1,071 research outputs found

    Globalização econômica e descentralização política: um primeiro balanço

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    This paper — a first balance — focuses on the discussion about the reasons and the feasibility of the federative system in Brazil, a discussion that has little to do with our Brazilian political tradition. It stresses, then, an extremely particular and contemporary reality. The author infers his ideas limitating them by the restraints imposed to the national state by the globalization of the capitalist economy, by the end of the bipolar balance of the world political onder, by the deconstruction of the national political — ideological spaces.This paper — a first balance — focuses on the discussion about the reasons and the feasibility of the federative system in Brazil, a discussion that has little to do with our Brazilian political tradition. It stresses, then, an extremely particular and contemporary reality. The author infers his ideas limitating them by the restraints imposed to the national state by the globalization of the capitalist economy, by the end of the bipolar balance of the world political onder, by the deconstruction of the national political — ideological spaces


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    This article analyses the rethoric and practice of social policies in Collor'sadministration, taking into consideration the advancement of the economiccrisis; the social rights included in the Constitution of 1988; government’selectoral strategy and its anti-inflationary policies. It states that the "liberalmodernization" implemented by Collor - as related to the larger socialquestions - stressed four fundamental issues: the correction of the "socialdebt" through economic growth, creation of jobs amd improvement of realincomes; modernization and requaliflcation of instruments and personnel formanagement of large social systems and, finally, the decentralization in themanagement of the major social policies. In the author's evaluation, thecircunstances point out in the direction of more recession andunemployment, which make even more difficult the implementation ofpossible and efficient social policies.L 'article analyse le discour et la pratique du gouvemement Collor mettantTaccent sur Tavancée de la crise economique, les droits sociaux conquispendant elaboration de la Constitution de 1988, la strategicpolitique/electorale du gouvemement el sapolitique anti-inflation. Lareflexion s 'inicie considerant que la "modernisation liberate”proposéeparCollor, par rapport à la question sociale se centrait sue quatre idéesfoudamentales: la diminution de la dette sociale à trovers la croissanceeconomique; la creation d’emplois et une augmentation des revenus reels; lamodernisation des instruments et le cadre de gestions des grands systémessociaux du gouvemement et, flnalement, la decentralisation de la gestion deces politiques. La tendance actuelle selon I 'auteur, est d 'un agravement dela recession et du chomage ce qui peut rendre encore plus difficileI'implantation de politiques sociales possibles et efficaces.O artigo analisa a retórica e prática social do governo Collor, considerandoo avanço da crise econômica, os direitos sociais conquistados na elaboraçãoda Constituição de J988, a estratégia político-eleitoral do governo e a suapolítica anti-infiacionária. Afirma que a "modernização liberal" propostapor Collor, com relação à questão social, enfatizava quatro idéiasfundamentais: a correção da divida social através do crescimentoeconômico; criação de empregos e elevação das rendas reais; modernizaçãoe requalificação dos instrumentos e quadros de gestão dos grandes sistemassociais do governo e, por fim, a descentralização da gestão dessas políticassociais. Na avaliação do autor, as condicionalidades apontam na direção demais recessão e desemprego, o que dificulta ainda mais a implementação depolíticas sociais possíveis ou eficazes

    Existe um estado pós-fordista? reforma

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    This text is in the form of a "policy paper" and it examines and, initially, deals with three preUminary questions: the first one. "Is there a 'post-Fordistic' State?"; the second one: "Is there a new global paradigm?"; the third one: "Is there a Brazilian post-Fordism?". Then it highlights "the lessons coming from the world", summarizing the fundamental problems and the certainties on which we count. After examining these points, the author deals with the old, "non-Fordistic" paradigm in Brazil, carefully discriminating the mode of regulation by "developmentism", presently in check. That leads him to define the "crisis and exhaustion of the old paradigm" and, finally, to a crucial point: "Reform of the Brazilian State", with which he doses his notes.This text is in the form of a "policy paper" and it examines and, initially, deals with three preUminary questions: the first one. "Is there a 'post-Fordistic' State?"; the second one: "Is there a new global paradigm?"; the third one: "Is there a Brazilian post-Fordism?". Then it highlights "the lessons coming from the world", summarizing the fundamental problems and the certainties on which we count. After examining these points, the author deals with the old, "non-Fordistic" paradigm in Brazil, carefully discriminating the mode of regulation by "developmentism", presently in check. That leads him to define the "crisis and exhaustion of the old paradigm" and, finally, to a crucial point: "Reform of the Brazilian State", with which he doses his notes