106 research outputs found

    Cara Kerja Politik Uang (Studi Kasus Pilkada Dan Pilkades Di Kabupaten Pati)

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    This study intends to explain the practices of money politics in local elections (Pilkada) and village head elections (Pilkades) in Pati regency using qualitative approach. Three people whose deep political knowledge and experience in both elections were purposively selected as informants. Data were collected by in depth interview and then qualitatively analyzed. The results showed that there were similarities of money politics in both Pilkada and Pilkades, including when the money was distributed and who were in charge as field operators, which were campaign staffs. A clientele relation was found inside the campaign staffs network. Money politics were abundant because of permissive voter

    Penerapan Layanan Informasi dengan Menggunakan Buku Panduan Pendidikan Seks untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Siswa terhadap Perilaku Seksual Menyimpang di Kelas VII B SMP Kartini Surabaya

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    Pada masa remaja pemahaman terhadap perilaku seksual remaja yang menyimpang seharusnya mulai diberikan agar remaja tidak mencari informasi dari sumber-sumber keliru. Tujuan penelitian yang dilakukan adalah untuk mengetahui adanya peningkatan pemahaman tentang perilaku seksual menyimpang melalui penerapan layanan informasi dengan menggunakan buku panduan pendidikan seks. Rancangan dalam penelitian ini adalah rancangan pre-eksperiment dengan model One Group Pre-Test and Post-Test Design dengan pemberian layanan informasi dengan menggunakan buku panduan pendidikan seks sebagai bentuk perlakuan. Analisis data menggunakan statistic parametric yaitu t-test. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket. Berdasarkan analisis data yang diperoleh menunjukkan ada perbedaan antara hasil pre-test dengan hasil post-test. Dan diperoleh nilai thitung sebesar 3, 666. Dengan taraf signifikan 5% dan db = 38 ttabel adalah 2,021. Dengan kata lain thitung = 3,666 lebih besar dari ttabel = 2,021 (3,666 > 2,021), dengan demikian Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis yang berbunyi “Penerapan layanan informasi dengan menggunakan buku panduan pendidikan seks dapat meningkatkan pemahaman terhadap perilaku seksual menyimpang di kelas VII B SMP Kartini Surabaya”, dapat diterima. Artinya terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan skor pemahaman terhadap perilaku seksual menyimpang antara sebelum dan sesudah diberikan layanan informasi dengan menggunakan buku panduan pendidikan seks.________________________________________________________________ In adolescence understanding of adolescent sexual behavior that deviates should start given that adolescents do not seek information from sources that are not clearly erroneous. The purpose of this research was to test the application of information services using the sex education packet can further enhance the understanding of the sexual deviation behavior student. The study design in this study is the design of experiments with model pre One Group Pre-Test and Post-Test Design with the provision of information services using the sex education packet information as a form of treatment. Data analysis used parametric statistical t-test. Data collection methods are questionnaires. Based on the data obtained it is showed no differences between the pre-test and post-test results. Count value of 3,666. With a significant level 5% and db = 38 t table is 2,021. In other words count = 3,666 is greater than t table = 2,021 (3,666 > 2,021). Ho was rejected and Ha accepted. It concluded that the hypothesis which says “The application of information services using the sex education packet were further enhance the understanding of sexual deviation behavior student class VII B SMP Kartini in Surabaya”, is acceptable. That is, there were significant differences in the understanding of sexual behavior deviate between before and after were given information by using a package of sex education

    Kemitraan Dalam Pengelolaan Objek Wisata Istano Basa Pagaruyung Dan Batu Angkek-angkek Kabupaten Tanah Datar Sumatera Barat

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    One way to succeed of regional autonomy is the development in tourism sector. But a trend happened at this point is unbalanced his roles and lack of cooperation between the government , private and public in developing tourism sector. Hence the study is done aims to understand how a partnership system in the management of tourism objects Istano Basa Pagaruyung and Batu Angkek-Angkek district Tanah Datar West Sumatra. This study using methods the qualitative study descriptive with documentation and interview as a technique of data collection. Target in this research are government , private , owner of tourist objects and people who participate in the management of tourism object Istano Basa Pagaruyung and Batu Angkek-Angkek district Tanah Datar West Sumatra. Partnership is a form of cooperation between two parties or more which aims to improve the ability of an organization in achieving the purpose. Based on the research done overall the problems faced by the Tanah Datar local government partnership related is the problems assets “Land belonging to customary” so as to hinder roads and interest private parties to invest and participate in the management of tourism object. Not only it, but also found the difference process partnership that occurs in the management of tourism object Istano Basa Pagaruyung and Batu Angkek-Angkek. A partnership system in the management of tourism objects Istano Basa Pagaruyung it can be said quite run maximally. Proved the existence of interwoven of cooperation amoung the government , private and the community even though the cooperation in the shape of a contract. Different with the partnerships in the management of tourism objects Batu Angkek-Angkek who is still not maximum

    Analisis Kinerja Keuangan PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk. Periode 2009-2011 (Perbandingan Rasio-rasio Keuangan dan Economic Value Added)

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    The performance of Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI) in 2011 increases its value continually for the stakeholders and contributes in national syariah banking development. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the financial performance in order to get the real description of the company. General financial analysis can be conducted by analyzing the financial ratio and Economic Value Added (EVA) approach. The result of the research shows that the best performance of BMI was in 2010 based on CAR and NPM values. According to ROA, ROE, and BOPO indicators, the best performance was in 2011. The EVA analysis shows that EVA value in the period of 2009-2011 was less than zero, which means that the best performance was not in the year. After getting the result of the financial ratio and EVA analysis, there is comparison between the interpretations of those financial performance results. The result of the comparison is significant. By using financial ratio approach, it shows that the bank has good remunerativeness. However, based on EVA analysis, the EVA value is less than zero, which means that BMI performance is not good. It can be concluded that the good performance based on financial ratio may become not good performance if we analyze it using EVA analysis

    The Electability of Women Candidates in the Election of Central Java DPRD in 2014

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    The study aims to analyze the factors supporting the electability of women candidates in Central Java DPRD election 2014. This type of research is descriptive. Techniques of data collection used the in-depth interviews with all women members of the Central Java DPRD election results 2014. Data processing techniques are data reduction, data display, concluding and verifying. The study found women candidate's electability factors because they master/control the political capital, social capital and economics capital. By political capital (party officials) so candidate nominated in small number candidacy and electoral district party base. Social capital (activists of social/professional organizations ) support the loyalty and solidity candidate team and candidate voice, and economics capital to support the political cost. Some of them have kinship with the party elite /social elite so openly their access to social and politics capital. An open list proportional electoral system makes it difficult increasing women representation if not followed party policy affirmations committed. In order to reach the 30% the representation of women in the legislature should be intervention laws forcing the party implementing gender justice policies candidacyPenelitian ini bermaksud menganalisa faktor-faktor pendukung keterpilihan caleg perempuan di DPRD Jawa Tengah dalam Pemilu 2014. Tipe penelitian ini deskriptif.Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam terhadap seluruh perempuan anggota DPRD Jawa Tengah hasil Pemilu 2014. Teknik pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini adalah reduksi data, display data, penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil Penelitian menemukan faktor-faktor keterpilihan caleg perempuan karena mereka menguasai modal politik (pengurus partai) sehingga dicalonkan dinomor urut kecil dan dapil basis partai, modal sosial (pengurus organisasi sosial/profesi) yang membantu kerja dan mendapat dukungan suara, dan modal ekonomi untuk biaya politik, dan kekerabatan dengan elit partai/sosial membuka akses untuk modal politik dan sosial. Sistem pemilu proprsional terbuka menyulitkan kebijakan afirmasi jika tidak diikuti komitmen partai. Untuk bisa mencapai keterwakilan 30% perempuan di lembaga perwakilan harus ada intervensi undang-undang yang memaksa partai melaksanakan kebijakan berkeadilan gender dalam pencalona

    Analisis Dampak Pemekaran Wilayah Terhadap Pendidikan Di Kecamatan Bulik Timur Kabupaten Lamandau Kalimantan Tengah

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    According to law no 32 of 2004 article 4 paragraph 3 , the formation of a territory can be done by the merger of two regions that bersandingan or may be done by means of the segregation of .Including kecamatan bulik the east who also is the result of a part of the kecamatan bulik .It is hoped that the region between will be able to close and improve the service for people , so can not use public services not only warg in the city center but to also to the residents of the outskirts .Especially is education , where education is one of the basic rights of which may be obtained citizen without discrimination .This research take focus on the impact of the region against the segregation of education in east sub-district bulik.So as to get a description for, writer using qualitative methodology type descriptive.In this research , seen that the segregation of after it has occurred have been built a lot of infrastructure education , among them are the addition of four units of new junior high school , three pieces of high school or the equivalent level , 3 units of primary school , and some a preschool education .Besides that also have been built land infrastructure that is easy to reach out to the school students whether it is with a motor , ride a bike , or on foot .Unfortunately , there has been no mass transportation that are amenable to access the school students .Efforts need to be done more serious by the district government lamandau to help children who have access difficult against the school, as for example transport menyediaakan school provision of transportation facilities mass and infrastructure improvement army.Besides, also need to be done the recruitment efforts of teachers continuously educator so that the quality of this region not lose compete with educator from other