4 research outputs found

    Peran Guru Ppkn dalam Mengembangkan Sikap Disiplin pada Proses Pembelajaran Siswa Kelas XI Sman 1 Sungai Geringging

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masalah peran guru PPKn dalam mengembangkan sikap disiplin pada proses pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk  mengetahui langkah-langkah guru dalam membina sikap disiplin siswa dan kendala yang dihadapi guru dalam membina sikap disiplin siswa pada proses pembelajaran serta upaya apa yang dilakukan pihak sekolah dalam membina sikap disiplin siswa pada proses pembelajaran di SMAN 1 Sungai Geringging Kabupaten Padang Pariaman. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan model penelitian deskriptif. Sedangkan teknik yang digunakan penulis untuk menentukan informan yaitu teknik purposive sampling. Teknik menguji keabsahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi dengan sumber data. Teknik analisis data dengan cara mereduksi data, penyajian data, dan menarik kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan peran guru dalam mengembangkan sikap disiplin siswa dalam proses pembelajaran pada SMAN 1 Sungai Geringging meliputi menasehati siswa, keteladanan dalam berperilaku, memberikan hukuman jika bersalah, memberikan penghargaan (hadiah) jika berprestasi, serta melakukan kerjasama guru dengan orang tua sudah baik

    Training the Utilization of Palm Oil Waste Supporting Village Community Economy

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    There are still a lot of environmentally friendly waste that has not been used. Like palm oil fronds that rot because they are not used. This is due to the lack of knowledge about the benefits of oil palm frond waste. The purpose of this research is to provide insight to the community about processing oil palm frond waste, through training. Specifically, this study aims to measure the level of training in the utilization of palm oil frond waste against the results of activities in making products from environmentally friendly waste. It is hoped that this research can help the farming community in utilizing palm oil frond waste into a high-value product. The research sample consisted of 25 members of community organizations (PKK women's groups and youth youth groups). The method used is true experimental design by conducting training on the manufacture of products from oil palm frond waste. The results show that the informant independent variable (X1) has a significance of 0.175, material (X2) has a significance of 0.099, facilities (X3) has a significance of 0.956, behavior (X4) has a significance of 0.000. and innovation (X5) significance of 0.397. The significance value of the F test is 0.000. and all variables have an effect on Activity Results (Y). However, when tested individually, the behavior variable accepts the hypothesis while other independent variables reject the hypothesis. there are still many influences from other variables (R Squre = 66.7%) that affect the results of activities. Further research can use other methods, to find the effect of training on the results of activities

    The Relationship Between Knowledge and Attitude of the Elderly in Handwashing as an Effort to Prevent Covid-19

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    Data updated by the Indonesian Ministry of Health on February 17, 2020, WHO has designated Covid-2019 as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) due to a significant increase in cases and confirmed cases in several other countries. The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) on January 29, 2020 summarized the first 425 cases recorded in Wuhan. The data show that the mean age of the patients was 59 years, with a range of 15 to 89 years. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and the attitude of the elderly in washing their hands as an effort to prevent Covid-19. This type of research is analytic observational with cross sectional design. The research sample was 21 elderly people. The data analysis used was univariate analysis, bivariate analysis and multivariate analysis with chi square test with p value < 0.05. There is a relationship between knowledge and attitude with elderly hand washing as an effort to prevent COVID-19 in 2020 with a p value < 0.05. It is hoped that all parties can cooperate in disseminating health protocols, especially hand washing and the provision of hand washing facilities as a form of COVID-19 prevention efforts