11 research outputs found

    Mean differences in lung function and percent low attenuation area (%LAA) by renal function, as measured by urine albumin excretion (UAE) categories defined by albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR).

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    <p>Abbreviations: SD = standard deviation; ACR = albumin-to-creatinine ratio; CI = confidence interval.</p><p>Definitions: 1) High normal urine albumin excretion: ACR 9–16.9 mg/g in men and 13–24.9 mg/g in women; 2) Microalbuminuria: ACR 17–250 mg/g in men and 25–354.9 mg/g in women; and 3) Macroalbuminuria: ACR ≥250 mg/g in men and ≥355 mg/g in women.</p>*<p>Includes 17 fewer participants than FEV<sub>1</sub> analysis.</p>†<p>Model 1: Adjusted for age, gender, race/ethnicity, body mass index, height, waist and hip circumference and, for CT analyses, CT scanner type.</p>‡<p>Model 2: Adjusted for all the variables in model 1 plus cigarette smoking status, cigarette pack years and urine cotinine.</p>§<p>Model 3: Adjusted for all the variables in model 2 plus cigar-years, pipe-years, environmental tobacco exposure, occupational exposure to dust, asthma before age 45, family history of emphysema, chronic bronchitis, educational attainment, diabetes mellitus, fasting blood glucose, hypertension, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, C reactive protein, fibrinogen, aspirin use, beta blocker use, angiotensin II receptor blocker and/or angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor use, statin use, diuretic use, hormone replacement therapy use, bronchodilator use, oral or inhaled steroid use.</p

    Multivariate association of the central retinal vein equivalent (CRVE) and the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV<sub>1</sub>).

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    <p>The association of CRVE to the FEV<sub>1</sub> was linear in the fully adjusted model, and without evidence for a threshold effect. Covariates include age, gender, race/ethnicity, height, BMI, waist and hip circumference, cigarette smoking status, pack-years, urine cotinine, cigar-years, pipe-years, environmental tobacco exposure, occupational exposure to dust, asthma before age 45, family history of emphysema, chronic bronchitis, educational attainment, diabetes mellitus, fasting blood glucose, hypertension, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, C reactive protein, fibrinogen, aspirin use, beta blocker use, angiotensin II receptor blocker and/or angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor use, statin use, diuretic use, hormone replacement therapy use, bronchodilator use, and oral or inhaled steroid use. Dotted lines are 95% confidence intervals.</p

    Mean differences in lung function and percent low attenuation area (%LAA) by retinal vascular caliber as measured by central retinal vein equivalent (CRVE).

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    <p>Abbreviations: SD = standard deviation; CRVE = Central Retinal Vein Equivalent; CI = confidence interval.</p>*<p>Includes 16 fewer participants than FEV<sub>1</sub> analysis.</p>†<p>Model 1: Adjusted for age, gender, race/ethnicity, body mass index, height, waist and hip circumference and, for CT analyses, CT scanner type.</p>‡<p>Model 2: Adjusted for all the variables in model 1 plus cigarette smoking status, cigarette pack years and urine cotinine.</p>§<p>Model 3: Adjusted for all the variables in model 2 plus cigar-years, pipe-years, environmental tobacco exposure, occupational exposure to dust, asthma before age 45, family history of emphysema, chronic bronchitis, educational attainment, diabetes mellitus, fasting blood glucose, hypertension, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, C reactive protein, fibrinogen, aspirin use, beta blocker use, angiotensin II receptor blocker and/or angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor use, statin use, diuretic use, hormone replacement therapy use, bronchodilator use, oral or inhaled steroid use.</p

    Digital photograph a MESA participant's retina showing central retinal vascular caliber.

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    <p>The caliber of retinal vessels is a calculated average of measurements of all arterioles and venules coursing through an area one half to one full disc diameter from the optic disc margin. Red shaded areas are used to compute the central retinal artery equivalent (CRAE) and blue shaded areas are used to compute the central retinal vein equivalent (CRVE).</p

    Mean differences in lung function and percent low attenuation area (%LAA) by myocardial blood flow (MBF) at rest and during hyperemia.

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    <p>Abbreviations: SD = standard deviation; MBF = myocardial blood flow; CI = confidence interval;</p>†<p>Model 1: Adjusted for age, gender, race/ethnicity, body mass index, height, waist and hip circumference and, for CT analyses, CT scanner type.</p>‡<p>Model 2: Adjusted for all the variables in model 1 plus cigarette smoking status, cigarette pack years and urine cotinine.</p>§<p>Model 3: Adjusted for all the variables in model 2 plus cigar-years, pipe-years, environmental tobacco exposure, occupational exposure to dust, asthma before age 45, family history of emphysema, chronic bronchitis, educational attainment, diabetes mellitus, fasting blood glucose, hypertension, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, C reactive protein, fibrinogen, aspirin use, beta blocker use, angiotensin II receptor blocker and/or angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor use, statin use, diuretic use, hormone replacement therapy use, bronchodilator use, oral or inhaled steroid use.</p

    Multivariate association of the log-transformed albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) and the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV<sub>1</sub>).

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    <p>The association of ACR to FEV<sub>1</sub> was linear on a log scale in the fully adjusted multivariate model. Covariates include age, gender, race/ethnicity, height, BMI, waist and hip circumference, cigarette smoking status, pack-years, urine cotinine, cigar-years, pipe-years, environmental tobacco exposure, occupational exposure to dust, asthma before age 45, family history of emphysema, chronic bronchitis, educational attainment, diabetes mellitus, fasting blood glucose, hypertension, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, C reactive protein, fibrinogen, aspirin use, beta blocker use, angiotensin II receptor blocker and/or angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor use, statin use, diuretic use, hormone replacement therapy use, bronchodilator use, and oral or inhaled steroid use. Dotted lines are 95% confidence intervals.</p

    Characteristics of participants in the MESA Lung Study according to retinal vascular caliber as measured by central retinal vein equivalent (CRVE).

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    <p>Abbreviations: SD = standard deviation; IQR = interquartile range.</p><p>Definitions: Hypertension = physician diagnosis of hypertension or systolic blood pressure >140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure >90 mmHg; Diabetes mellitus = physician diagnosis of diabetes or fasting plasma glucose >126 mg/dl.</p>*<p>Among ever smokers.</p>†<p>Among current smokers.</p

    Episodes of chronic lower respiratory disease by category of emphysema visually.

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    <p>Model 1 adjusted for age, sex and race/ethnicity.</p><p>Model 2 additionally adjusted for pack years smoking, cotinine at time of CT, private healthcare insurance and suspected chronic lower respiratory disease.</p><p>One person who had percent emphysema measured did not have emphysema assessed visually.</p