476 research outputs found

    Topiramato ed ipotermia nell'encefalopatia ipossico-ischemica del neonato a termine: follow-up nei primi due anni di vita.

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    Nonostante i progressi nell’assistenza neonatale e la riduzione della mortalità perinatale nelle ultime decadi, il danno cerebrale ipossico ischemico rimane una causa significativa di mortalità e morbilità a lungo termine. E’ stato dimostrato in diversi trial che l’ipotermia moderata è in grado di ridurre le sequele neurologiche e incrementare la sopravvivenza di neonati a termine con encefalopatia ipossico ischemica (EII). Il Topiramato (TPM) è un farmaco anticonvulsivante provato, che ha dimostrato un effetto sinergico all’ipotermia dopo un danno ipossico-ischemico in modelli animali, determinando una riduzione degli esiti neuromotori nel ratto. Questi effetti sono stati dimostrati a diversi livelli, recettoriali e nella cascata intracellulare, e lasciano ipotizzare la possibilità di utilizzare il TPM come agente neuroprotettivo attraverso la riduzione del rilascio di aminoacidi eccitatori e la modulazione di altri mediatori nelle cellule in condizioni di ipossia. L’obiettivo dello studio proposto è quello di valutare attraverso un trial randomizzato controllato l’efficacia del trattamento combinato di ipotermia e TPM, rispetto a misure di sopravvivenza e outcome neurologico in un gruppo di neonati a termine con encefalopatia ipossico ischemica (EII). I pazienti sono stati monitorati attraverso un programma dettagliato di follow-up mediante strumenti standardizzati per misurare lo sviluppo neuropsichico e studi di Risonanza Magnetica (RM). Risultati preliminari non mostrano significative differenze tra il gruppo di pazienti trattati con TPM e i controlli per quello che riguarda le misure di outcome primario (tasso combinato di mortalità e disabilità neuropsichica di grado severo); alcune modeste differenze sono evidenziabili in misure di outcome secondario. La valutazione delle funzioni visive attraverso un metodo standardizzato, mostra risultati significativamente migliori nei pazienti trattati con TPM rispetto ai controlli; questo effetto potrebbe essere riferibile ad un migliore precoce sviluppo neuropsichico rilevato da questo strumento e determinato dal TPM. Anche la frequenza dell’epilessia appare ridotta in pazienti trattati con TPM rispetto ai controlli. Questo dato potrebbe essere correlato col precedente sul funzionamento visivo, per una relazione già descritta in letteratura tra abilità visive, visuo-cognitive ed encefalopatie epilettiche. Sul piano strumentale, il trattamento con TPM non induce modifiche sostanziali alla Risonanza Magnetica strutturale, ma metodiche avanzate come l’Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) per lo studio della perfusione cerebrale applicate a medio termine sembrano mostrare pattern di perfusione differenti nei pazienti trattati con TPM rispetto ai controlli, ad una preliminare valutazione qualitativa. Un ulteriore prolungato monitoraggio clinico e un incremento del numero dei pazienti reclutati saranno necessari a supportare i dati presentati rispetto alle misure di outcome e fornire chiarimenti in merito ai possibili meccanismi d’azione o marker neurobiologici della neuroprotezione basata sull’utilizzo di ipotermia e TPM

    Neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy after acute carbon monoxide intoxication during pregnancy. A case report and brief review of the literature

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    Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning during pregnancy is a rare occurrence, associated with high maternal and fetal mortality rates. As CO can cross the placenta, leading to intrauterine hypoxia, CO intoxication can result in neurological sequelae and neurologic complications in fetuses who survive. We report a case of a preterm newborn acutely exposed to CO in-utero and delivered by emergent cesarean section at the 31st week of gestation due to the severe burns suffered by the mother following an indoor boiler explosion. As CO has serious adverse effects both on the mother and fetus, it is important to recognize and treat poisoning in a timely manner. Despite maternal blood CO levels, CO intoxication at critical stage of central nervous system development can lead to hypoxic-ischemic lesions, thus interdisciplinary care and follow up for these patients are mandatory

    Altered corticomotor-cerebellar integrity in young ataxia telangiectasia patients

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) research in identifying altered brain structure and function in ataxia-telangiectasia, an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder, is limited. Diffusion-weighted MRI were obtained from 11 ataxia telangiectasia patients (age range, 7-22 years; mean, 12 years) and 11 typically developing age-matched participants (age range, 8-23 years; mean, 13 years). Gray matter volume alterations in patients were compared with those of healthy controls using voxel-based morphometry, whereas tract-based spatial statistics was employed to elucidate white matter microstructure differences between groups. White matter microstructure was probed using quantitative fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity measures. Reduced gray matter volume in both cerebellar hemispheres and in the precentral-postcentral gyrus in the left cerebral hemisphere was observed in ataxia telangiectasia patients compared with controls (P < 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons). A significant reduction in fractional anisotropy in the cerebellar hemispheres, anterior/posterior horns of the medulla, cerebral peduncles, and internal capsule white matter, particularly in the left posterior limb of the internal capsule and corona radiata in the left cerebral hemisphere, was observed in patients compared with controls (P< 0.05). Mean diffusivity differences were observed within the left cerebellar hemisphere and the white matter of the superior lobule of the right cerebellar hemisphere (P< 0.05). Cerebellum-localized gray matter changes are seen in young ataxia telangiectasia patients along with white matter tract degeneration projecting from the cerebellum into corticomotor regions. The lack of cortical involvement may reflect early-stage white matter motor pathway degeneration within young patients

    Motor pathway degeneration in young ataxia telangiectasia patients: A diffusion tractography study

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    Background: Our understanding of the effect of ataxia-telangiectasia mutated gene mutations on brain structure and function is limited. In this study, white matter motor pathway integrity was investigated in ataxia telangiectasia patients using diffusion MRI and probabilistic tractography

    Automated, quantitative measures of grey and white matter lesion burden correlates with motor and cognitive function in children with unilateral cerebral palsy

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    AbstractWhite and grey matter lesions are the most prevalent type of injury observable in the Magnetic Resonance Images (MRIs) of children with cerebral palsy (CP). Previous studies investigating the impact of lesions in children with CP have been qualitative, limited by the lack of automated segmentation approaches in this setting. As a result, the quantitative relationship between lesion burden has yet to be established. In this study, we perform automatic lesion segmentation on a large cohort of data (107 children with unilateral CP and 18 healthy children) with a new, validated method for segmenting both white matter (WM) and grey matter (GM) lesions. The method has better accuracy (94%) than the best current methods (73%), and only requires standard structural MRI sequences. Anatomical lesion burdens most predictive of clinical scores of motor, cognitive, visual and communicative function were identified using the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection operator (LASSO). The improved segmentations enabled identification of significant correlations between regional lesion burden and clinical performance, which conform to known structure-function relationships. Model performance was validated in an independent test set, with significant correlations observed for both WM and GM regional lesion burden with motor function (p<0.008), and between WM and GM lesions alone with cognitive and visual function respectively (p<0.008). The significant correlation of GM lesions with functional outcome highlights the serious implications GM lesions, in addition to WM lesions, have for prognosis, and the utility of structural MRI alone for quantifying lesion burden and planning therapy interventions

    Lung ultrasound supports clinical evaluation of feeding competence development in preterm neonates

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    IntroductionThe achievement of alimentary competencies is a milestone in the development of preterm neonates. Ten percent of neonates &lt;37 weeks of gestational age and 25% of those VLBW experience swallowing disorders, with an increased risk of problems in the early phase of life (failure to thrive, growth retardation, inhalation, and consequent risk of pulmonary infection) and later in life due to delayed development of oromotor skills.The main diagnostic tools for swallowing disorders are endoscopic (fiber-optic endoscopic examination of swallowing, FEES) or radiographic (videofluoroscopic swallowing study, VFSS) exams. Given the invasiveness of these methods and the bias due to rheologic differences between bolus and contrast medium, FEES and VFSS are poorly reproducible. Moreover, neither of the technique is capable of detecting post-meal inhalations, especially microinhalations or those consequent to a whole meal rather than to a single swallowing.Lung ultrasound (LUS) is a widespread, repeatable, safe, fast point-of-care tool and we reported previous encouraging results in detecting silent and overt inhalation related to the meal in children with dysphagia/gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) risk factors.MethodsWe report a pilot study, that investigated LUS approach (performing imaging before and after meals) to assess feeding competence development in a cohort of n. 19 newborns &lt;32 weeks of age.ResultsMeal monitoring by LUS did not show any significant difference in scoring before/after eating. The achievement of full enteral feeding correlates with GA at birth (p &lt; 0.001) but not with LUS scoring. The introduction of the first meal by bottle correlates both with gestational age (p &lt; 0.001) and ultrasound scores (p = 0.004). LUS score at 7 days of life resulted predictive for length of invasive/non-invasive respiratory support (p = 0.002) and length of oxygen supply (p = 0.001), while LUS score at 48 h of life did not (p n.s.).DiscussionOur study suggests that the development of oral feeding skills is not strictly dependent on gestational age. Moreover, our research suggests the predominant role of LUS in predicting the time of readiness to oral feeding, as the LUS score can be a marker of respiratory and lung wellness, and consequently a predictor of neonate stability during deglutitory apnea

    Lung ultrasound in young children with neurological impairment: A proposed integrative clinical tool for deaeration-detection related to feeding

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    Infants and children with neurological impairment, such as cerebral palsy (CP), often experience abnormal ingestion functions, including oropharyngeal dysphagia and gastroesophageal reflux disease, which led to aspiration-related respiratory complications, morbidity, hospitalization, or death. There is a lack of evidence-based, repeatable, infant-friendly instrumental procedures to assess aspiration-risk in infants with CP or other neurological disorders, with also a lack of clinical assessment measures to support the use of more invasive diagnostic techniques. To this purpose, in the current study we explore the feasibility of lung ultrasound (LUS), to assess lung deaeration possibly related to aspiration during meal, in a cohort of 35 subjects affected by CP or other encephalopathies, and 10 controls in the same age-range. We coupled LUS procedure with meal caregiver administration for each child. Our results support the feasibility of this innovative approach in the clinical setting. Exploratory findings revealed a number of lung abnormalities likely related to abnormal ingestion function in subjects. Subgroup analyses revealed possible differences in LUS abnormalities between CP and other encephalopathies, possibly related to different mechanism of disease or dysfunction. Also, some evidences arose about the possible relationship between such LUS abnormalities and feeding and swallowing abilities in CP or other encephalopathies. LUS showed preliminarily feasibility and effectiveness in detecting meal-related LUS abnormalities in a dynamic manner in the clinical setting. This approach demonstrated usefulness as a potential tool for improving assessment and management in complex care of infants and young children with severe neurological disorders

    Lung ultrasound in young children with neurological impairment: A proposed integrative clinical tool for deaeration-detection related to feeding

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    Infants and children with neurological impairment, such as cerebral palsy (CP), often experience abnormal ingestion functions, including oropharyngeal dysphagia and gastroesophageal reflux disease, which led to aspiration-related respiratory complications, morbidity, hospitalization, or death. There is a lack of evidence-based, repeatable, infant-friendly instrumental procedures to assess aspiration-risk in infants with CP or other neurological disorders, with also a lack of clinical assessment measures to support the use of more invasive diagnostic techniques. To this purpose, in the current study we explore the feasibility of lung ultrasound (LUS), to assess lung deaeration possibly related to aspiration during meal, in a cohort of 35 subjects affected by CP or other encephalopathies, and 10 controls in the same age-range. We coupled LUS procedure with meal caregiver administration for each child. Our results support the feasibility of this innovative approach in the clinical setting. Exploratory findings revealed a number of lung abnormalities likely related to abnormal ingestion function in subjects. Subgroup analyses revealed possible differences in LUS abnormalities between CP and other encephalopathies, possibly related to different mechanism of disease or dysfunction. Also, some evidences arose about the possible relationship between such LUS abnormalities and feeding and swallowing abilities in CP or other encephalopathies. LUS showed preliminarily feasibility and effectiveness in detecting meal-related LUS abnormalities in a dynamic manner in the clinical setting. This approach demonstrated usefulness as a potential tool for improving assessment and management in complex care of infants and young children with severe neurological disorders

    Atrial natriuretic peptide stimulates autophagy/mitophagy and improves mitochondrial function in chronic heart failure

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction, causing increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, is a molecular feature of heart failure (HF). A defective antioxidant response and mitophagic flux were reported in circulating leucocytes of patients with chronic HF and reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) exerts many cardiac beneficial effects, including the ability to protect cardiomyocytes by promoting autophagy. We tested the impact of ANP on autophagy/mitophagy, altered mitochondrial structure and function and increased oxidative stress in HFrEF patients by both ex vivo and in vivo approaches. The ex vivo study included thirteen HFrEF patients whose peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated and treated with αANP (10-11&nbsp;M) for 4&nbsp;h. The in vivo study included six HFrEF patients who received sacubitril/valsartan for two months. PBMCs were characterized before and after treatment. Both approaches analyzed mitochondrial structure and functionality. We found that levels of αANP increased upon sacubitril/valsartan, whereas levels of NT-proBNP decreased. Both the ex vivo direct exposure to αANP and the higher αANP level upon in vivo treatment with sacubitril/valsartan caused: (i) improvement of mitochondrial membrane potential; (ii) stimulation of the autophagic process; (iii) significant reduction of mitochondrial mass-index of mitophagy stimulation-and upregulation of mitophagy-related genes; (iv) reduction of mitochondrial damage with increased inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM)/outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) index and reduced ROS generation. Herein we demonstrate that αANP stimulates both autophagy and mitophagy responses, counteracts mitochondrial dysfunction, and damages ultimately reducing mitochondrial oxidative stress generation in PBMCs from chronic HF patients. These properties were confirmed upon sacubitril/valsartan administration, a pivotal drug in HFrEF treatment

    Brain lesion scores obtained using a simple semi-quantitative scale from MR imaging are associated with motor function, communication and cognition in dyskinetic cerebral palsy

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    Purpose: To characterise brain lesions in dyskinetic cerebral palsy (DCP) using the semi-quantitative scale for structural MRI (sqMRI) and to investigate their relationship with motor, communication and cognitive function. Materials and methods: Thirty-nine participants (19 females, median age 21y) with DCP were assessed in terms of motor function, communication and a variety of cognitive domains. Whole-head magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed including T1-MPRAGE, T2 turbo spin echo (axial plane), and fluid attenuated inversion recovery images (FLAIR). A child neurologist visually assessed images for brain lesions and scored these using the sqMRI. Ordinal, Poisson and binomial negative regression models identified which brain lesions accounted for clinical outcomes. Results: Brain lesions were most frequently located in the ventral posterior lateral thalamus and the frontal lobe. Gross (B = 0.180, p < .001; B = 0.658, p < .001) and fine (B = 0.136, p = .003; B = 0.540, p < .001) motor function were associated with global sqMRI score and parietal involvement. Communication functioning was associated with putamen involvement (B = 0.747, p < .028). Intellectual functioning was associated with global sqMRI score and posterior thalamus involvement (B = -0.018, p < .001; B = -0.192, p < .001). Selective attention was associated with global sqMRI score (B = -0.035, p < .001), parietal (B = -0.063, p = .023), and corpus callosum involvement (B = -0.448, p < .001). Visuospatial and visuoperceptive abilities were associated with global sqMRI score (B = -0.078, p = .007) and medial dorsal thalamus involvement (B = -0.139, p < .012), respectively. Conclusions: Key clinical outcomes in DCP are associated with specific observable brain lesions as indexed by a simple lesion scoring system that relies only on standard clinical MRI
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