26 research outputs found

    Analysis of Bull Sperm DNA Abnormalities Due to Cadmium Accumulation

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    Sperm abnormalities can occur by various causes. Abnormality of sperm is usually characterized by abnormal sperm motility and viability. This was caused by the inability of mitochondria on ATP-ase in producing ATP and ecto-enzyme Cik role in keeping the movement so that movement of sperm motility declines. Research that leads to total abnormal sperm DNA analysis is still rare. The purpose of this research was to get the results of the molecular characteristic picture of the overall characteristics of DNA loci that have abnormalities in bull sperm and get a picture of differences in overall DNA loci of abnormal and normal sperm. This research was conducted in October-December 2016. With the results of Group I consists of D, E with a percent similarity of 92.308%, group II consists of C and Group I with a percentage similarity of 50.125%, group II consists of A and B with a percent similarity of 100%, group II and group III with a percentage similarity of 0%. Based on the above data it can be concluded that the treatment A and B is not suspected to cause DNA damage compared to treatment C, D and E

    Pendampingan Komunitas Anak Usia Dini Untuk Mengenal Adab Sopan Santun Di Madrasah Diniyah TPQ Al Huda Krajan Desa Wagir Kidul Pulung

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    Adab has a very important position in the Islamic religion. Adab can mean attitude, politeness, civilized behavior, good character, improvement of morals, morals, ethics. Adab is something ingrained in humans. Humans who behave well are called civilized humans, while humans who behave badly are called uncivilized humans. In this modern era, many Indonesian people have been found whose behavior does not reflect good manners. Starting from children, teenagers, and even adults. In this community service, the researcher held an activity, namely mentoring the early childhood community to learn good manners at Madrasah Diniyah TPQ Al Huda Krajan, Wagir Kidul Pulung Village, Ponorogo, to produce a generation of young children with good morals. The method used is the ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) method, namely community service which starts from the assets or potential of the community. The result of this community service is that good morals and morals are instilled in children from an early age

    Pendampingan Guru Matematika dan Siswa SDN 05 Wagirkidul dan Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Berhitung Peserta Didik Melalui Metode Jarimatika

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    This research is motivated by the potential of Wagirkidul Village's existing human resources in the education sector, where it is known that Wagirkidul has many educational institutions which of course the implementation of learning must be considered in order to support the success of the vision and mission of the institution, including success in learning mathematics. Because of this, the author is interested in providing service assistance to mathematics teachers at SDN 05 Wagirkidul in learning mathematics through the Jarimatika method, where the purpose of this service is to: 1) provide basic knowledge about mathematical arithmetic operations with fingers. 2) produce good modules for educators which can then be used in teaching and learning in the classroom. The method used is the method of lectures, practice, question and answer, discussion and exercises using the prepared grammar modules. The results of the data show that the ability to count has increased after using the jarimatics method, this can be seen from the results of tests on students by teachers who take part in the assistance of the jarimatics method, which are in the medium category. The numeracy skills of students who learn using the jarimatics method are better than children who learn using the usual method. So it can be concluded that the jarimatics method can make the learning process more fun and increase children's interest in learning to count

    Fasilitasi Masyarakat Desa Wagir Kidul dalam Tata Cara Pemulasaran Jenazah

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    The treatment of the corpse is one of the Islamic Shari'a guidance that has been taught by the Prophet Muhammad, but most people do it based on habit alone even though among the important issues related to human relations with other humans is the problem of caring for the corpse. This research aims to be able to increase knowledge and insight related to the procedure for the care of the corpse. This research uses the ABCD (asset based community driven development) method. The results that have been obtained are the implementation of training activities on how to care for corpses. The community has high enthusiasm enthusiasm in this activity

    Pendampingan Bimbingan Belajar Siswa Jenjang TK-SD Dukuh Kerep Desa Wagir Kidul

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      Pendampingan belajar melalui bimbingan belajar merupakan proses pemberian bantuan, baik individu maupun kelompok oleh seorang atau lebih pembimbing yang memiliki keahlian dalam menentukan pilihan, penyesuaian serta pemecahan masalah yang berkaitan dengan perubahan tingkah laku sebagai akibat dari pengalaman maupun rangsangan. Akan tetapi, tidak semua anak bisa mengikuti bimbingan belajar. Hal tersebut terjadi di Desa Wagir Kidul Kecamatan Pulung Kabupaten  Ponorogo  yang  jauh  dari  pusat  perkotaan. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini menggunakan metode ABCD, dengan tahapan: persiapan, pelaksanaan kegiatan, dan evaluasi. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah siswa di RT 003/RW 001 Dusun Kerep,  Desa  Wagir Kidul,  Kecamatan  Pulung, Kabupaten  Ponorogo.  Banyaknya siswa yang mengikuti bimbingan belajar ini kurang lebih ada 20 anak tingkat TK-SD. Adapun yang membimbing yaitu peserta KPM. Pembimbing melaksanan peran untuk membimbing sesuai dengan keahlian yang dimiliki. Hasil kegiatan ini yaitu Pertama, meningkatnya prestasi belajar siswa;   Kedua,  bertambahnya  minat  belajar  siswa;  Ketiga, menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri siswa.  Keempat melakukan kaderisasi tutor. Faktor pendukung dari kegiatan ini adalah terjalinnya hubungan yang harmonis antara pembimbing dengan pihak sekitar serta kemauan siswa yang tinggi untuk memperdalam konsep. Adapun faktor penghambatnya adalah siswa melakukan bimbingan hanya ketika mendapatkan tugas dari sekolah, cuaca,  jarak  rumah  yang  jauh  tidak  bisa  mengikuti  bimbingan  secara ruti

    Fasilitasi Ibu-ibu PKK Kelas Menengah Desa Wagir Kidul dalam Pelatihan Facial

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    Wagir Kidul has a village government structure as well as village organizations, one of which is the PKK, which is attended by women. The PKK in the village of Wagir Kidul consists of 22 members who often hold meetings to discuss PKK programs, from an economic, religious, health and so on perspective. As is the case in Wagir Kidul village, from the various potentials, most of the PKK women in Wagir Kidul village, especially the middle class PKK women, middle class here means mothers with a moderate economy, meaning not unemployed but have potential, interests and also costs to work in the field of beauty. Most of these PKK women work as teachers, there are also midwives, or female students where they are only productive in the morning while other time is not used by doing patent activities. Many of them don't understand how to choose skincare and use it properly. In this case, the best way to be able to take good care of your face is by means of facial treatment.The purpose of this study was to facilitate middle-class PKK mothers in Wagir Kidul village in facial training. The method used in this research is the Asset Based Community Driven (ABCD) method, which is a method that emphasizes the development of assets owned by communities in an area. As a result, the facilitation that has been carried out has had a positive impact on participating PKK mothers. This was indicated by the high enthusiasm of the PKK mothers. In addition, the PKK mothers who participated in the training admitted that they understood more about using and choosing beauty products and had side business opportunities such as salons and beauty clinics

    Fasilitasi Masyarakat Dusun Kerep Desa Wagirkidul dalam Pengolahan Limbah Kayu sebagai Kerajinan yang Bernilai Ekonomi

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    Facilitating community empowerment is an important strategy in building a sustainable and inclusive village economy, where village communities can obtain greater economic benefits and improve their quality of life. This training aims to help village communities develop their regional economic potential to increase people's income and welfare. The method used in this community service is Utilization of Wood Waste as a handicraft product that has economic value in training and mentoring and facilitation. The result of this dedication is that facilitating community empowerment can be an effective strategy to improve the village economy. Facilitation can be obtained by applying various relevant theories, such as community empowerment, local economic development, social entrepreneurship, sustainable skills production and facilitating the necessary activities. In practice, community empowerment facilitation and training must be carried out in a participatory manner by involving village communities, especially village youth, in planning and developing businesses that benefit them


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    Kampung Idiot merupakan julukan bagi suatu daerah atau kampung yang masyarakatnya menyandang Idiot sebagian besar atau sebagian kecil, diantaranya adalah Dusun Sidowayah yang terletak di Desa Sidoharjo Kecamatan jambon Ponorogo, secara geografis letah dusun sidowayah sangat terpencil, jauh dari akses keluar dan jalan menuju ke sana juga relatif sulit. Hingga sat ini permasalahan rumit mereka hadapi diantaranya sulitnya memperoleh air dari sumber mata air dan DAS, terlebih di musim kemarau. Akibat adanya permasalahan tersebut banyak warga yang tidak dapat memanfaatkan sawah dan ladangnya jika msuim kemarau tiba. Beberapa warga mencoba mencari jalan keluar permasalahan tersebut dengan membuat program bertajuk kearifan lokal yang dipelopori oleh FSB. Adapun rumusan masalah penelitian ini meliputi tiga aspek yaitu adanya kearifan lokal di Dusun Sidowayah, bentuk-bentuk kerifan lokal di Dusun tersebut dan kemanfaatannyaterhadap warga dusun sidowayah. Adapun hasil penelitiannya Bentuk kearifan lokal di Dusun Sidowayah dalam upaya mengembalikan Daerah Aliran Sungai dan Sumber Mata Air lebih banyak dilakukan dalam kegiatan kemasyarakatan yang diorganisasikan oleh satu organisasi pemuda yaitu Forum Sidowayah Bangkit.Program kegiatan masyarakat sebagai bentuk kearifan lokal dalam upaya mengembalikan Daerah Aliran Sungai dan Sumber Mata Air di Dusun Sidowayah di antaranya berupa Program Penghijauan, Program Pipanisasi, dan Program Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup. Belum terlihatnya kemanfaatan program dari Forum Sidowayah Bangkit khususnya untuk masyarakat Sidowayah disebabkan beberapa faktor kendala, yakni adanya perilaku atau kebiasaan kurang baik warga Dusun Sidowayah, serta kurangnya dukungan dari berbagai pihak. Kata Kunci : Sidowayah, Kearifan, Loka

    Analysis of Bull Sperm DNA Abnormalities Due to Cadmium Accumulation

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    Sperm abnormalities can occur by various causes. Abnormality of sperm is usually characterized by abnormal sperm motility and viability. This was caused by the inability of mitochondria on ATP-ase in producing ATP and ecto-enzyme Cik role in keeping the movement so that movement of sperm motility declines. Research that leads to total abnormal sperm DNA analysis is still rare. The purpose of this research was to get the results of the molecular characteristic picture of the overall characteristics of DNA loci that have abnormalities in bull sperm and get a picture of differences in overall DNA loci of abnormal and normal sperm. This research was conducted in October-December 2016. With the results of Group I consists of D, E with a percent similarity of 92.308%, group II consists of C and Group I with a percentage similarity of 50.125%, group II consists of A and B with a percent similarity of 100%, group II and group III with a percentage similarity of 0%. Based on the above data it can be concluded that the treatment A and B is not suspected to cause DNA damage compared to treatment C, D and E

    Pendampingan Pelatihan Manasik Haji dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Siswa tentang Ajaran Islam di SDN 01 Prajegan.

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    The Hajj pilgrimage is the fifth pillar of Islam, but only some have the opportunity to perform it due to time and cost constraints. However, as Muslims, we must know the pillars and procedures. This community service aims to determine the Hajj manasik training in improving students' understanding of Islamic teachings at SDN 1 Prajegan. The method used in this community service is PAR (Participation Action Research), which involves the community and conducting in-depth interviews with eight students and two religious teachers. The results of this community service show that the Hajj manasik provides profound benefits for students, makes students understand more about the Hajj simulation, and is very effective in helping students understand abstract religious concepts, such as the pillars of Islam and prayer procedures. Students find remembering and practicing Islamic teachings easier after participating in the Hajj manasik activities. Through the assistance of the Hajj Manasik training, students' understanding of Islamic teachings in elementary schools can be improved. &nbsp