37 research outputs found

    Random disambiguation paths for traversing a mapped hazard field

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    Abstract: We consider the problem of safely and swiftly navigating through a spatial arrangement of potential hazard detections in which each detection has associated with it a probability that the detection is indeed a true hazard. When in close proximity to a detection, we assume the ability—for a cost—to determine whether or not the hazard is real. Our approach to this problem involves a new object, the random disambiguation path (RDP), which is a curve-valued random variable parametrized by a binary tree with particular properties. We prove an admissibility result showing that there is positive probability that the use of an RDP reduces the expected traversal length compared to the conventional shortest zero-risk path, and we introduce a practically computable additive-constant approximation to the optimal RDP. The theoretical considerations are complemented by simulatio

    The Regional Transmission of UK Monetary Policy

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    Dow S. C. and Montagnoli A. (2007) The regional transmission of UK monetary policy, Regional Studies 41, 797-808. Concerns have been raised in the media about a 'one-size-fits-all' monetary policy for the UK. If there are diverse economic conditions in different regions, then a unitary monetary policy cannot suit all. The purpose of this paper is to explore this issue further by breaking it down into two separate issues. First there is the more conventional way of considering the question, in terms of the effect of a particular interest rate change on regions experiencing different economic conditions. This requires a consideration of the nature and causes of regional economic disparities in the UK, and how these might be affected by particular interest rate changes. But there is further the question of how monetary policy is transmitted to the different regions. The possibility is considered that there may be regional differences in how a particular monetary policy is translated into different financial conditions in different regions. In other words there may be a regional dimension to the transmission process itself. The focus here will be on the regional structure of the financial sector and financial behaviour, and in particular the credit market. The argument is explored further with a comparison of Scottish and UK data. Dow S. C. et Montagnoli A. (2007) La transmission au niveau regional de la politique monetaire du Royaume-Uni, Regional Studies 41, 797-808. Les medias ont suscite quelques inquietudes quant a la mise en oeuvre d'une politique monetaire 'unique' au R-U. Tout en remettant en question l'idee selon laquelle un ajustement donne du taux d'interet reflete parfaitement la transmission de la politique monetaire, on considere si, oui ou non, il existe des variations regionales de la transmission de la politique monetaire sous diverses conditions financieres, et donc sous diverses conditions economiques, suivant la region. L'analyse laisse supposer que, tandis que la politique monetaire du R-U pourrait avoir l'impact le plus grand sur les regions centrales a court terme, l'impact le plus durable a long terme se ferait sur les regions peripheriques. Une comparaison des donnees aupres de l'Ecosse et du R-U en fournit quelques preuves. Ecosse R-U Politique monetaire Economies regionales Dow S. C. und Montagnoli A. (2007) Die regionale Ubertragung der britischen W�ahrungspolitik, Regional Studies 41, 797-808. In den Medien ist Kritik an einer 'gleichmacherischen' Wahrungspolitik fur Grossbritannien laut geworden. Wir stellen die Annahme in Frage, dass eine gegebene Zinssatzanderung vollstandig wiedergibt, wie Wahrungspolitik ubertragen wird, und ziehen die Moglichkeit in Betracht, dass es regionale Unterschiede dabei geben kann, wie die Wahrungspolitik in verschiedenen Regionen in verschiedene finanzielle (und somit wirtschaftliche) Bedingungen ubersetzt wird. Aus der Analyse geht hervor, dass sich die britische Wahrungspolitik zwar kurzfristig am starksten auf die zentralen Regionen auswirkt, langfristig aber in den peripheren Regionen eine grossere und nachhaltige Wirkung zeigt. Belege hierfur liefert ein Vergleich von Daten aus Schottland und Grossbritannien. Schottland GB Wahrungspolitik Regionalwirtschaften Dow S. C. y Montagnoli A. (2007) La transmision regional de la politica monetaria britanica, Regional Studies 41, 797-808. En el Reino Unido la politica monetaria con un enfoque unico para todos ha suscitado preocupacion en los medios de comunicacion. Cuestionando la suposicion de que un determinado cambio en la tasa de interes refleja totalmente el modo en que se transmite la politica monetaria, consideramos la posibilidad de que podrian existir diferencias regionales en cuanto a como se traduce en diferentes regiones la politica monetaria en distintas condiciones financieras. Este analisis indica que si bien la politica monetaria britanica podria tener a corto plazo una mayor influencia en las regiones centrales, se observa una mayor repercusion sostenida a largo plazo en las regiones perifericas. Como ejemplo comparamos datos escoceses y britanicos. Escocia GB Politica monetaria Economias regionalesScotland, UK, Monetary policy, Regional economies,