45 research outputs found

    Perturbations of Spatially Closed Bianchi III Spacetimes

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    Motivated by the recent interest in dynamical properties of topologically nontrivial spacetimes, we study linear perturbations of spatially closed Bianchi III vacuum spacetimes, whose spatial topology is the direct product of a higher genus surface and the circle. We first develop necessary mode functions, vectors, and tensors, and then perform separations of (perturbation) variables. The perturbation equations decouple in a way that is similar to but a generalization of those of the Regge--Wheeler spherically symmetric case. We further achieve a decoupling of each set of perturbation equations into gauge-dependent and independent parts, by which we obtain wave equations for the gauge-invariant variables. We then discuss choices of gauge and stability properties. Details of the compactification of Bianchi III manifolds and spacetimes are presented in an appendix. In the other appendices we study scalar field and electromagnetic equations on the same background to compare asymptotic properties.Comment: 61 pages, 1 figure, final version with minor corrections, to appear in Class. Quant. Gravi

    Embedding variables in finite dimensional models

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    Global problems associated with the transformation from the Arnowitt, Deser and Misner (ADM) to the Kucha\v{r} variables are studied. Two models are considered: The Friedmann cosmology with scalar matter and the torus sector of the 2+1 gravity. For the Friedmann model, the transformations to the Kucha\v{r} description corresponding to three different popular time coordinates are shown to exist on the whole ADM phase space, which becomes a proper subset of the Kucha\v{r} phase spaces. The 2+1 gravity model is shown to admit a description by embedding variables everywhere, even at the points with additional symmetry. The transformation from the Kucha\v{r} to the ADM description is, however, many-to-one there, and so the two descriptions are inequivalent for this model, too. The most interesting result is that the new constraint surface is free from the conical singularity and the new dynamical equations are linearization stable. However, some residual pathology persists in the Kucha\v{r} description.Comment: Latex 2e, 29 pages, no figure

    An Introduction to Conformal Ricci Flow

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    We introduce a variation of the classical Ricci flow equation that modifies the unit volume constraint of that equation to a scalar curvature constraint. The resulting equations are named the Conformal Ricci Flow Equations because of the role that conformal geometry plays in constraining the scalar curvature. These equations are analogous to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations of fluid mechanics inasmuch as a conformal pressure arises as a Lagrange multiplier to conformally deform the metric flow so as to maintain the scalar curvature constraint. The equilibrium points are Einstein metrics with a negative Einstein constant and the conformal pressue is shown to be zero at an equilibrium point and strictly positive otherwise. The geometry of the conformal Ricci flow is discussed as well as the remarkable analytic fact that the constraint force does not lose derivatives and thus analytically the conformal Ricci equation is a bounded perturbation of the classical unnormalized Ricci equation. That the constraint force does not lose derivatives is exactly analogous to the fact that the real physical pressure force that occurs in the Navier-Stokes equations is a bounded function of the velocity. Using a nonlinear Trotter product formula, existence and uniqueness of solutions to the conformal Ricci flow equations is proven. Lastly, we discuss potential applications to Perelman's proposed implementation of Hamilton's program to prove Thurston's 3-manifold geometrization conjectures.Comment: 52 pages, 1 figur

    SO(4) Invariant States in Quantum Cosmology

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    The phenomenon of linearisation instability is identified in models of quantum cosmology that are perturbations of mini-superspace models. In particular, constraints that are second order in the perturbations must be imposed on wave functions calculated in such models. It is shown explicitly that in the case of a model which is a perturbation of the mini-superspace which has S3S^3 spatial sections these constraints imply that any wave functions calculated in this model must be SO(4) invariant. (This replaces the previous corrupted version.)Comment: 15 page

    The Quantum Modular Group in (2+1)-Dimensional Gravity

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    The role of the modular group in the holonomy representation of (2+1)-dimensional quantum gravity is studied. This representation can be viewed as a "Heisenberg picture", and for simple topologies, the transformation to the ADM "Schr{\"o}dinger picture" may be found. For spacetimes with the spatial topology of a torus, this transformation and an explicit operator representation of the mapping class group are constructed. It is shown that the quantum modular group splits the holonomy representation Hilbert space into physically equivalent orthogonal ``fundamental regions'' that are interchanged by modular transformations.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, no figures; minor changes and clarifications in response to referee (basic argument and conclusions unaffected

    Covariant gauge fixing and Kuchar decomposition

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    The symplectic geometry of a broad class of generally covariant models is studied. The class is restricted so that the gauge group of the models coincides with the Bergmann-Komar group and the analysis can focus on the general covariance. A geometrical definition of gauge fixing at the constraint manifold is given; it is equivalent to a definition of a background (spacetime) manifold for each topological sector of a model. Every gauge fixing defines a decomposition of the constraint manifold into the physical phase space and the space of embeddings of the Cauchy manifold into the background manifold (Kuchar decomposition). Extensions of every gauge fixing and the associated Kuchar decomposition to a neighbourhood of the constraint manifold are shown to exist.Comment: Revtex, 35 pages, no figure

    Proof of the Thin Sandwich Conjecture

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    We prove that the Thin Sandwich Conjecture in general relativity is valid, provided that the data (gab,g˙ab)(g_{ab},\dot g_{ab}) satisfy certain geometric conditions. These conditions define an open set in the class of possible data, but are not generically satisfied. The implications for the ``superspace'' picture of the Einstein evolution equations are discussed.Comment: 8 page

    On completeness of orbits of Killing vector fields

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    A Theorem is proved which reduces the problem of completeness of orbits of Killing vector fields in maximal globally hyperbolic, say vacuum, space--times to some properties of the orbits near the Cauchy surface. In particular it is shown that all Killing orbits are complete in maximal developements of asymptotically flat Cauchy data, or of Cauchy data prescribed on a compact manifold. This result gives a significant strengthening of the uniqueness theorems for black holes.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, preprint NSF-ITP-93-4

    Einstein and Yang-Mills theories in hyperbolic form without gauge-fixing

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    The evolution of physical and gauge degrees of freedom in the Einstein and Yang-Mills theories are separated in a gauge-invariant manner. We show that the equations of motion of these theories can always be written in flux-conservative first-order symmetric hyperbolic form. This dynamical form is ideal for global analysis, analytic approximation methods such as gauge-invariant perturbation theory, and numerical solution.Comment: 12 pages, revtex3.0, no figure