42 research outputs found

    POLG1 p.R722H mutation associated with multiple mtDNA deletions and a neurological phenotype

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The c.2447G>A (p.R722H) mutation in the gene <it>POLG1 </it>of the catalytic subunit of human mitochondrial polymerase gamma has been previously found in a few occasions but its pathogenicity has remained uncertain. We set out to ascertain its contribution to neuromuscular disease.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Probands from two families with probable mitochondrial disease were examined clinically, muscle and buccal epithelial DNA were analyzed for mtDNA deletions, and the <it>POLG1, POLG2, ANT1 </it>and <it>Twinkle </it>genes were sequenced.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>An adult proband presented with progressive external ophthalmoplegia, sensorineural hearing impairment, diabetes mellitus, dysphagia, a limb myopathy and dementia. Brain MRI showed central and cortical atrophy, and <sup>18</sup>F-deoxyglucose PET revealed reduced glucose uptake. Histochemical analysis of muscle disclosed ragged red fibers and cytochrome c oxidase-negative fibers. Electron microscopy showed subsarcolemmal aggregates of morphologically normal mitochondria. Multiple mtDNA deletions were found in the muscle, and sequencing of the <it>POLG1 </it>gene revealed a homozygous c.2447G>A (p.R722H) mutation. His two siblings were also homozygous with respect to the p.R722H mutation and presented with dementia and sensorineural hearing impairment. In another family the p.R722H mutation was found as compound heterozygosity with the common p.W748S mutation in two siblings with mental retardation, ptosis, epilepsy and psychiatric symptoms. The estimated carrier frequency of the p.R722H mutation was 1:135 in the Finnish population. No mutations in <it>POLG2</it>, <it>ANT1 </it>and <it>Twinkle </it>genes were found. Analysis of the POLG1 sequence by homology modeling supported the notion that the p.R722H mutation is pathogenic.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The recessive c.2447G>A (p.R722H) mutation in the linker region of the <it>POLG1 </it>gene is pathogenic for multiple mtDNA deletions in muscle and is associated with a late-onset neurological phenotype as a homozygous state. The onset of the disease can be earlier in compound heterozygotes.</p

    Bone toxicity of persistent organic pollutants

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    Abstract Persistent organic pollutants (POPs), especially dioxin-like chemicals, have been shown to have adverse effects on skeleton and these effects are likely to be mediated via the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR). In spite of the extensive research, the characteristics of developmental effects of POPs are poorly known and the role of AHR in POP bone toxicity and skeletal development in general. In this project changes in bone morphology and strength as well as tissue matrix mechanics are studied by applying state of the art biomedical engineering methods. This allows understanding of the effects of dioxins exposure and AHR activity on the development and maturation of extracellular matrix in musculoskeletal tissues from a completely new perspective, and thereby improving the health risk assessment of POPs. In the present study skeletal properties of rats exposed maternally to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), Northern Contaminant Mixture (NCM) and Aroclor1254 (A1254) were studied for cross-sectional morphometric and biomechanical properties, and data were analysed with benchmark dose modelling. In addition, extracellular matrix properties were analysed using nanoindentation. Similar measurements were performed for adult wild-type and AHR-null mice after TCDD exposure. The same animals were also analysed for microstructural changes using micro-computed tomography and their bone cell activity was estimated from serum markers and gene expression. Analyses show decreased bone length and cross-sectional properties with consequently decreased bone strength. On the other hand, an increased trabecular BMD in response to NCM and A1254 was observed. In addition, bone matrix properties indicated delayed maturation or early senescence after maternal or adult exposure, respectively. The AHR is mainly responsible for bone toxicity of dioxin-like compounds and plays a role in bone development. This is likely due to disturbed bone remodeling as indicated by altered serum markers and gene expression. Overall these results indicate that POPs decrease bone strength, but the interpretation is difficult as there is more trabecular bone within cortical bone with compromised quality and increased porosity.Tiivistelmä Altistumisen pysyville orgaanisille ympäristökemikaaleille on todettu heikentävän luustoa. Dioksiinien ja dioksiininkaltaisten yhdisteiden vaikutusten on havaittu välittyvän aryylihiilivetyreseptorin (AHR) välityksellä. Huolimatta pitkään kestäneestä tutkimuksesta POP-yhdisteiden sikiönkehityksen aikaisen altistuksen vaikutukset ja etenkin niiden mekanismit ovat edelleen huonosti tunnettuja, samoin kuin AHR:n osuus POP-yhdisteiden luutoksisuudessa ja luuston kehityksessä ylipäätään. Tässä työssä tutkittiin luuston rakenteellisia ja mekaanisia ominaisuuksia niin perinteisillä kuin uusimmilla biolääketieteen tekniikan menetelmillä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on saada uutta tietoa POP-altistuksen ja AHR-aktiivisuuden vaikutuksista luuston kehitykseen ja luukudoksen ikääntymisprosesseihin, mikä edesauttaa kyseisten yhdisteiden riskinarviointia. Tutkimuksissa altistettiin kantavia rottaemoja 2,3,7,8-tetraklooridibenzo-p-dioksiinille (TCDD), pohjoiselle saasteseokselle ja kaupalliselle Arokloori 1254 PCB-seokselle. Sikiönkehityksen aikana altistuneiden jälkeläisten luuston poikkileikkausen morfologia ja biomekaaniset ominaisuudet mitattiin ja tulokset mallinnettiin vertailuannoksen määrittämiseksi. Lisäksi TCDD-altistettujen rottien luustomatriisin ominaisuuksia selvitettiin nanoindentaatiomenetelmällä. Samaa menetelmää käytettiin myös aikuisiässä TCDD:lle altistettujen villityypin hiirten ja AHR-poistogeenisiten hiirten tutkimiseen. Näiden hiirten luuston hienorakennetta mitattiin myös korkean resoluution mikro-tietokonetomografialla ja niiden luusolujen aktiivisuutta tutkittiin seerumin biomarkkerien ja luun muodostumiseen osallistuvien geenien ekspressiotasojen avulla. Sikiönkehityksen aikainen altistuminen pohjoiselle saasteseokselle ja Arokloori 1254:lle hidasti luiden pituuskasvua. Lisäksi luiden poikkileikkauspinta-alat olivat pienentyneet ja mekaaniset ominaisuudet heikentyneet. Toisaalta hohkaluun määrä oli lisääntynyt altistumisen seurauksena. Myös sikiönkehityksen aikainen altistuminen TCDD:lle hidasti luukudoksen kypsymistä ja johti aikuisiällä luukudoksen ennenaikaiseen vanhenemiseen. AHR:llä oli päärooli ainakin aikuisiän vaikutusten ilmenemiselle ja reseptorilla vaikutti olevan rooli luuston kehityksessä ylipäätään. Seerumin biomarkkereiden ja geeniekspression muutosten perusteella nämä vaikutukset johtuvat todennäköisesti luuston uusiutumisen häiriöistä. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että POP-yhdisteet heikentävät luustoa, mutta tämän ilmiön diagnosoiminen on hankalaa, koska huonolaatuisen kuoriluun sisällä hohkaluun määrä on lisääntynyt

    Experimental mechanical strain measurement of tissues

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    Abstract Strain, an important biomechanical factor, occurs at different scales from molecules and cells to tissues and organs in physiological conditions. Under mechanical strain, the strength of tissues and their micro- and nanocomponents, the structure, proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis of cells and even the cytokines expressed by cells probably shift. Thus, the measurement of mechanical strain (i.e., relative displacement or deformation) is critical to understand functional changes in tissues, and to elucidate basic relationships between mechanical loading and tissue response. In the last decades, a great number of methods have been developed and applied to measure the deformations and mechanical strains in tissues comprising bone, tendon, ligament, muscle and brain as well as blood vessels. In this article, we have reviewed the mechanical strain measurement from six aspects: electro-based, light-based, ultrasound-based, magnetic resonance-based and computed tomography-based techniques, and the texture correlation-based image processing method. The review may help solving the problems of experimental and mechanical strain measurement of tissues under different measurement environments

    Breastfeeding in low-income families of the turn of the 19th-century town of Rauma, Southwestern Finland, according to stable isotope analyses of archaeological teeth

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    Abstract We explore breastfeeding practices among low-income families in the late 18th to early 19th-century town of Rauma in Southwestern Finland. The breastfeeding practices in the area of the current nation of Finland (at the time belonging to first Sweden and then Russia) had been under debate. While in certain regions artificial infant feeding was common and was linked to high infant mortality, breastfeeding was also known to be practiced in certain regions of Finland. To explore this, we analyzed the δ15N and δ13C values in collagen of horizontally cut dentin segments of permanent first molars (M1; n = 7) collected from 19th century human skeletal remains from the deconsecrated Holy Trinity churchyard excavated in 2016. The resulting isotopic profiles were similarly patterned across the seven individuals. The emerging pattern revealed a period of exclusive breastfeeding during approximately the first six months of life, followed by weaning until the latter half of the second year. We further investigated diet during mid-childhood by comparing the stable isotope ratios in collagen of the M1 and premolar roots. This comparison suggested that the mid-childhood diets may have contained more plant-based foods than those consumed earlier in childhood

    Chemical imaging of human teeth by a timeresolved Raman spectrometer based on a CMOS single-photon avalanche diode line sensor

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    Abstract Raman spectroscopy is a powerful analytical tool to be used in many biomedical applications and could be potentially translated into clinical work. The challenge of Raman spectroscopy in biomedical applications is the high inherent fluorescence of biological samples. One promising method to suppress the fluorescence background is to use pulsed lasers and time-gated detectors but the complexity of time-gated systems has hindered their widespread usage. We present here chemical imaging of human teeth by means of a new kind of compact and practical fluorescence-suppressed Raman spectrometer based on a time-resolved 16 × 256 CMOS single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) line sensor with an integrated 256-channel 3-bit on-chip time-to-digital converter. The chemical images were constructed by utilizing a simple unsupervised machine learning algorithm (k-means clustering). The high quality of Raman spectra measured with the time-resolved CMOS SPAD-based Raman spectrometer was verified by comparing the spectra to those collected with a commercial conventional continuous wave (CW) Raman spectrometer. The spectra measured by using the time-resolved CMOS SPAD-based Raman spectrometer had 4.4–8.8 times higher signal to peak-to-peak noise ratio values than the spectra from the CW Raman spectrometer when the same radiant exposure (∼300 J mm−2) was used with both spectrometers. This paper shows in practice the potential of time-resolved CMOS SPAD-based Raman spectroscopy in the field of biomedicine and we expect that the presented technology could pave the way for the development of new kind of compact and practical fluorescence-suppressed Raman spectrometers to be used both in biomedical research and clinical settings

    Imaging of osteoarthritic human articular cartilage using fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy combined with multivariate and univariate analysis

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    Abstract The changes in chemical composition of human articular cartilage (AC) caused by osteoarthritis (OA) were investigated using Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (FTIR-MS). We demonstrate the sensitivity of FTIR-MS for monitoring compositional changes that occur with OA progression. Twenty-eight AC samples from tibial plateaus were imaged with FTIR-MS. Hyperspectral images of all samples were combined for K-means clustering. Partial least squares regression (PLSR) analysis was used to compare the spectra with the OARSI grade (histopathological grading of OA). Furthermore, the amide I and the carbohydrate regions were used to estimate collagen and proteoglycan contents, respectively. Spectral peak at 1338 cm⁻¹ was used to estimate the integrity of the collagen network. The layered structure of AC was revealed using the carbohydrate region for clustering. Statistically significant correlation was observed between the OARSI grade and the collagen integrity in the superficial (r = −0.55) and the deep (r = −0.41) zones. Furthermore, PLSR models predicted the OARSI grade from the superficial (r = 0.94) and the deep (r = 0.77) regions of the AC with high accuracy. Obtained results suggest that quantitative and qualitative changes occur in the AC composition during OA progression, and these can be monitored by the use of FTIR-MS

    Subchondral bone plate thickness is associated with micromechanical and microstructural changes in the bovine patella osteochondral junction with different levels of cartilage degeneration

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    Abstract The influence of joint degeneration on the biomechanical properties of calcified cartilage and subchondral bone plate at the osteochondral junction is relatively unknown. Common experimental difficulties include accessibility to and visualization of the osteochondral junction, application of mechanical testing at the appropriate length scale, and availability of tissue that provides a consistent range of degenerative changes. This study addresses these challenges. A well-established bovine patella model of early joint degeneration was employed, in which micromechanical testing of fully hydrated osteochondral sections was carried out in conjunction with high-resolution imaging using differential interference contrast (DIC) optical light microscopy. A total of forty-two bovine patellae with different grades of tissue health ranging from healthy to mild, moderate, and severe cartilage degeneration, were selected. From the distal–lateral region of each patella, two adjacent osteochondral sections were obtained for the mechanical testing and the DIC imaging, respectively. Mechanical testing was carried out using a robotic micro-force acquisition system, applying compression tests over an array (area: 200 μm × 1000 μm, step size: 50 μm) across the osteochondral junction to obtain a stiffness map. Morphometric analysis was performed for the DIC images of fully hydrated cryo-sections. The levels of cartilage degeneration, DIC images, and the stiffness maps were used to associate the mechanical properties onto the specific tissue regions of cartilage, calcified cartilage, and subchondral bone plate. The results showed that there were up to 20% and 24% decreases (p &lt; 0.05) in the stiffness of calcified cartilage and subchondral bone plate, respectively, in the severely degenerated group compared to the healthy group. Furthermore, there were increases (p &lt; 0.05) in the number of tidemarks, bone spicules at the cement line, and the mean thickness of the subchondral bone plate with increasing levels of degeneration. The decreasing stiffness in the subchondral bone plate coupled with the presence of bone spicules may be indicative of a subchondral remodeling process involving new bone formation. Moreover, the mean thickness of the subchondral bone plate was found to be the strongest indicator of mechanical and associated structural changes in the osteochondral joint tissues

    Histochemical quantification of collagen content in articular cartilage

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    Abstract Background: Articular cartilage (AC) is mainly composed of water, type II collagen, proteoglycans (PGs) and chondrocytes. The amount of PGs in AC is routinely quantified with digital densitometry (DD) from Safranin O-stained sections, but it is unclear whether similar method could be used for collagens. Objective: The aim of this study was to clarify whether collagens can be quantified from histological AC sections using DD. Material and methods: Sixteen human AC samples were stained with Masson’s trichrome or Picrosirius red. Optical densities of histological stains were compared to two commonly used collagen parameters (amide I and collagen CH2 side chain peak at 1338cm-1) measured using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic imaging. Results: Optical density of Modified Masson’s trichrome staining, which included enzymatic removal of PGs before staining, correlated significantly with FTIR-derived collagen parameters at almost all depths of cartilage. The other studied staining protocols displayed significant correlations with the reference parameters at only few depth layers. Conclusions: Based on our findings, modified Masson’s trichrome staining protocol is suitable for quantification of AC collagen content. Enzymatic removal of PGs prior to staining is critical as us allows better staining of the collagen. Further optimization of staining protocols may improve the results in the future studies

    Elastic, dynamic viscoelastic and model-derived fibril-reinforced poroelastic mechanical properties of normal and osteoarthritic human femoral condyle cartilage

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    Abstract Osteoarthritis (OA) degrades articular cartilage and weakens its function. Modern fibril-reinforced poroelastic (FRPE) computational models can distinguish the mechanical properties of main cartilage constituents, namely collagen, proteoglycans, and fluid, thus, they can precisely characterize the complex mechanical behavior of the tissue. However, these properties are not known for human femoral condyle cartilage. Therefore, we aimed to characterize them from human subjects undergoing knee replacement and from deceased donors without known OA. Multi-step stress-relaxation measurements coupled with sample-specific finite element analyses were conducted to obtain the FRPE material properties. Samples were graded using OARSI scoring to determine the severity of histopathological cartilage degradation. The results suggest that alterations in the FRPE properties are not evident in the moderate stages of cartilage degradation (OARSI 2-3) as compared with normal tissue (OARSI 0-1). Drastic deterioration of the FRPE properties was observed in severely degraded cartilage (OARSI 4). We also found that the FRPE properties of femoral condyle cartilage related to the collagen network (initial fibril-network modulus) and proteoglycan matrix (non-fibrillar matrix modulus) were greater compared to tibial and patellar cartilage in OA. These findings may inform cartilage tissue-engineering efforts and help to improve the accuracy of cartilage representations in computational knee joint models

    Bright ultrashort echo time SWIFT MRI signal at the osteochondral junction is not located in the calcified cartilage

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    Abstract In this study, we aimed to precisely localize the hyperintense signal that is generated at the osteochondral junction when using ultrashort echo time magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and to investigate the osteochondral junction using sweep imaging with Fourier transformation (SWIFT) MRI. Furthermore, we seek to evaluate what compositional properties of the osteochondral junction are the sources of this signal. In the study, we obtained eight samples from a tibial plateau dissected from a 68‐year‐old male donor, and one additional osteochondral sample of bovine origin. The samples were imaged using high‐resolution ultrashort echo time SWIFT MRI and microcomputed tomography (μCT) scans. Localization of the bright signal in the osteochondral junction was performed using coregistered data sets. Potential sources of the signal feature were examined by imaging the bovine specimen with variable receiver bandwidths and by performing variable flip angle T1 relaxation time mapping. The results of the study showed that the hyperintense signal was found to be located entirely in the deep noncalcified articular cartilage. The intensity of this signal at the interface varied between the specimens. Further tests with bovine specimens indicated that the imaging bandwidth and T1 relaxation affect the properties of the signal. Based on the present results, the calcified cartilage has low signal intensity even in SWIFT imaging. Concomitantly, it appears that the bright signal seen in ultrashort echo time imaging resides within the noncalcified cartilage. Furthermore, the most likely sources of this signal are the rapid T1 relaxation of the deep cartilage and the susceptibility‐induced effects arising from the calcified tissues