423 research outputs found

    A model for time-dependent grain boundary diffusion of ions and electrons through a film or scale, with an application to alumina

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    A model for ionic and electronic grain boundary transport through thin films, scales or membranes with columnar grain structure is introduced. The grain structure is idealized as a lattice of identical hexagonal cells - a honeycomb pattern. Reactions with the environment constitute the boundary conditions and drive the transport between the surfaces. Time-dependent simulations solving the Poisson equation self-consistently with the Nernst-Planck flux equations for the mobile species are performed. In the resulting Poisson-Nernst-Planck system of equations, the electrostatic potential is obtained from the Poisson equation in its integral form by summation. The model is used to interpret alumina membrane oxygen permeation experiments, in which different oxygen gas pressures are applied at opposite membrane surfaces and the resulting flux of oxygen molecules through the membrane is measured. Simulation results involving four mobile species, charged aluminum and oxygen vacancies, electrons, and holes, provide a complete description of the measurements and insight into the microscopic processes underpinning the oxygen permeation of the membrane. Most notably, the hypothesized transition between p-type and n-type ionic conductivity of the alumina grain boundaries as a function of the applied oxygen gas pressure is observed in the simulations. The range of validity of a simple analytic model for the oxygen permeation rate, similar to the Wagner theory of metal oxidation, is quantified by comparison to the numeric simulations. The three-dimensional model we develop here is readily adaptable to problems such as transport in a solid state electrode, or corrosion scale growth

    Surface structure and water adsorption on Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>(111): Spin-density functional theory and on-site Coulomb interactions

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    The surface structure of magnetite Fe3O4(111) in contact with oxygen and water is investigated using spin density functional theory plus on-site Coulomb interactions. The present results unravels apparent contradictions in the experimental data regarding the equilibrium stoichiometry of the bare surface termination. Both for 298 K and 1200 K, the equilibrium structure is terminated by 1/4 monolayer (ML) of iron (Fe) on top of a full oxygen layer, consistent with an earlier low-energy electron diffraction analysis. Nontheless, the calculated negative slope of the surface energies vs oxygen partial pressure shows that a 1/2 ML Fe termination would become stable under oxygen poor conditions at high temperatures, in agreement to interpretation of scanning tunneling microscopy experiments. Initial water adsorption is dissociative and saturates when all Fe sites are occupied by OH groups while the H atoms bind to surface oxygen. Further water bridges the OH and H groups resulting in a quite unique type of H-bonded molecular water with its oxygen forming a hydronium ion like structure OH3+-OH. This water structure is different from the water dimeric structures found as yet on oxide and metal surfaces for partially dissociated (H2O-OH-H) overlayers

    Magnetic tight-binding and the iron-chromium enthalpy anomaly

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    We describe a self consistent magnetic tight-binding theory based in an expansion of the Hohenberg-Kohn density functional to second order, about a non spin polarised reference density. We show how a first order expansion about a density having a trial input magnetic moment leads to the Stoner--Slater rigid band model. We employ a simple set of tight-binding parameters that accurately describes electronic structure and energetics, and show these to be transferable between first row transition metals and their alloys. We make a number of calculations of the electronic structure of dilute Cr impurities in Fe which we compare with results using the local spin density approximation. The rigid band model provides a powerful means for interpreting complex magnetic configurations in alloys; using this approach we are able to advance a simple and readily understood explanation for the observed anomaly in the enthalpy of mixing.Comment: Submitted to Phys Rev

    Diffusion of oxygen in Mg-doped α-Al2O3: the corundum conundrum explained

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    It has been a puzzle for over two decades that the enhancement of oxygen diffusion in α-Al_{2}O_{3} ,with respect to the amount of Mg doping, is several orders of magnitude less than expected. The standard model, which envisages that transport is mediated by oxygen vacancies induced to compensate the charge of Mg 2+ ions substituting Al 3+ ions, has not been able to explain this anomaly. Here, we report a detailed study of populations of point defects and defect clusters in Mg-doped α-Al_{2}O_{3}. By taking into account calculated defect formation energies from the literature, the condition of charge neutrality, and the environmental parameters (chemical potentials) under which the anomalous trend in oxygen diffusivities were previously observed, we are able to arrive at an explanation. A non-linear relationship between Mg concentration in the system and key native point defects, which serve as mediators of self-diffusion in α-Al_{2}O_{3_ , is predicted: the concentrations of such defects increase much more slowly in the supersaturation regime than in the pre-saturation regime, matching the anomalous result previously observed in α-Al_{2}O_{3} . We identify the reason for this as buffering by positively charged Mg interstitials and Mg–oxygen vacancy clusters, which compensate the negative charges of Mg substitutional defects (Mg^{1−}Al ). This study answers part of the long-standing question about self-diffusion in alumina, referred to by Heuer and Lagerlöf in 1999 as the Corundum Conundrum

    Electronic structure and total energy of interstitial hydrogen in iron: Tight binding models

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    An application of the tight binding approximation is presented for the description of electronic structure and interatomic force in magnetic iron, both pure and containing hydrogen impurities. We assess the simple canonical d-band description in comparison to a non orthogonal model including s and d bands. The transferability of our models is tested against known properties including the segregation energies of hydrogen to vacancies and to surfaces of iron. In many cases agreement is remarkably good, opening up the way to quantum mechanical atomistic simulation of the effects of hydrogen on mechanical properties

    Prediction and Observation of the bcc Structure in Pure Copper at a \u3cem\u3e\u3cstrong\u3eΣ\u3c/strong\u3e\u3c/em\u3e3 Grain Boundary

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    We have used molecular dynamics and simulated annealing to study an asymmetrical Σ3 tilt grain boundary with ⟨211⟩ rotation axis in Cu. The boundary plane was inclined at 84° with respect to the {}(111) plane. A simple central force N-body interatomic potential was used. The most stable configuration shows a broad band of predominantly bcc structure in the boundary region. Samples of the bicrystal with the same misorientation and inclination of the boundary plane were observed in a 1250 kV transmission electron microscope, confirming the predicted structure with atomic resolution

    The stabilizing role of itinerant ferromagnetism in inter-granular cohesion in iron

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    We present a simple, general energy functional for ferromagnetic materials based upon a local spin density extension to the Stoner theory of itinerant ferromagnetism. The functional reproduces well available ab initio results and experimental interfacial energies for grain boundaries in iron. The model shows that inter-granular cohesion along symmetric tilt boundaries in iron is dependent upon strong magnetic structure at the interface, illuminates the mechanisms underlying this structure, and provides a simple explanation for relaxation of the atomic structure at these boundaries.Comment: In review at Phys. Rev. Lett. Submitted 23 September 1997; revised 16 March 199

    Structural and chemical embrittlement of grain boundaries by impurities: a general theory and first principles calculations for copper

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    First principles calculations of the Sigma 5 (310)[001] symmetric tilt grain boundary in Cu with Bi, Na, and Ag substitutional impurities provide evidence that in the phenomenon of Bi embrittlement of Cu grain boundaries electronic effects do not play a major role; on the contrary, the embrittlement is mostly a structural or "size" effect. Na is predicted to be nearly as good an embrittler as Bi, whereas Ag does not embrittle the boundary in agreement with experiment. While we reject the prevailing view that "electronic" effects (i.e., charge transfer) are responsible for embrittlement, we do not exclude the role of chemistry. However numerical results show a striking equivalence between the alkali metal Na and the semi metal Bi, small differences being accounted for by their contrasting "size" and "softness" (defined here). In order to separate structural and chemical effects unambiguously if not uniquely, we model the embrittlement process by taking the system of grain boundary and free surfaces through a sequence of precisely defined gedanken processes; each of these representing a putative mechanism. We thereby identify three mechanisms of embrittlement by substitutional impurities, two of which survive in the case of embrittlement or cohesion enhancement by interstitials. Two of the three are purely structural and the third contains both structural and chemical elements that by their very nature cannot be further unravelled. We are able to take the systems we study through each of these stages by explicit computer simulations and assess the contribution of each to the nett reduction in intergranular cohesion. The conclusion we reach is that embrittlement by both Bi and Na is almost exclusively structural in origin; that is, the embrittlement is a size effect.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures; Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    A simple environment-dependent overlap potential and Cauchy violation in solid argon

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    We develop an analytic and environment-dependent interatomic potential for the overlap repulsion in solid argon, based on an approximate treatment of the non-orthogonal Tight-Binding theory for the closed-shell systems. The present model can well reproduce the observed elastic properties of solid argon including Cauchy violation at high pressures, yet very simple. A useful and novel analysis is given to show how the elastic properties are related to the environment-dependence incorporated into a generic pairwise potential. The present study has a close link to the broad field of computational materials science, in which the inclusion of environment dependence in short-ranged repulsive part of a potential model is sometimes crucial in predicting the elastic properties correctly.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure
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