Sen3Bot Net: a meta-sensors network to enable smart factories implementation


In the near future, an increasing number of mobile agents working closely with human operators is envisaged in smart factories. In industrial human-shared environments that employ traditional Automated Guided Vehicles, safety can be ensured thanks to the support provided by Autonomous Mobile Robots, acting as a net of meta-sensors. The localization and perception information of each meta-sensor is shared among all mobile platforms. In particular, the information about the dynamic detection of human presence is combined and uploaded in a shared map, increasing the awareness of the mobile robots about their surroundings in a specific working area. This paper proposes an architecture that integrates the meta-sensors with an existing net of Automated Guided Vehicles, with the aim of enhancing systems based on outdated mobile agents that seek for Industry 4.0 solutions without the necessity of a complete renewal. Simulations of test scenarios are provided in order to confirm the validity of the proposed architecture model

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