o comportamento é conhecida e constituí a base do funcionamento humano. No entanto, em algumas circunstâncias, as capacidades funcionais dos sujeitos ficam alteradas por inúmeras razões, especialmente pela vitimização de um Traumatismo Crânio-Encefálico (TCE). As vítimas de TCE, apresentam frequentemente um prejuízo significativo nas aptidões cognitivas, no funcionamento emocional e no comportamento, que interfere na sua vida quotidiana. A Escala de Inteligência de Wechsler para Adultos-Terceira Edição (WAIS-III; Wechsler, 1997; 2008), é o instrumento mais extensivamente utilizado no acesso aos défices neurocognitivos associados às lesões traumáticas. Com o objetivo de analisar a validade e utilidade desta Escala e dos seus indicadores (QI’s, Índices Fatoriais e Subtestes) na caraterização do funcionamento cognitivo de sujeitos vítimas de TCE, procedeu-se à análise e comparação dos desempenhos de 44 sujeitos, examinados em contexto médico-legal e subdivididos em dois grupos distintos quanto ao grau de severidade da lesão: TCE Moderado (n=25) e TCE Severo (n=19). Foi utilizado ainda um instrumento de rastreio cognitivo, o Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA; Nasreddine e col. 2005; Simões et al., 2008), e a validade dos resultados foi igualmente analisada considerando as pontuações no Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM; Tombaugh, 1996; Mota et al., 2008), um instrumento orientado para a deteção de simulação ou exagero de défices mnésicos ou uma postura de esforço reduzido. Os resultados revelaram que os indivíduos do subgrupo TCE severo apresentam valores médios significativamente inferiores nos indicadores, QI Verbal, QI Escala Completa, Vocabulário, Semelhanças e Cubos da WAISIII, e no domínio Orientação do MoCA. Não foram evidenciadas diferenças significativas nos desempenhos de ambos os subgrupos relativamente aos Índices Fatoriais. Através de análises de correlação, foi verificada a existência de associações o MoCA e alguns dos indicadores da WAIS-III. Estes resultados parecem apoiar a utilização conjunta destes instrumentos como método pormenorizado de avaliação em contexto de TCE. Adicionalmente, foi proposta uma versão reduzida da WAIS-III ao acesso clínico dos prejuízos consequentes das lesões traumáticas. Constituída por sete subtestes, os resultados obtidos por meio de análises exploratórias, parecem apoiar a sua utilidade e sensibilidade na diferenciação dos desempenhos dos subgrupos, facilitando desta forma, o acesso (neuro)psicológico a estas populações.The relationship established between the brain and behaviour is known and constitutes the basis of human functioning. However, in some circumstances, the functional capabilities of the subjects are changed for a number of reasons, particularly the victimization of a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). The victims of TBI, often presents a significant loss in cognitive skills, emotional functioning and behaviour, wich interfers in their normal lives. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale –Third Edition (WAIS-III; Wechsler, 1997; 2008), is the most extensively used instrument in the access to neurocognitive deficits associated with traumatic injuries. With the purpose of analyze the validiy and utility of this scale and its indicators (IQ’S, Factor Indexes and Subtests), in the characterization of the cognitive functioning in victims of TBI, it was proceeded a comparative analysis of the performances of 44 subjects, examined in medico-legal context and subdivided into two distinct groups as to the degree of severity of the lesion: Moderate TBI (n=25) and Severe TBI (n=19). It was used a cognitive screening instrument, the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA; Nasreddine et al., 2005, Simões et al., 2008), and the validity of the results was also analyzed considering the scores on Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM; Tombaugh, 1996; Mota et al., 2008), one instrument for the detection of simulation or exaggeration of memory deficits, or a posture of reduced effort. The results revealed that subjects of severe TBI group had significantly lower mean scores on the indicators, VIQ, FSIQ, Vocabulary, Similarities and Block Design of WAIS-III, and in Orientation of MoCA. There haven’t been significant differences in performances of both subgroups on the Fatorial Indexes. Trough correlation analysis, it was verified the existence of associations between MoCA and some of the indicators of the WAIS-III. These results appear to support the joint use of these instruments as a detailed method of evaluation in the context of TBI. Additionally, it was proposed a short form of the WAIS-III to clinical access for losses resulting from traumatic injuries. Constituted for seven subtests, the results obtained by exploratory analysis, appear to support its usefulness and sensitivity in the differentiation of the performance of subgroups, allowing in this way, the (neuro)psychological access to these population