368 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Promosi terhadap Peningkatan Pembiayaan pada Procar Finance (Studi Kasus)

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    Along with the rising incomes of the population in southern Sumatra, Indonesia in particular, causes the increase also will need a four-wheeled vehicle, which is no longer considered a secondary need, but increased to a primary need. The need for these vehicles will be very strategic in order to improve employee performance, but along with the development and the many types of vehicles that appear on lately, to the community in choosing a vehicle that needed to be highly selective, resulting in ownership of the vehicle, will not be used for the long time, if purchased in cash the value of the vehicle at the time of resale price of the vehicle will be much less expensive, thus the purchase of vehicles made by means of credit. In these conditions led to many similar finance companies, to competition between companies will be more stringent, in addition to similar companies that are admisnistrasi legal or illegal, to the role of promotion in order to bind the prospective service user of this company will be very influential. Finance companies will issue promotional costs in accordance with the budget set by the company with the goal of getting as many customers in order to boost the volume of corporate finance

    Penyelesaian Sengketa Tanah Pt.inecda Plantation dengan Masyarakat Adat Sungai Parit di Indragiri Hulu

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    Problems that occur between is a 42 Ha land dispute villagers Sungai Parit, district Indragiri Hulu Sungai Lala with PT.Inecda Plantation.Masyarakat claims that about 42 hectares of land belongs to the people while PT.Inecda Plantation claims that 42 ha of land that are owned by the company the. Plantation PT.Inecda related dispute with residents of Sungai Parit causing residents sent a letter to the Regional Representatives Council Indragiri Hulu. The letter sent to residents of the Regional Representatives Council Indragiri Hulu in connection with PT.Inecda Plantation since 20 years ago to annex the land warga.Surat sent due to lack of clarity on the settlement that has been done several times with the Government of Indragiri Hulu. The purpose of this thesis, namely: First, to find out what the causes of land disputes between indigenous peoples PT.Inecda Plantation with moat river, Secondly, to find out how the efforts made for the settlement of land disputes with indigenous peoples PT.Inecda Plantation river trench.This type of research can be classified in this type of sociological research is research done by identifying how the effectiveness of law that law applies in the community.From the research it is clear that the cause of the problem of land disputes with indigenous peoples PT.Inecda Plantation River Ditch is due to the inclusion of a new home or investment of PT.Inecda Plantation namely household money. PT.Inecda Plantation as well as ignoring the rights of indigenous peoples and the Government Sungai Parit not firm in see investments coming in, a local company established itself so that the environment of indigenous people ignoring local area and do not pay attention to the condition of the area where they founded the company. The settlement of land disputes with indigenous peoples PT.Inecda Plantation Sungai Parit is the first mediation session conducted on January 15, 2013 Date mediated by the head of the Sungai Parit in Hall Village Head Office, On January 10, 2004 Local Government conduct a second mediation process mediated by the head of the Regional land Indragiri Hulu, As of February 15, 2016 at a meeting held by the National land Agency and the Ministry of Environment held diaur China to listen to the opinions of indigenous peoples Sungai Parit against customary land tilled by PT.Inecda Plantation. The results of the meeting the majority of customary land Sungai Parit people returned to the Ministry of Environment to manage

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Cloud Gaming di Android

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    Cloud computing memungkinkan pengguna untuk menjalankan aplikasi pada cloud server melalui jaringan. Cloud computing dapat diterapkan di berbagai bidang, salah satunya adalah game. Cloud gaming dapat meringankan beban komputasi perangkat pengguna dalam menjalankan sebuah game. Hal ini dikarenakan seluruh penyimpanan dan proses-proses dalam game mulai dari komputasi sampai rendering berada di server. Hasil rendering akan dikirim ke perangkat client secara streaming. Pengguna berinteraksi dengan game melalui perangkat client yang terhubung ke server. Cloud gaming memungkinkan game dapat dimankan di mana saja, kapan saja, dan dengan perangkat apa saja, mulai dari PC sampai perangkat mobile (telepon seluler dan tablet). Penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai perancangan aplikasi cloud gaming pada server dan client. Aplikasi server akan dibuat pada sistem operasi Windows 7, sedangkan aplikasi klien akan dibuat pada Android. Hasil yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah terciptanya aplikasi cloud gaming yang memungkinkan pengguna memainkan game pada server secara streaming

    Hubungan Status Gizi dengan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Sekolah Dasar Negeri 063 di Pesisir Sungai Siak Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru

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    Nutrition is an important factor in the development of human resources (HR) to form a healthy and productive human resources. The child is a human asset and future generations to consider life, particularly in terms of nutritional status, nutrition contained in various types of food is very important in maintaining the growth and development of the human body. Good nutritional status will affect the child's achievement and good concentration. This study aimed to determine the nutritional status anata relationship with student achievement 063 public elementary schools in coastal rivers Siak District of Rumbai coastal city of Pekanbaru. This research was conducted with a cross-sectional design of the 93 students. The study was conducted from April to September 2015. This study used proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Data obtained by measuring the nutritional status anthropometric indicators of TB / U is then compared with the CDC chart 2000 and acquired learning achievements of the student report card. The results showed most of the nutritional status of students is normal for 74.2% and most of the learning achievement is low at 53.8%. Data analysis using Chi-square test showed no association between nutritional status and student achievement with p value = 0.771

    Quality Improvement of Seismic Image From 2d Psdm (Pre Stack Depth Migration) Using Tomography for Interval Velocity Model Refinement

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    The main goal of seismic exploration is to get an accurate image of subsurface section so it can be easily interpreted. Pre Stack Depth Migration (PSDM) is such a powerful imaging tool especially for complex area such an area where strong lateral velocity variations exist. The main challenge of PSDM is the need of accurate interval velocity model.In this research, Dix Transformation, coherency inversion, and tomography are used for initial interval velocity model, and then tomography is used for interval velocity model refinement. We compare also between seismic image resulted from PSDM and PSTM to determine the best method. The seismic data that processed in this paper is derived from north western part of Australian Waters. Kata kunci: Pre Stack Depth Migration, Dix Transformation, coherency inversion, tomography. Tujuan utama dari eksplorasi seismik adalah menghasilkan citra yang akurat dari penampang bawah permukaan sehingga diinterpretasi lebih mudah. Pre Stack Depth Migration (PSDM) merupakan suatu metode yang memberikan hasil peningkatan kualitas citra seismik pada daerah kompleks dimana terjadi variasi kecepatan lateral yang signifikan. Salah satu syarat penting yang harus dipenuhi agar hasil PSDM lebih optimal adalah model kecepatan interval yang akurat. Dalam penelitian ini Transformasi Dix, inversi koheren, dan tomografi digunakan untuk memenuhi syarat tersebut. Perbandingan hasil penampang seimik PSDM dan PSTM dilakukan untuk menentukan metode terbaik. Data seismik yang diolah dalam tulisan ini berasal dari wilayah Perairan Baratlaut Australia. Kata kunci: Pre Stack Depth Migration, Transformasi Dix, inversi koheren, tomograf

    Pengaruh Harga terhadap Keputusan Siswa SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Palembang dalam Membeli Ponsel Blackberry Curve (Studi Kasus)

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    The Purpose of this research is to determine the effect of price against the decisions of consumers in purchasing BlackBerry Curve at Senior High School students at Muhammadiyah 1 Palembang. The writer would like to know how prices affect students\u27 decisions to buy the BlackBerry Curve. Data used is the purchase decision, which is the dependent variable (Y) and the influence of price is the independent variable (X). Quantitative method was used in this research, in taking the samples, the writer used the stratified random sampling technique. 95 samples were asked to complete the questionnaire. The obtained data were processed by using sloven\u27s formula as quoted by Husein (2001) then those data were analyzed by using the theoretical framework developed by private (2011). The writer found that there was price effect against students\u27 decisions to buy the BlackBerry Curve. The result showed that the coefficient regression value was 0,611 it meant that there was a positive correlation between price affect against students\u27 decisions to buy the BlackBerry Curve. Based on the value above, the writer can conclude that any value addition carried a price variable, then an increase in students purchasing decision to buy a BlackBerry Curve

    Simulasi Sistem Peringatan Dini Ketinggian Air Sungai dengan Menggunakan Alarm dan SMS Gateway Berbasis At-mega 16

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    Muhammad Firdaus, Yuniarto, in this paper explain that river is one of the important and supporting places for human life, some uses of the river include supporting industrial activities, tourism and much more, besides that many in some river function sites are used as dams for use as an area of electricity generation or just for control water content, but from rivers also natural disasters can occur, which is like a flood caused by overflowing river water The alert system will flood from overflowing rivers until now it cannot work automatically to determine the river's water level. This causes the average local population not to know when the river surface will overflow. In this study a flood detection system was designed that works automatically by knowing the level (level) of the river's water level In designing this tool, the system will be made on the basis of the Atmega 16 microcontroller, where as an input electrodes will be used as detection of water level, and the output will be an alarm with a certain type of sound that adjusts the water level. destination number in the form of notification of the condition of the river water level to be detected. Keywords: Monitoring system, water level, electrodeReferencesIonisasi',Available:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionisasi [04, Juni, 2017]Utami Budi,et.al, Kimia Edisi 1, Jakarta : Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2009Utami Budi,wt.al, Edisi 2, Jakarta : Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2009Winoto Ardi, Mikrokontroller AVR ATmega 8/32/16/8535 dan Pemrogamannya dengan Bahasa C pada WinAVR, Bandung : INFORMATIKA (IF)----, 2006, Data Sheet Mikrokontroller AT-Mega16(L), Atmel.Floyd, T., Principles of Electric circuits conventional current vertion 8th Edition, New Jersey, Hal. 486-496Purnama, A, 2012, Elektronika Dasar, Available http://elektronika-dasar.web.id/ [04,Juni, 2017]Cathey, JJ., Schaum's Outlines Electronic Devices and Circuits 2nd Edition, USA, Hal. 70-71, 2002Boylestad, R, and Nashelsky, L, Electronic Device and Circuit Theory 7th Edition, Ohio, Hal. 180-185Buzzer, 2007,Available : http://elektronika-elektronika.blogspot.co.id/2007/04/Buzzer.html, [30, Mei, 2017]Imersa Lab , Sistem Minimum Mikrokontroller, http://www.immersa-lab.com/sistem-minimum-mikrokontroler.html [07, juni, 2017

    Tafsir Kekuasaan Menurut Gajah Mada

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    The Perspective of political thought reading by Gajah Mada towards its power will use discourse analysis device of Pecheux with qualitative methods. Herein, discourse; a concept presented by Foucault. In this matter, the power in Gajah Mada\u27s thought is the ability to control someone\u27s behavior both direct and indirect

    Implementasi Moving Average Filter Pada Mikrokontroler Sebagai Peredam Noise Sensor Piezo Elektrik Untuk Mendeteksi Gelombang Seismik (Gempa Bumi)

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    Getaran akibat gempa bumi akan mengakibatkan adanya frekuensi gelombang seismik denganfrekuensi rendah (0Hz - 20Hz), untuk mendeteksi keberadaan frekuensi gelombang seismiktersebut dapat menggunakan sensor piezo elektrik. Piezo elektrik adalah sebuah sensor seismikyang mempunyai getaran gempa beramplitudo rendah dan sangat mudah terkontaminasi noisesehingga dibutuhkan filter untuk meredam sinyal noise tersebut. Moving Average (MA) filteradalah suatu metode yang sederhana dan berguna untuk menapis derau acak yang terdapat padaderau asli. MA filter bekerja dengan cara meratakan sejumlah titik tertentu dari isyarat masukanuntuk menghasilkan tiap titik dari isyarat luaran. Gelombang seismic (getaran buatan) padapenelitian ini adalah dengan memberikan amplitudo sensor piezo PVDF antara 3mm, 5mm, 7mm,9mm dan 12mm pada frekuensi 2 Hz (konstan). Sensor piezo mendeteksi kekuatan getaran buatandengan menggunakan Moving Average Filter yang menghasilkan nilai SNR (signal to noiseratio) lebih kecil dibandingkan tidak menggunakan MAF Nilai PGA (peak groundacceleration) dalam satuan grafitasi akan tinggi pada saat sinyal amplitude getaran yangdiberikan juga tinggi (PGA = 0,01G pada saat amplitude getaran 3mm dan 1,43G pada saatamplitude getaran 12 mm)
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