740 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic Limit for the Ising Model on the Cayley Tree

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    While the Ising model on the Cayley tree has no spontaneous magnetization at nonzero temperatures in the thermodynamic limit, we show that finite systems of astronomical sizes remain magnetically ordered in a wide temperature range, if the symmetry is broken by fixing an arbitrary single (bulk or surface) spin. We compare the behavior of the finite size magnetization of this model with that of the Ising model on both the Sierpinski Gasket, and the one-dimensional linear chain. This comparison reveals the analogy of the behavior of the present model with the Sierpinski Gasket case.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Chiral spin currents and spectroscopically accessible single merons in quantum dots

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    We provide unambiguous theoretical evidence for the formation of correlation-induced isolated merons in rotationally-symmetric quantum dots. Our calculations rely on neither the lowest-Landau-level approximation, nor on the maximum-density-droplet approximation, nor on the existence of a spin-polarized state. For experimentally accessible system parameters, unbound merons condense in the ground state at magnetic fields as low as B=0.2B^* = 0.2 T and for as few as N = 3 confined fermions. The four-fold degenerate ground-state at BB^* corresponds to four orthogonal merons QC\ket{QC} characterized by their topological chirality CC and charge QQ. This degeneracy is lifted by the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction, which we include perturbatively, yielding spectroscopic accessibility to individual merons. We further derive a closed-form expression for the topological chirality in the form of a chiral spin current and use it to both characterize our states and predict the existence of other topological textures in other regions of phase space, for example, at N=5. Finally, we compare the spin textures of our numerically exact meron states to ansatz wave-functions of merons in quantum Hall droplets and find that the ansatz qualitatively describes the meron states.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; minor title change, typos fixe

    Anomalous Behavior of the Zero Field Susceptibility of the Ising Model on the Cayley Tree

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    It is found that the zero field susceptibility chi of the Ising model on the Cayley tree exhibits unusually weak divergence at the critical point Tc. The susceptibility amplitude is found to diverge at Tc proportionally to the tree generation level n, while the behavior of chi is otherwise analytic in the vicinity of Tc, with the critical exponent gamma=0.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Critical behavior of 2 and 3 dimensional ferro- and antiferromagnetic spin ice systems in the framework of the Effective Field Renormalization Group technique

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    In this work we generalize and subsequently apply the Effective Field Renormalization Group technique to the problem of ferro- and antiferromagnetically coupled Ising spins with local anisotropy axes in geometrically frustrated geometries (kagome and pyrochlore lattices). In this framework, we calculate the various ground states of these systems and the corresponding critical points. Excellent agreement is found with exact and Monte Carlo results. The effects of frustration are discussed. As pointed out by other authors, it turns out that the spin ice model can be exactly mapped to the standard Ising model but with effective interactions of the opposite sign to those in the original Hamiltonian. Therefore, the ferromagnetic spin ice is frustrated, and does not order. Antiferromagnetic spin ice (in both 2 and 3 dimensions), is found to undergo a transition to a long range ordered state. The thermal and magnetic critical exponents for this transition are calculated. It is found that the thermal exponent is that of the Ising universality class, whereas the magnetic critical exponent is different, as expected from the fact that the Zeeman term has a different symmetry in these systems. In addition, the recently introduced Generalized Constant Coupling method is also applied to the calculation of the critical points and ground state configurations. Again, a very good agreement is found with both exact, Monte Carlo, and renormalization group calculations for the critical points. Incidentally, we show that the generalized constant coupling approach can be regarded as the lowest order limit of the EFRG technique, in which correlations outside a frustrated unit are neglected, and scaling is substituted by strict equality of the thermodynamic quantities.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures, RevTeX 4 Some minor changes in the conclussions. One reference adde

    Evidence for the Sr2RuO4 intercalations in the Sr3Ru2O7 region of the Sr3Ru2O7-Sr2RuO4 eutectic system

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    Although Sr3Ru2O7 has not been reported to exhibit superconductivity so far, ac susceptibility measurements revealed multiple superconducting transitions occurring in the Sr3Ru2O7 region cut from Sr3Ru2O7-Sr2RuO4 eutectic crystals. Based on various experimental results, some of us proposed the scenario in which Sr2RuO4 thin slabs with a few layers of the RuO2 plane are embedded in the Sr3Ru2O7 region as stacking faults and multiple superconducting transitions arise from the distribution of the slab thickness. To examine this scenario, we measured the resistivity along the ab plane (rho_ab) using a Sr3Ru2O7-region sample cut from the eutectic crystal, as well as along the c axis (rho_c) using the same crystal. As a result, we detected resistance drops associated with superconductivity only in rho_ab, but not in rho_c. These results support the Sr2RuO4 thin-slab scenario. In addition, we measured the resistivity of a single crystal of pure Sr3Ru2O7 with very high quality and found that pure Sr3Ru2O7 does not exhibit superconductivity down to 15 mK.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Int. Conf. on Low Temperature Physics (LT25

    Tunnelling spectroscopy of the interface between Sr2RuO4 and a single Ru micro-inclusion in eutectic crystals

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    The understanding of the zero bias conductance peak (ZBCP) in the tunnelling spectra of S/N junctions involving d-wave cuprate superconductors has been important in the determination of the phase structure of the superconducting order parameter. In this context, the involvement of a p-wave superconductor such as Sr2RuO4 in tunnelling studies is indeed of great importance. We have recently succeeded in fabricating devices that enable S/N junctions forming at interfaces between Sr2RuO4 and Ru micro-inclusions in eutectic crystals to be investigated.3 We have observed a ZBCP and have interpreted it as due to the Andreev bound state, commonly seen in unconventional superconductors. Also we have proposed that the onset of the ZBCP may be used to delineate the phase boundary for the onset of a time reversal symmetry broken (TRSB) state within the superconducting state, which does not always coincide with the onset of the superconducting state. However, these measurements always involved two interfaces between Sr2RuO4 and Ru. In the present study, we have extended the previous measurements to obtain a deeper insight into the properties of a single interface between Sr2RuO4 and Ru.Comment: To appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 75 No.12 issu