4 research outputs found


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    Bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa internasional yang kerap kali digunakan dalam berbagai pertemuan antar negara di dunia. Mengingat perkembangan zaman yang semakin maju dan teknologi yang semakin berkembang, urgensi bahasa inggris tidak diragukan lagi untuk mendukung berbagai kegiatan manusia. Selain dari pada itu, bahasa inggris kerap kali menjadi faktor pendukung dalam memahami berbagai pelajaran yang ada di sekolah, perguruan tinggi dan tidak terkecuali pondok pesantren modern yang umumnya menerapkan aturan kepada para santrinya untuk berinteraksi dengan dua bahasa setiap hari yaitu bahasa arab dan bahasa inggris. Tidak hanya sebatas aturan, akan tetapi disertai juga dengan pembelajaran, bimbingan bahkan contoh teladan setiap harinya oleh berbagai figur yang ada di pesantren. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriftif yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data yang mendalam dan suatu data yang mengandung makna. Kesimpulan yang dapat diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah berbagai upaya dan metode yang diterapkan oleh pembimbing bahasa sangat menentukan para pelajar untuk merasa mudah dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris serta menimbulkan minat yang kuat untuk mempraktikannya dalam bentuk percakapan setiap hari

    Monitoring Walking Devices For Calorie Balance In Patients With Medical Rehabilitation Needs

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    This article presents a measurement system intended to monitor human footsteps. The goal is to guide the users medical rehabilitation incorrect use to prevent dangerous situations and maximize comfort. Indicators of risk in question: the imbalance of movement in motor coordination and the number of calories to be burned for medical rehabilitation patients by balancing the patient's needs. Measurements are made by placing the sensor on one of the patient's legs. The main sensor accelerometer used in this study. The measurement system comes with an application link that allows patients and therapists to monitor the activity. Calibration and experimental results are presented in this article

    Monitoring Walking Devices For Calorie Balance In Patients With Medical Rehabilitation Needs

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    This article presents a measurement system intended to monitor human footsteps. The goal is to guide the users medical rehabilitation incorrect use to prevent dangerous situations and maximize comfort. Indicators of risk in question: the imbalance of movement in motor coordination and the number of calories to be burned for medical rehabilitation patients by balancing the patient's needs. Measurements are made by placing the sensor on one of the patient's legs. The main sensor accelerometer used in this study. The measurement system comes with an application link that allows patients and therapists to monitor the activity. Calibration and experimental results are presented in this article

    The Role of Counseling Teachers in Guiding Negative Behavior (Early Youth) of Grade IX Students Madrasah Tsanawiyah of Darunna'im

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    Adolescence is a transitional period of development and growth faced by children aged 15/16 years due to various physical, social and emotional changes, all of which will cause anxiety and discomfort. As a result. This period is also known as a period full of storms and pressure, because teenagers must learn to adapt and accept all the changes that often cause emotional upheaval in them. If the activities carried out by adolescents with their peers are inadequate to meet the demands of their energy fluctuations, adolescents often release their excess energy in a negative direction. This can happen because the environment is often not in accordance with inner desires or expectations, so that a person feels disappointed due to an imbalance between expectations and reality. Therefore, individuals who are in their teenage years especially early adolescents, need adjustments to these changes in tasks and roles so that adolescents feel that they are accepted by the environment and can adapt well to situations of environmental expectations. And as a BK teacher, you have to properly guide early youth so that they have a directed future. So the purpose of this study is: 1) to know the various behaviors of early adolescents. 2) knowing the factors behind early adolescent behavior. 3) to know the role of the counseling teacher in guiding the behavior of early adolescents. In this research method using qualitative methods, all existing data were analyzed using interviews, observation, and documentation