1,296 research outputs found

    Sen3Bot Net: a meta-sensors network to enable smart factories implementation

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    In the near future, an increasing number of mobile agents working closely with human operators is envisaged in smart factories. In industrial human-shared environments that employ traditional Automated Guided Vehicles, safety can be ensured thanks to the support provided by Autonomous Mobile Robots, acting as a net of meta-sensors. The localization and perception information of each meta-sensor is shared among all mobile platforms. In particular, the information about the dynamic detection of human presence is combined and uploaded in a shared map, increasing the awareness of the mobile robots about their surroundings in a specific working area. This paper proposes an architecture that integrates the meta-sensors with an existing net of Automated Guided Vehicles, with the aim of enhancing systems based on outdated mobile agents that seek for Industry 4.0 solutions without the necessity of a complete renewal. Simulations of test scenarios are provided in order to confirm the validity of the proposed architecture model

    Plan de negocio para la gestión del flujo de paletas en el sector de fabricación de cerámicos

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    El presente plan de negocios consiste en la creación de una empresa consultora (C&G Paletas S.A.C.) especializada en brindar solución a un problema logístico referido a la falta de control del flujo de las paletas, las cuales son un material de embalaje clave en toda la cadena de abastecimiento. La evaluación del proyecto (plan de negocios) se hará a tres años. C&G Paletas S.A.C. ofrecerá el servicio de control y gestión del flujo de paletas a nivel nacional a los tres fabricantes de cerámicos en el Perú. Con el servicio brindado, los clientes obtendrán dos beneficios: ahorros mensuales por la mayor recuperación y reparación de paletas (en promedio S/. 275.000 al mes) y, por otro lado, la mejora en su imagen, debido al impacto medioambiental del proyecto. Los indicadores macroeconómicos (crecimiento del PBI, inflación controlada) y sociales (mayor preocupación por temas medioambientales) ofrecen una buena base para apostar por un negocio que brinde ahorros a los clientes y mejore su imagen ante la sociedad

    Online supervised global path planning for AMRs with human-obstacle avoidance

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    In smart factories, the performance of the production lines is improved thanks to the wide application of mobile robots. In workspaces where human operators and mobile robots coexist, safety is a fundamental factor to be considered. In this context, the motion planning of Autonomous Mobile Robots is a challenging task, since it must take into account the human factor. In this paper, an implementation of a three-level online path planning is proposed, in which a set of waypoints belonging to a safe path is computed by a supervisory planner. Depending on the nature of the detected obstacles during the robot motion, the re-computation of the safe path may be enabled, after the collision avoidance action provided by the local planner is initiated. Particular attention is devoted to the detection and avoidance of human operators. The supervisory planner is triggered as the detected human gets sufficiently close to the mobile robot, allowing it to follow a new safe virtual path while conservatively circumnavigating the operator. The proposed algorithm has been experimentally validated in a laboratory environment emulating industrial scenarios

    Ensuring sample quality for biomarker discovery studies - Use of ict tools to trace biosample life-cycle

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    The growing demand of personalized medicine marked the transition from an empirical medicine to a molecular one, aimed at predicting safer and more effective medical treatment for every patient, while minimizing adverse effects. This passage has emphasized the importance of biomarker discovery studies, and has led sample availability to assume a crucial role in biomedical research. Accordingly, a great interest in Biological Bank science has grown concomitantly. In biobanks, biological material and its accompanying data are collected, handled and stored in accordance with standard operating procedures (SOPs) and existing legislation. Sample quality is ensured by adherence to SOPs and sample whole life-cycle can be recorded by innovative tracking systems employing information technology (IT) tools for monitoring storage conditions and characterization of vast amount of data. All the above will ensure proper sample exchangeability among research facilities and will represent the starting point of all future personalized medicine-based clinical trials

    PoinTap system: a human-robot interface to enable remotely controlled tasks

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    In the last decades, industrial manipulators have been used to speed up the production process and also to perform tasks that may put humans at risk. Typical interfaces employed to teleoperate the robot are not so intuitive to use. In fact, it takes longer to learn and properly control a robot whose interface is not easy to use, and it may also increase the operator’s stress and mental workload. In this paper, a touchscreen interface for supervised assembly tasks is proposed, using an LCD screen and a hand-tracking sensor. The aim is to provide an intuitive remote controlled system that enables a flexible execution of assembly tasks: high level decisions are entrusted to the human operator while the robot executes pick-and-place operations. A demonstrative industrial case study showcases the system potentiality: it was first tested in simulation, and then experimentally validated using a real robot, in a laboratory environment

    Human-Robot Perception in Industrial Environments: A Survey

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    Perception capability assumes significant importance for human–robot interaction. The forthcoming industrial environments will require a high level of automation to be flexible and adaptive enough to comply with the increasingly faster and low-cost market demands. Autonomous and collaborative robots able to adapt to varying and dynamic conditions of the environment, including the presence of human beings, will have an ever-greater role in this context. However, if the robot is not aware of the human position and intention, a shared workspace between robots and humans may decrease productivity and lead to human safety issues. This paper presents a survey on sensory equipment useful for human detection and action recognition in industrial environments. An overview of different sensors and perception techniques is presented. Various types of robotic systems commonly used in industry, such as fixed-base manipulators, collaborative robots, mobile robots and mobile manipulators, are considered, analyzing the most useful sensors and methods to perceive and react to the presence of human operators in industrial cooperative and collaborative applications. The paper also introduces two proofs of concept, developed by the authors for future collaborative robotic applications that benefit from enhanced capabilities of human perception and interaction. The first one concerns fixed-base collaborative robots, and proposes a solution for human safety in tasks requiring human collision avoidance or moving obstacles detection. The second one proposes a collaborative behavior implementable upon autonomous mobile robots, pursuing assigned tasks within an industrial space shared with human operators

    Dynamic Path Planning of a mobile robot adopting a costmap layer approach in ROS2

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    Mobile robots can highly contribute to achieve the production flexibility envisaged by the Industry 4.0 paradigm, provided that they show an adequate level of autonomy to operate in a typical industrial environment, in which the presence of both static and dynamic obstacles must be managed. Robot Operating System (ROS) is a well known open-source platform for the development of robotic applications, recently updated to the enhanced ROS2 version, including a navigation stack (Nav2) providing most, but not all the capabilities required to a mobile robot operating in an industrial environment. In particular, it does not embed a strategy for dynamic obstacle handling. Aim of this paper is to enhance Nav2 through the development of a Dynamic Obstacle Layer, as a plug and play solution suitable for the integration of the dynamic obstacle information acquired by a generic 2D LiDAR sensor. The effectiveness of the proposed solution is validated through a campaign of simulation tests, carried out in Webots for a TurtleBot3 burger robot, equipped with a RPLIDAR A3 LiDAR sensor

    Inhibition of pathogenic non-enveloped viruses by 25-hydroxycholesterol and 27-hydroxycholesterol

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    Recent studies reported a broad but selective antiviral activity of 25-hydroxycholesterol (25HC) against enveloped viruses, being apparently inactive against non-enveloped viruses. Here we show that 25HC is endowed with a marked antiviral activity against three pathogenic non-enveloped viruses, i.e. human papillomavirus-16 (HPV-16), human rotavirus (HRoV), and human rhinovirus (HRhV), thus significantly expanding its broad antiviral spectrum, so far recognized to be limited to viruses with envelope. Moreover, here we disclose the remarkable antiviral activity of another oxysterol of physiological origin, i.e. 27-hydroxycholesterol (27HC), against HPV-16, HRoV and HRhV. We have also identified a much weaker antiviral activity of other oxysterols of pathophysiological relevance, i.e 7α-hydroxycholesterol, 7β-hydroxycholesterol, and 7-ketocholesterol. These findings suggest that appropriate modulation of endogenous production of oxysterols might be a primary host strategy to counteract a broad panel of viral infections. Moreover, 25HC and 27HC could be considered for new therapeutic strategies against HPV-16, HRoV and HRhV
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