8 research outputs found

    Studi Perbandingan Beton Ready-Mix Dengan Beton Olah Di Tempat Pada Proyek Pembangunan Ruko Di Kota Banjarbaru

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    Penggunaan beton ready-mix pada proyek pembangunan ruko di Kota Banjarbaru mulai banyak bermunculan, namun masih ada yang menggunakan beton olah di tempat. sehingga perlu diteliti mana yang lebih efektif dan efisien, ditinjau dari waktu, biaya, dan pengawasan mutu antara beton ready-mix dan beton olah di tempat. Pada penelitian ini diambil sampel ruko yang berada di kota Banjarbaru yang menggunakan beton ready-mix dan masih dalam tahap pengerjaan, untuk mengumpulkan data menggunakan angket, wawancara, dan pengamatan di lapangan. Data-data lain yang diperlukan diperoleh dari instansi pemerintah maupun swasta. Data-data tersebut digunakan untuk menghitung selisih waktu pengecoran, selisih total biaya adukan beton, dan perbandingan pengawasan mutu.Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan beton ready-mix mempercepat waktu pengecoran namun lebih mahal dibandingkan beton olah di tempat. Pengawasan mutu pada pembangunan ruko dengan beton olah di tempat tidak menggunakan slump test dan benda uji, sebaliknya untuk beton ready-mi

    Kolom Beton Pracetak Sebagai Alternatif Kolom Ulin Pada Perumahan Di Banjarmasin

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    In general housing construction inBanjarmasincan be classified in three type : that is wood construction house, concrete construction and wood construction with brick wall. Special for the a wood construction house have brick wall, generally used column from ulin wood. But from some assessment reason and construction limitation by ulin wood this time, hence in this research try to give scheme alternative with USAge precast concrete column at wood construction house have brick wall in BanjarmasinIntention of this research is to study elegibility of ulin column replacement with precast concrete column cover the nature of technical and execution phase making of precast concrete column. Concrete precast column which used in this scheme of designed as according to ulin column dimension to be replaced with by virtue of structural reason, egreement with other element .In research aim to analyze that construction house with competent and valid precast concrete column to be utilized and weared in practice in the place of ulin column. Validasi Elegibility of USAge precast concrete column evaluated from some aspect covering assessment about and desain strength of pracetak concrete column at the time of comparison and scheme strength of ulin column with precast concrete column

    Water Balance in Sumber Mulya Village, Merauke Regency

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    Sumber Mulya village is part of Rawa Indah Lowland development area that consists of Kaliki - Sumber Mulya - Jaya Makmur unit. Agricultural area in Sumber Mulya Village is currently processed with relatively small production results due to traditional method of cultivation and water shortage problem.Inflow to Rawa Keramati is larger than the existing irrigation water demand. However, it has only small capacity in utilizing inflow that results in a lot of wasted water during the rainy season. By using Standard Operating Rule model, the most optimum capability of the swamp to fulfil irigation water demand under various canges of cultivation pattern and schedule can be identified. Optimum result is determined using an approach on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) model.Swamp operation analysis was carried out to the four cultivation schedule alternatives with 100% swamp realase capacity. Based on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method used for the four cultivation patterns and schedules alternatives reviewed based on adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency factor, the optimum results was obtained at alternative in November. It showed Rawa Keramati water resource capability in supplying Sumber Mulya village water demand with irrigated areas of ±595 Ha, ±594 Ha, and ±593 Ha for the first­crop, second-crop, and third-crop season, respectively

    Studi Kebutuhan Air Perkotaan Banjarmasin Sebagai Ibukota Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan

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    Penelitian memproyeksikan penduduk Kota Banjarmasin dan kebutuhan air Kota Banjarmasin dari tahun 2014 hingga 20 tahun ke depan lalu dibandingkan kapasitas intake yang ada memenuhi kebutuhan di tahun mendatang.Dalam memproyeksikan pertumbuhan penduduk Kota Banjarmasin menggunakan 5 macam metode, yaitu metode aritmatika, metode geometrik, metode regresi linier, metode eksponensial dan metode logaritmik. Metode yang paling tepat untuk memproyeksikan pertumbuhan penduduk yaitu yang mempunyai nilai standar deviasi yang paling rendah dan nilai korelasi yang paling mendekati 1. Kebutuhan air di hitung dengan faktor kebutuhan air rata – rata, faktor kebutuhan air hari maksimum, dan kebutuhan air jam puncak. Membandingkan kapasitas intake yang ada dengan proyeksi kebutuhan air.Proyeksi penduduk Kota Banjarmasin menggunakan metode geometrik karena mempunyai nilai standar deviasi paling rendah dari metode yang lain dan nilai korelasi yang mendekati 1. Kapasitas intake yang dimiliki PDAM Bandarmasih cukup untuk mencakupi proyeksi kebutuhan air bersih Kota Banjarmasin hingga tahun 2033, namun kapasitas intake masih belum mampu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih jam punca

    Analisis Kualitas Air Di Kalimantan Selatan Sebagai Bahan Campuran Beton

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    SNI 03-2847-2002 requirement that the water used in the concrete mix should be clean and free of damaging substances containing oil, acids, alkalis, salts, organic matter, or other substances harmful to concrete or reinforcement. But in fact, often we see the use of water as an ingredient in concrete mixtures that do not follow the requirements of SNI. Work in the field often use water that is in that location without regard to the content that is in them that would negatively affect the compressive strength of the concrete. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of water contained in the PDAM water, brackish water in the estuary of the Barito, peat water in the area Sambang Lihum, Martapura river water, Polder Alabio water, and water wells in the area Banjarbaru.This test uses several tools, pH Meter to determine levels of acid and alkali in the water, EC Meter to determine levels of salt in the water, and Water Quality Meters to determine water quality. As for the sulfate content in water testing performed Basic Laboratory Faculty of Science, University of Mangkurat, Banjarbaru.On water quality testing, only Brackish Water samples in estuaryof the Barito ineligible pH and salinity, whereas the content of TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) Brackish Water samples in the estuary of the Barito and Water Wells in Banjarbaru ineligible the standard