79 research outputs found

    The Long Term Effect of Current and New Interventions on the New Case Detection of Leprosy: A Modeling Study

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    Leprosy is a contagious disease that will remain prevalent, despite the declining number of patients worldwide over the last century. With approximately 250,000 new cases detected annually, leprosy is far from being eradicated. Leprosy can be treated with drugs after disease detection

    Quantifying health risks from ESBL-producing Escherichia coli in Dutch broiler production chains and potential interventions using compartmental models

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    Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli (E. coli) in animals are considered a human health threat, because this type of bacteria can serve as a reservoir of antibiotic resistant genes and act as a continuous threat of the emergence of new resistant bacteria, in addition to the direct effect of making infection untreatable. Although the prevalence of ESBL producing bacteria in broilers was drastically reduced in the Netherlands, chicken meat still has the highest prevalence among meat products. Therefore, further control of the ESBL-producing E. coli in the broiler production chain is important to reduce public health risks. The main objectives of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of intervention scenarios to reduce the transmission of ESBL-producing E. coli in the broiler production chain and to quantitatively estimate the risk to public health. In this study, we developed two different types of transmission models that described the observed time-related decline in prevalence during a production round: one with time-dependent decline in susceptibility and one with partial immunity to phylogenetic groups. Both models incorporated the environmental contamination effect between production rounds and within flocks. The parameter values, including transmission rate and recovery rate, were estimated by Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) method using data from a longitudinal study in a Dutch organic broiler farm. We applied the models to the three production stages in the broiler production chain, beginning from the Parent Stock (PS) farms, the hatcheries, and to the broiler farms. In our models, eggs were collected from different parent stock farms and transported to the hatchery and from there to a broiler farm.The size of a flock and the number of farms were adjusted to the Dutch situation. Both models were able to describe the observed dynamics within and between the production stages equally well, with estimated ESBL-producing E. coli prevalence of 8.98% and 11.47% in broilers at slaughter and 0.12% and 0.15% in humans due to chicken consumption. Both models indicated that improving farm management to eliminate the bacteria from the environment was the most effective intervention, making this outcome robust. Although chicken meat consumption is not a major risk factor for human carriage of the bacteria according to our models, reducing the bacteria in the PS and broiler farm environment to at least one percent can further decrease the prevalence in humans

    Conserved developmental trajectories of the cecal microbiota of broiler chickens in a field study

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    There is great interest in identifying gut microbiota development patterns and underlying assembly rules that can inform strategies to improve broiler health and performance. Microbiota stratification using community types helps to simplify complex and dynamic ecosystem principles of the intestinal microbiota. This study aimed to identify community types to increase insight in intestinal microbiota variation between broilers and to identify factors that explain this variation. A total of 10 well-performing poultry flocks on four farms were followed. From each flock, the cecal content of nine broilers was collected at 7, 14, and 35 days posthatch. A total of two robust community types were observed using different clustering methods, one of which was dominated by 7-day-old broilers, and one by 35-day-old broilers. Broilers, 14-day-old, were divided across both community types. This is the first study that showed conserved cecal microbiota development trajectories in commercial broiler flocks. In addition to the temporal development with age, the cecal microbiota variation between broilers was explained by the flock, body weight, and the different feed components. Our data support a conserved development of cecal microbiota, despite strong influence of environmental factors. Further investigation of mechanisms underlying microbiota development and function is required to facilitate intestinal health promoting management, diagnostics, and nutritional interventions

    Transmission rates of veterinary and clinically important antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli: A meta- ANALYSIS

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    The transmission rate per hour between hosts is a key parameter for simulating transmission dynamics of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and might differ for antibiotic resistance genes, animal species, and antibiotic usage. We conducted a Bayesian meta-analysis of resistant Escherichia coli (E. coli) transmission in broilers and piglets to obtain insight in factors determining the transmission rate, infectious period, and reproduction ratio. We included blaCTX-M-1, blaCTX-M-2, blaOXA-162, catA1, mcr-1, and fluoroquinolone resistant E. coli. The Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) transmission rate in broilers without antibiotic treatment ranged from 0.4∙10 -3 to 2.5∙10 -3 depending on type of broiler (SPF vs conventional) and inoculation strains. For piglets, the MAP in groups without antibiotic treatment were between 0.7∙10 -3 and 0.8∙10 -3, increasing to 0.9∙10 -3 in the group with antibiotic treatment. In groups without antibiotic treatment, the transmission rate of resistant E. coli in broilers was almost twice the transmission rate in piglets. Amoxicillin increased the transmission rate of E. coli carrying bla CTX-M-2 by three-fold. The MAP infectious period of resistant E. coli in piglets with and without antibiotics is between 971 and 1065 hours (40 - 43 days). The MAP infectious period of resistant E. coli in broiler without antibiotics is between 475 and 2306 hours (20 - 96 days). The MAP infectious period of resistant E. coli in broiler with antibiotics is between 2702 and 3462 hours (113 - 144 days) which means a lifelong colonization. The MAP basic reproduction ratio in piglets of infection with resistant E. coli when using antibiotics is 27.70, which is higher than MAP in piglets without antibiotics between 15.65 and 18.19. The MAP basic reproduction ratio in broilers ranges between 3.46 and 92.38. We consider three possible explanations for our finding that in the absence of antibiotics the transmission rate is higher among broilers than among piglets: i) due to the gut microbiome of animals, ii) fitness costs of bacteria, and iii) differences in experimental set-up between the studies. Regarding infectious period and reproduction ratio, the effect of the resistance gene, antibiotic treatment, and animal species are inconclusive due to limited data

    A Bayesian inference method to estimate transmission trees with multiple introductions; applied to SARS-CoV-2 in Dutch mink farms

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    Knowledge of who infected whom during an outbreak of an infectious disease is important to determine risk factors for transmission and to design effective control measures. Both whole-genome sequencing of pathogens and epidemiological data provide useful information about the transmission events and underlying processes. Existing models to infer transmission trees usually assume that the pathogen is introduced only once from outside into the population of interest. However, this is not always true. For instance, SARS-CoV-2 is suggested to be introduced multiple times in mink farms in the Netherlands from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic among humans. Here, we developed a Bayesian inference method combining whole-genome sequencing data and epidemiological data, allowing for multiple introductions of the pathogen in the population. Our method does not a priori split the outbreak into multiple phylogenetic clusters, nor does it break the dependency between the processes of mutation, within-host dynamics, transmission, and observation. We implemented our method as an additional feature in the R-package phybreak. On simulated data, our method correctly identifies the number of introductions, with an accuracy depending on the proportion of all observed cases that are introductions. Moreover, when a single introduction was simulated, our method produced similar estimates of parameters and transmission trees as the existing package. When applied to data from a SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Dutch mink farms, the method provides strong evidence for independent introductions of the pathogen at 13 farms, infecting a total of 63 farms. Using the new feature of the phybreak package, transmission routes of a more complex class of infectious disease outbreaks can be inferred which will aid infection control in future outbreaks

    Contribution of cats and dogs to SARS-CoV-2 transmission in households

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    INTRODUCTION: SARS-CoV-2 is known to jump across species. The occurrence of transmission in households between humans and companion animals has been shown, but the contribution of companion animals to the overall transmission within a household is unknown. The basic reproduction number ( R 0) is an important indicator to quantify transmission. For a pathogen with multiple host species, such as SARS-CoV-2, the basic reproduction number needs to be calculated from the partial reproduction numbers for each combination of host species. METHOD: In this study, the basic and partial reproduction numbers for SARS-CoV-2 were estimated by reanalyzing a survey of Dutch households with dogs and cats and minimally one SARS-CoV-2-infected human. RESULTS: For households with cats, a clear correlation between the number of cats and the basic reproduction number (Spearman's correlation: p 0.40, p-value: 1.4 × 10 -5) was identified, while for dogs, the correlation was smaller and not significant (Spearman's correlation: p 0.12, p-value: 0.21). Partial reproduction numbers from cats or dogs to humans were 0.3 (0.0-2.0) and 0.3 (0.0-3.5) and from humans to cats or dogs were 0.6 (0.4-0.8) and 0.6 (0.4-0.9). DISCUSSION: Thus, the estimations of within-household transmission indicated the likelihood of transmission from these companion animals to humans and vice versa, but the observational nature of this study limited the ability to establish conclusive evidence. This study's findings support the advice provided during the pandemic to COVID-19 patients to maintain distance from companion animals as a precautionary measure and given the possibility of transmission, although there is an overall relatively limited impact on the pandemic when compared to human-to-human transmission

    Comparing the transmission of carbapenemase-producing and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producingEscherichia colibetween broiler chickens

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    Abstract The emergence of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) is a threat to public health, because of their resistance to clinically important carbapenem antibiotics. The emergence of CPE in meat-producing animals is particularly worrying because consumption of meat contaminated with resistant bacteria similar to CPE, such as extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae, contributed to colonization in humans worldwide. Currently, no data on the transmission of CPE in livestock is available. We performed a transmission experiment to quantify the transmission of CPE between broilers to fill this knowledge gap and to compare the transmission rates of CPE and other antibiotic-resistant E. coli. A total of 180 Ross 308 broiler chickens were distributed on the day of hatch (day 0) over 12 pens. On day 5, half of the chickens in each pen were orally inoculated with 5·102 colony-forming units of CPE, ESBL, or chloramphenicol-resistant E. coli (catA1). Amoxicillin drinking water treatment was given twice daily in 6 of the 12 pens from days 2 to 6 to evaluate the effect of antibiotic treatment on the transmission rates. Cloacal swabs of all animals were taken to determine the number of infectious broilers. We used a Bayesian hierarchical model to quantify the transmission of the E. coli strains. E. coli can survive in the environment and serve as a reservoir. Therefore, the susceptible-infectious transmission model was adapted to account for the transmission of resistant bacteria from the environment. In addition, the caecal microbiome was analyzed on day 5 and at the end of the experiment on day 14 to assess the relationship between the caecal microbiome and the transmission rates. The transmission rates of CPE were 52 – 68 per cent lower compared to ESBL and catA1, but it is not clear if these differences were caused by differences between the resistance genes or between the E. coli strains. Differences between the groups in transmission rates and microbiome diversity did not correspond to each other, indicating that differences in transmission rates were probably not caused by major differences in the community structure in the caecal microbiome. Amoxicillin treatment from day 2 to 6 increased the transmission rate more than three-fold in all inoculums. It also increased alpha-diversity compared to untreated animals on day 5, but not on day 14, suggesting only a temporary effect. Future research could incorporate more complex transmission models with different species of resistant bacteria into the Bayesian hierarchical model

    Comparing the transmission of carbapenemase-producing and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli between broiler chickens

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    The emergence of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) is a threat to public health, because of their resistance to clinically important carbapenem antibiotics. The emergence of CPE in meat-producing animals is particularly worrying because consumption of meat contaminated with resistant bacteria comparable to CPE, such as extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae, contributed to colonization in humans worldwide. Currently, no data on the transmission of CPE in livestock is available. We performed a transmission experiment to quantify the transmission of CPE between broilers to fill this knowledge gap and to compare the transmission rates of CPE and other antibiotic-resistant E. coli. A total of 180 Ross 308 broiler chickens were distributed over 12 pens on the day of hatch (day 0). On day 5, half of the 10 remaining chickens in each pen were orally inoculated with 5·10 2 colony-forming units of CPE, ESBL, or chloramphenicol-resistant E. coli (catA1). To evaluate the effect of antibiotic treatment, amoxicillin was given twice daily in drinking water in 6 of the 12 pens from days 2-6. Cloacal swabs of all animals were taken to determine the number of infectious broilers. We used a Bayesian hierarchical model to quantify the transmission of the E. coli strains. E. coli can survive in the environment and serve as a reservoir. Therefore, the susceptible-infectious transmission model was adapted to account for the transmission of resistant bacteria from the environment. In addition, the caecal microbiome was analyzed on day 5 and at the end of the experiment on day 14 to assess the relationship between the caecal microbiome and the transmission rates. The transmission rates of CPE were 52 - 68 per cent lower compared to ESBL and catA1, but it is not clear if these differences were caused by differences between the resistance genes or by other differences between the E. coli strains. Differences between the groups in transmission rates and microbiome diversity did not correspond to each other, indicating that differences in transmission rates were probably not caused by major differences in the community structure in the caecal microbiome. Amoxicillin treatment from day 2-6 increased the transmission rate more than three-fold in all inoculums. It also increased alpha-diversity compared to untreated animals on day 5, but not on day 14, suggesting only a temporary effect. Future research could incorporate more complex transmission models with different species of resistant bacteria into the Bayesian hierarchical model
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