5 research outputs found

    Adding Assistive Work Desk and Work Place Stretching Exercise On Increase Job Satisfaction and Productivity Of Sewing Workers

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    The sewing process have demands for workers which are usually quite high, which makes workers have to experience a state of rigid posture, static muscle loads and repetitive work, coupled with different and quite thick rope material loads. The process of working in a sitting position for a long time causes complaints and discomfort to workers. The purpose of this research is to increase the satisfaction and productivity of sewing workers. Method: The research design used was a true experimental with the same subject design (treatment by subject design involving 18 workers. The sample in this study was determined as a control subject and treatment subject in different time periods In period I, workers worked as usual while in period II worked using assistive work desks and doing workplace stretching exercises. Job satisfaction was measured using a Minnesota job satisfaction questionnaire containing 20 statements. Productivity was measured by the amount of time workers completed 100 ropes per day. using statistical paired sample t test with a value of α 0.05 for normally distributed data and Wilcoxon test for data that is not normally distributed. Result: The results of the study showed significant differences p <0.05 on job satisfaction and productivity, in period II that is 12.06 points or experienced a difference of 19.80%. The addition of assistive work desks and the provision of Workplace Stretching Exercise increased productivity by 0.17 points or experienced a difference of 38.63%. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the intervention of adding assistive work desks and offering Workplace Stretching Exercise increase job satisfaction and productivity of sewing workers at Span Set Indonesia factory. Keywords: Job satisfaction; Work Productivity; Workplace Stretching Exercis

    Edukasi Kesehatan Remaja Puteri

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    Buku Edukasi Kesehatan Remaja Puteri ini disusun dengan bahasa dan gambar yang mudah dimengerti remaja, agar dapat dilaksanakan dengan mudah demi kesehatan remaja puteri. Remaja Puteri, dalam masa perkembangan usianya, mungkin tidak menyadari besarnya perubahan yang terjadi pada usia remaja, sehingga edukasi ini diharapkan dapat memberi arahan agar remaja puteri bisa tetap sehat dan ceria di usia remaja. Dengan panduan ini, kami berharap remaja puteri Indonesia dapat bertumbuh dan berkembang secara optimal demi tercapainya generasi yang unggul di masa depan