53 research outputs found

    Effect of Anti-TNFα therapy by infliximab against pancreatic tissue damage in severe acute necrotizingn pancreatitis

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    The present study aimed to study the effect of infliximab on the lethality, volume, and nature of pancreatic lesions in severe necrotizing ductal pancreatic necrosi

    Component composition of the body in children with chronic kidney disease according to the results of bioimpedansometry

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    Body composition reflects the dynamic processes in a child’s development. The recommended restrictive diets for patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) contribute to a high risk of sarcopenic muscle wasting as diagnosed by bioimpedancemetry.The aim of the study. To assess BMI and body composition in children with CKD, to identify features of body composition in patients with different BMI Z-score values.Materials and methods. The physical development of 110 children with CKD of different stages was assessed. Patients were divided into two clusters: Group 1 (92 children) with BMI from 10.95 to 21.5 kg/m2, BMI Z-score did not exceed +2.0 (without obesity); Group 2 (18 children) – BMI from 24.11 to 37.2 kg/m2, Z-score BMI – more than +2.0 (obese). All underwent bioimpedancemetry, the proportion of fat and active cell mass was assessed. The comparison was carried out by nonparametric statistics methods.Results. Changes in body composition were revealed: children without obesity had severe protein-energy deficiency in 7 cases (7.6 %). The difference in the proportion of fat mass in children of different groups, Me [Q1; Q3]: Group 1 – 18.00 % [14.00; 22.00], Group 2 – 35.00 % [21.98; 41.00], (Mann – Whitney U-test: U = 279.5, p = 0.00001). In Group 1, the active cell mass was 53.50 % [51.00; 56.00], in Group 2 – 41.50 % [39.00; 47.00] (U = 174.5, p = 0.000001), there were no significant differences in other parameters of bioimpedancemetry.Conclusions. The proportion of active cell mass is lower in overweight children, with a significant predominance of the proportion of fat mass, which indicates the depletion of protein reserves due to their redistribution and possible insufficient alimentary intake in advanced stages of CKD

    Оптимизация проведения спинномозговой анестезии для оперативного родоразрешения у женщин с высокой массой тела

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    Objective: to develop a scheme for calculating the dose of a local anesthetic (LA) for spinal anesthesia (SA) during operative delivery, by taking into account the individual physical characteristics of a female patient. Subjects and methods. The course of SA was analyzed in 35 overweight women. In accordance with the body mass index (BMI), the patients were divided into 3 groups. In each group the authors identified subgroups with no arterial hypotension development (NAHD) and with arterial hypotension development (AHD) until a fetus was extracted. In each specific case, the used dose of a LA was compared with its dose calculated by the height of a patient and the difference between the BMI of a female patient and that taken as the normal value of 25 kg/m2. Results. When the doses of a LA, which were used for SA, were investigated, in all cases the doses of a LA were determined to be smaller than those calculated by the height of a patient. In the NAHD subgroups, the percentage reduction in LA doses was significantly greater than that in the AHD subgroups in all the three groups and the dose was increased as BMI rose from 13.6±1.6% in the NAHD subgroup in Group 1 to 34.7±1.2% in the same subgroup in Group 3. By comparing the percentage reduction in the LA dose and excess BMI, the authors established the correction coefficient for the LA dose calculated by height and derived a formula for calculating the dose of a LA, by taking into account the physical characteristics of a female patient. Conclusion. The LA dose calculation formula considering the individual physical characteristics of a female patient makes the determination of a LA dose more precise in order to optimize the course of anesthesia from the hemodynamic profile. Key words: spinal anesthesia, obesity, cesarean section.Цель исследования . Разработать схему расчета дозы МА для проведения СМА при оперативном родоразрешении с учетом индивидуальных физических характеристик пациентки. Материал и методы. В исследовании анализировали течение СМА у 35 женщин с повышенной массой тела. Женщины с учетом индекса массы тела (ИМТ) были разделены на 3 группы. В каждой из групп были выделены подгруппы с отсутствием развития артериальной гипотонии (ПН) и подгруппы с развитием артериальной гипотонии (НГ) до извлечения плода. В каждом отдельном случае проведения СМА проводили сравнение применяемой дозы местного анестетика (МА) с дозой МА, рассчитанной по росту и разницей между ИМТ пациентки и ИМТ, принятого за норму, равного 25 кг/м2. Результаты. При исследовании доз МА, применяемых для проведения СМА, определено, что во всех случаях дозы МА были ниже доз, рассчитанных по росту пациентки. В подгруппах с отсутствием развития АГ процентное снижение дозы МА было достоверно выше, чем в подгруппах с развитием АГ во всех 3-х группах и увеличивалось по мере нарастания ИМТ с 13,6±1,6% в ПН 1-й группе, до 34,7±1,2% в ПН 3-й. Путем сравнения процентного снижения дозы МА и избытка ИМТ установлен коэффициент коррекции дозы МА, рассчитанной по росту и выведена формула расчета дозы МА с учетом физических характеристик пациентки. Заключение. Формула расчета дозы МА, учитывающая индивидуальные физические характеристики пациентки, способствует более точному определению дозы МА для оптимизации течения анестезии по гемодинамическому профилю. Ключевые слова: спинномозговая анестезия, ожирение, кесарево сечение

    Bone marrow MRI after autologous transplantation and the effect of residual tumor on progression-free survival of multiple myeloma patients

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    Background . The study of influence of residual tumor mass, determined by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), on the progression-free survival (PFS) remains an actual problem. Since the visual assessment of tumor bone marrow lesion can be one of the criteria for the subsequent personalized treatment choice in multiple myeloma patients.The objective of study was to determine the effect of bone marrow lesions detected by MRI after autologous hematopoietic stem cells transplantation (auto-HSCT) on PFS in multiple myeloma patients.Materials and methods . The prospective study included 60 patients who underwent spine and pelvic bones MRI on the 100 th day after autoHSCT.Results . Focal bone marrow changes were found in 47 of them – from 1 to 56 lesions (mean 6 ± 9). Significant (p = 0.01) differences of PFS in multiple myeloma patients depending on the presence or absence of tumor mass on 100 th day after auto-HSCT were revealed: with MRI negative status, 2-year PFS was 89 % versus 50 % in a group of patients with residual tumor mass.Conclusion . MRI-negative status after auto-HSCT is a favorable prognostic factor contributing to prolonged disease-free survival

    The discovAIR project: a roadmap towards the Human Lung Cell Atlas

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    The Human Cell Atlas (HCA) consortium aims to establish an atlas of all organs in the healthy human body at single-cell resolution to increase our understanding of basic biological processes that govern development, physiology and anatomy, and to accelerate diagnosis and treatment of disease. The Lung Biological Network of the HCA aims to generate the Human Lung Cell Atlas as a reference for the cellular repertoire, molecular cell states and phenotypes, and cell–cell interactions that characterise normal lung homeostasis in healthy lung tissue. Such a reference atlas of the healthy human lung will facilitate mapping the changes in the cellular landscape in disease. The discovAIR project is one of six pilot actions for the HCA funded by the European Commission in the context of the H2020 framework programme. discovAIR aims to establish the first draft of an integrated Human Lung Cell Atlas, combining single-cell transcriptional and epigenetic profiling with spatially resolving techniques on matched tissue samples, as well as including a number of chronic and infectious diseases of the lung. The integrated Human Lung Cell Atlas will be available as a resource for the wider respiratory community, including basic and translational scientists, clinical medicine, and the private sector, as well as for patients with lung disease and the interested lay public. We anticipate that the Human Lung Cell Atlas will be the founding stone for a more detailed understanding of the pathogenesis of lung diseases, guiding the design of novel diagnostics and preventive or curative interventions