363 research outputs found


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    Alien Registration- Finnerty, John W. (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Cartesian Pre-distortion using a Sigma Delta Modulator for Multi-Standard RF Power Amplifiers

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    The system implements a pre-distortion algorithm for a non-linear PA by placing a pseudo static forward model of a PA in the feedback path of a Sigma Delta Modulator. Performing the predistortion in this way reduces the computation overhead incurred in calculating pre-distorter weights for a given power amplifier. In this paper a Cartesian LUT is used to represent the PA model, allowing the system to compensate for PA non-linearity caused by multiple signal standards. The system was tested using 3 modulation standards and showed improvement of up to 28dB while the PA model remained constant

    Utilizing Sparse-Aware Volterra for Power Amplifier Behavioral Modeling

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    This paper presents a method for reducing the number of weights in a time series behavioral model for a power amplifier. The least-absolute shrinkage and selection operator (Lasso) algorithm is used to reduce the kernel size, preserving the important kernels, while eliminating the less important kernels. The algorithm is evaluated on a behavioral model for a class AB amplifier, the algorithm reduces the number of weights by greater than 70% without degrading model performance by a significant amount

    Digital Quadrature Mixing of Lowpass Sigma-Delta Modulators for Switch-mode Power Amplifiers

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    In this paper a phase compensation technique for the digital upconversion of a quadrature signal for amplification with switch mode power amplifiers is proposed. When a digital signal generator is used to generate the complex envelope signal care must be taken to compensate for the phase skew between the two paths. If phase compensation is not implemented an image caused by up converting the complex envelope of the modulation signal is created. By compensating for phase skew between the I and Q signal paths it is possible to remove this image signal and enable the transmission of multi carrier signals. As a direct result of this technique there is a reduction in the filtering effort at the output of the power amplifier to meet spectral mask requirements

    Epileptic high-frequency network activity in a model of non-lesional temporal lobe epilepsy

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    High-frequency cortical activity, particularly in the 250–600 Hz (fast ripple) band, has been implicated in playing a crucial role in epileptogenesis and seizure generation. Fast ripples are highly specific for the seizure initiation zone. However, evidence for the association of fast ripples with epileptic foci depends on animal models and human cases with substantial lesions in the form of hippocampal sclerosis, which suggests that neuronal loss may be required for fast ripples. In the present work, we tested whether cell loss is a necessary prerequisite for the generation of fast ripples, using a non-lesional model of temporal lobe epilepsy that lacks hippocampal sclerosis. The model is induced by unilateral intrahippocampal injection of tetanus toxin. Recordings from the hippocampi of freely-moving epileptic rats revealed high-frequency activity (4100 Hz), including fast ripples. High-frequency activity was present both during interictal discharges and seizure onset. Interictal fast ripples proved a significantly more reliable marker of the primary epileptogenic zone than the presence of either interictal discharges or ripples (100–250 Hz). These results suggest that fast ripple activity should be considered for its potential value in the pre-surgical workup of non-lesional temporal lobe epilepsy

    Domain duplication, divergence, and loss events in vertebrate Msx paralogs reveal phylogenomically informed disease markers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Msx originated early in animal evolution and is implicated in human genetic disorders. To reconstruct the functional evolution of Msx and inform the study of human mutations, we analyzed the phylogeny and synteny of 46 metazoan Msx proteins and tracked the duplication, diversification and loss of conserved motifs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Vertebrate Msx sequences sort into distinct Msx1, Msx2 and Msx3 clades. The sister-group relationship between <it>MSX1 </it>and <it>MSX2 </it>reflects their derivation from the 4p/5q chromosomal paralogon, a derivative of the original "MetaHox" cluster. We demonstrate physical linkage between Msx and other MetaHox genes (<it>Hmx</it>, <it>NK1</it>, <it>Emx</it>) in a cnidarian. Seven conserved domains, including two Groucho repression domains (N- and C-terminal), were present in the ancestral Msx. In cnidarians, the Groucho domains are highly similar. In vertebrate Msx1, the N-terminal Groucho domain is conserved, while the C-terminal domain diverged substantially, implying a novel function. In vertebrate Msx2 and Msx3, the C-terminal domain was lost. MSX1 mutations associated with ectodermal dysplasia or orofacial clefting disorders map to conserved domains in a non-random fashion.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Msx originated from a MetaHox ancestor that also gave rise to Tlx, Demox, NK, and possibly EHGbox, Hox and ParaHox genes. Duplication, divergence or loss of domains played a central role in the functional evolution of Msx. Duplicated domains allow pleiotropically expressed proteins to evolve new functions without disrupting existing interaction networks. Human missense sequence variants reside within evolutionarily conserved domains, likely disrupting protein function. This phylogenomic evaluation of candidate disease markers will inform clinical and functional studies.</p

    A Low Complexity NARX Structure using Indirect Learning Architecture for Digital Pre-Distortion

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    In this paper, we demonstrate a nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous input (NARX) DPD technique which is more compact, less computationally intensive and less susceptible to errors caused by noise in the PA output compared to an equivalent memory polynomial based DPD. Experimental validation is performed with a 20 MHz LTE signal for a GaN Doherty power amplifier

    The Evolutionary Origin of the Runx/CBFbeta Transcription Factors – Studies of the Most Basal Metazoans

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    BACKGROUND. Members of the Runx family of transcriptional regulators, which bind DNA as heterodimers with CBFβ, are known to play critical roles in embryonic development in many triploblastic animals such as mammals and insects. They are known to regulate basic developmental processes such as cell fate determination and cellular potency in multiple stem-cell types, including the sensory nerve cell progenitors of ganglia in mammals. RESULTS. In this study, we detect and characterize the hitherto unexplored Runx/CBFβ genes of cnidarians and sponges, two basal animal lineages that are well known for their extensive regenerative capacity. Comparative structural modeling indicates that the Runx-CBFβ-DNA complex from most cnidarians and sponges is highly similar to that found in humans, with changes in the residues involved in Runx-CBFβ dimerization in either of the proteins mirrored by compensatory changes in the binding partner. In situ hybridization studies reveal that Nematostella Runx and CBFβ are expressed predominantly in small isolated foci at the base of the ectoderm of the tentacles in adult animals, possibly representing neurons or their progenitors. CONCLUSION. These results reveal that Runx and CBFβ likely functioned together to regulate transcription in the common ancestor of all metazoans, and the structure of the Runx-CBFβ-DNA complex has remained extremely conserved since the human-sponge divergence. The expression data suggest a hypothesis that these genes may have played a role in nerve cell differentiation or maintenance in the common ancestor of cnidarians and bilaterians.National Science Foundation (IBN-0212773, FP-91656101-0); Boston University SPRInG (20-202-8103-9); Israel Science Foundation (825/07

    Genomic survey of candidate stress-response genes in the estuarine anemone Nematostella vectensis

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    Author Posting. © Marine Biological Laboratory, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of Marine Biological Laboratory for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Biological Bulletin 214 (2008): 233-254.Salt marshes are challenging habitats due to natural variability in key environmental parameters including temperature, salinity, ultraviolet light, oxygen, sulfides, and reactive oxygen species. Compounding this natural variation, salt marshes are often heavily impacted by anthropogenic insults including eutrophication, toxic contamination, and coastal development that alter tidal and freshwater inputs. Commensurate with this environmental variability, estuarine animals generally exhibit broader physiological tolerances than freshwater, marine, or terrestrial species. One factor that determines an organism's physiological tolerance is its ability to upregulate "stress-response genes" in reaction to particular stressors. Comparative studies on diverse organisms have identified a number of evolutionarily conserved genes involved in responding to abiotic and biotic stressors. We used homology-based scans to survey the sequenced genome of Nematostella vectensis, the starlet sea anemone, an estuarine specialist, to identify genes involved in the response to three kinds of insult—physiochemical insults, pathogens, and injury. Many components of the stress-response networks identified in triploblastic animals have clear orthologs in the sea anemone, meaning that they must predate the cnidarian-triploblast split (e.g., xenobiotic receptors, biotransformative genes, ATP-dependent transporters, and genes involved in responding to reactive oxygen species, toxic metals, osmotic shock, thermal stress, pathogen exposure, and wounding). However, in some instances, stress-response genes known from triploblasts appear to be absent from the Nematostella genome (e.g., many metal-complexing genes). This is the first comprehensive examination of the genomic stress-response repertoire of an estuarine animal and a member of the phylum Cnidaria. The molecular markers of stress response identified in Nematostella may prove useful in monitoring estuary health and evaluating coastal conservation efforts. These data may also inform conservation efforts on other cnidarians, such as the reef-building corals.AMR was supported by a Postdoctoral Scholar Program at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, with funding provided by The Beacon Institute for Rivers and Estuaries, and the J. Seward Johnson Fund. NTK was supported by a graduate research training grant from the National Institutes of Health. This research was also supported by NSF grant FP-91656101-0 to JCS and JRF, EPA grant F5E11155 to AMR and JRF, and a grant from the Conservation International Marine Management Area Science Program to JRF