300,580 research outputs found

    Modern Macroeconomics in Practice: How Theory is Shaping Policy

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    Theoretical advances in macroeconomics made in the last three decades have had a major influence on macroeconomic policy analysis. Moreover, over the last several decades, the United States and other countries have undertaken a variety of policy changes that are precisely what macroeconomic theory of the last 30 years suggests. The three key developments that have shaped macroeconomic policy analysis are the Lucas critique of policy evaluation due to Robert Lucas, the time inconsistency critique of discre-tionary policy due to Finn Kydland and Edward Prescott, and the development of quantitative dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models following Finn Kydland and Edward Prescott.

    Needs For Love And Belongingness In The Character Of Huck Finn In Mark Twain’s The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn Novel: A Humanistic Psychological Approach

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    The major problem of this study is to reveal how the needs for love and belongingness reflected in The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn novel by Mark Twain. The objectives of the study are to analyze the novel based on its structural elements and on the humanistic psychology analysis. In analyzing the novel, the researcher uses qualitative study. There are two kinds of data source, namely primary and secondary data source. The primary data is the novel of The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn, while the secondary data is any literature related with this study. The researcher collects the data from both primary and secondary data sources by using library research. The technique of data analysis is descriptive technique. The result of the research shows that: First, structural elements of The Adventure of The Huckleberry Finn novel builds good unity. Second, The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn describes the needs for love and belongingness of Huck Finn as major character. Third, Huck Finn is orphan, but he needs attention from another people around him

    Modern macroeconomics in practice: how theory is shaping policy

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    Theoretical advances in macroeconomics made in the last three decades have had a major influence on macroeconomic policy analysis. Moreover, over the last several decades, the United States and other countries have undertaken a variety of policy changes that are precisely what macroeconomic theory of the last 30 years suggests. The three key developments that have shaped macroeconomic policy analysis are the Lucas critique of policy evaluation due to Robert Lucas, the time inconsistency critique of discretionary policy due to Finn Kydland and Edward Prescott, and the development of quantitative dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models following Finn Kydland and Edward Prescott.Monetary policy ; Inflation targeting ; Taxation


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    Foundation and empire : a critique of Hardt and Negri

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    In this article, Thompson complements recent critiques of Hardt and Negri's Empire (see Finn Bowring in Capital and Class, no. 83) using the tools of labour process theory to critique the political economy of Empire, and to note its unfortunate similarities to conventional theories of the knowledge economy

    Unless You Become Like Little Children: The Life of Francis J. Finn, S.J.

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    Biography of Father Francis J. Finn, SJ, written by Father Thomas Kennealy, SJ.https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/finn/1008/thumbnail.jp

    Review of The Impact of a Universal Class-Size Reduction Policy: Evidence from Florida's Statewide Mandate

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    A new Think Twice review released today finds that a recent report on the effect of Florida's class-size reduction reform on student achievement does not actually study the impact of class-size reduction.The Impact of a Universal Class-Size Reduction Policy: Evidence from Florida's Statewide Mandate, written by Matthew M. Chingos for the Program on Education Policy and Governance at Harvard University's Kennedy School, was reviewed for the Think Twice think tank review project by Professor Jeremy Finn of the University at Buffalo-SUNY. Finn, a statistics expert, was a lead researcher of Tennessee's Project STAR, a large, randomized experiment in class-size reduction (CSR). In 2002, Florida voters passed a constitutional amendment mandating CSR throughout that state's schools.The Chingos study compares student test scores in districts that already had average class sizes smaller than required by the amendment with student scores in districts with average class sizes larger than required by the amendment. Districts that already had smaller class sizes received the same additional funding but could use the money as they saw fit, while those with larger class sizes were required to use the state CSR funds to reduce class sizes. Chingos concludes that "mandated CSR in Florida had little, if any, effect on cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes" in the students examined. Finn, however, points out that the study doesn't actually address the effect of CSR on student achievement. Instead the study compares the results of schools that reduced class size with a group of schools that received monies to use as they wished. Both sets of districts in the study had small class sizes. According to Finn, the study's finding would more accurately be stated as "administrative discretion in spending state class-size reduction funds did not affect students' academic performance."Finn's review also points out that there are other flaws in the Chingos study: It uses the broad brush of school and district averages rather than student-level information about class sizes and test scores. Also, the actual class-size differences between the two groups were too small to make an educational difference; both of the groups had small average class sizes.Finn concludes, "Despite its title, this report does not address the issue of class-size reduction. By being presented as an evaluation of Florida's mandated class size limits, it may lead parents, educators, or policy makers to draw faulty conclusions about the impact of the program.