7,933 research outputs found

    Eddy current damper

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    A high torque capacity eddy current damper used as a rate limiting device for a large solar array deployment mechanism is discussed. The eddy current damper eliminates the problems associated with the outgassing or leaking of damping fluids. It also provides performance advantages such as damping torque rates, which are truly linear with respect to input speed, continuous 360 degree operation in both directions of rotation, wide operating temperature range, and the capability of convenient adjustment of damping rates by the user without disassembly or special tools

    Solution to the twin image problem in holography

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    While the invention of holography by Dennis Gabor truly constitutes an ingenious concept, it has ever since been troubled by the so called twin image problem limiting the information that can be obtained from a holographic record. Due to symmetry reasons there are always two images appearing in the reconstruction process. Thus, the reconstructed object is obscured by its unwanted out of focus twin image. Especially for emission electron as well as for x- and gamma-ray holography, where the source-object distances are small, the reconstructed images of atoms are very close to their twin images from which they can hardly be distinguished. In some particular instances only, experimental efforts could remove the twin images. More recently, numerical methods to diminish the effect of the twin image have been proposed but are limited to purely absorbing objects failing to account for phase shifts caused by the object. Here we show a universal method to reconstruct a hologram completely free of twin images disturbance while no assumptions about the object need to be imposed. Both, amplitude and true phase distributions are retrieved without distortion

    Higher Order Bases in a 2D Hybrid BEM/FEM Formulation

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    The advantages of using higher order, interpolatory basis functions are examined in the analysis of transverse electric (TE) plane wave scattering by homogeneous, dielectric cylinders. A boundary-element/finite-element (BEM/FEM) hybrid formulation is employed in which the interior dielectric region is modeled with the vector Helmholtz equation, and a radiation boundary condition is supplied by an Electric Field Integral Equation (EFIE). An efficient method of handling the singular self-term arising in the EFIE is presented. The iterative solution of the partially dense system of equations is obtained using the Quasi-Minimal Residual (QMR) algorithm with an Incomplete LU Threshold (ILUT) preconditioner. Numerical results are shown for the case of an incident wave impinging upon a square dielectric cylinder. The convergence of the solution is shown versus the number of unknowns as a function of the completeness order of the basis functions

    Epiphysenschäden bei endokrinen Erkrankungen

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    Manifestation of spin-charge separation in the dynamic dielectric response of one--dimensional Sr2CuO3

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    We have determined the dynamical dielectric response of a one-dimensional, correlated insulator by carrying out electron energy-loss spectroscopy on Sr2CuO3 single crystals. The observed momentum and energy dependence of the low-energy features, which correspond to collective transitions across the gap, are well described by an extended one-band Hubbard model with moderate nearest neighbor Coulomb interaction strength. An exciton-like peak appears with increasing momentum transfer. These observations provide experimental evidence for spin-charge separation in the relevant excitations of this compound, as theoretically expected for the one-dimensional Hubbard model.Comment: RevTex, 4 pages+2 figures, to appear in PRL (July 13

    Higher Order, Hybrid BEM/FEM Methods Applied to Antenna Modeling

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    In this presentation, the authors address topics relevant to higher order modeling using hybrid BEM/FEM formulations. The first of these is the limitation on convergence rates imposed by geometric modeling errors in the analysis of scattering by a dielectric sphere. The second topic is the application of an Incomplete LU Threshold (ILUT) preconditioner to solve the linear system resulting from the BEM/FEM formulation. The final tOpic is the application of the higher order BEM/FEM formulation to antenna modeling problems. The authors have previously presented work on the benefits of higher order modeling. To achieve these benefits, special attention is required in the integration of singular and near-singular terms arising in the surface integral equation. Several methods for handling these terms have been presented. It is also well known that achieving ~he high rates of convergence afforded by higher order bases may als'o require the employment of higher order geometry models. A number of publications have described the use of quadratic elements to model curved surfaces. The authors have shown in an EFIE formulation, applied to scattering by a PEC .sphere, that quadratic order elements may be insufficient to prevent the domination of modeling errors. In fact, on a PEC sphere with radius r = 0.58 Lambda(sub 0), a quartic order geometry representation was required to obtain a convergence benefi.t from quadratic bases when compared to the convergence rate achieved with linear bases. Initial trials indicate that, for a dielectric sphere of the same radius, - requirements on the geometry model are not as severe as for the PEC sphere. The authors will present convergence results for higher order bases as a function of the geometry model order in the hybrid BEM/FEM formulation applied to dielectric spheres. It is well known that the system matrix resulting from the hybrid BEM/FEM formulation is ill -conditioned. For many real applications, a good preconditioner is required to obtain usable convergence from an iterative solver. The authors have examined the use of an Incomplete LU Threshold (ILUT) preconditioner . to solver linear systems stemming from higher order BEM/FEM formulations in 2D scattering problems. Although the resulting preconditioner provided aD excellent approximation to the system inverse, its size in terms of non-zero entries represented only a modest improvement when compared with the fill-in associated with a sparse direct solver. Furthermore, the fill-in of the preconditioner could not be substantially reduced without the occurrence of instabilities. In addition to the results for these 2D problems, the authors will present iterative solution data from the application of the ILUT preconditioner to 3D problems

    Precise Null Pointer Analysis Through Global Value Numbering

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    Precise analysis of pointer information plays an important role in many static analysis techniques and tools today. The precision, however, must be balanced against the scalability of the analysis. This paper focusses on improving the precision of standard context and flow insensitive alias analysis algorithms at a low scalability cost. In particular, we present a semantics-preserving program transformation that drastically improves the precision of existing analyses when deciding if a pointer can alias NULL. Our program transformation is based on Global Value Numbering, a scheme inspired from compiler optimizations literature. It allows even a flow-insensitive analysis to make use of branch conditions such as checking if a pointer is NULL and gain precision. We perform experiments on real-world code to measure the overhead in performing the transformation and the improvement in the precision of the analysis. We show that the precision improves from 86.56% to 98.05%, while the overhead is insignificant.Comment: 17 pages, 1 section in Appendi

    Simple and Efficient Numerical Evaluation of Near-Hypersingular Integrals

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    Recently, significant progress has been made in the handling of singular and nearly-singular potential integrals that commonly arise in the Boundary Element Method (BEM). To facilitate object-oriented programming and handling of higher order basis functions, cancellation techniques are favored over techniques involving singularity subtraction. However, gradients of the Newton-type potentials, which produce hypersingular kernels, are also frequently required in BEM formulations. As is the case with the potentials, treatment of the near-hypersingular integrals has proven more challenging than treating the limiting case in which the observation point approaches the surface. Historically, numerical evaluation of these near-hypersingularities has often involved a two-step procedure: a singularity subtraction to reduce the order of the singularity, followed by a boundary contour integral evaluation of the extracted part. Since this evaluation necessarily links basis function, Green s function, and the integration domain (element shape), the approach ill fits object-oriented programming concepts. Thus, there is a need for cancellation-type techniques for efficient numerical evaluation of the gradient of the potential. Progress in the development of efficient cancellation-type procedures for the gradient potentials was recently presented. To the extent possible, a change of variables is chosen such that the Jacobian of the transformation cancels the singularity. However, since the gradient kernel involves singularities of different orders, we also require that the transformation leaves remaining terms that are analytic. The terms "normal" and "tangential" are used herein with reference to the source element. Also, since computational formulations often involve the numerical evaluation of both potentials and their gradients, it is highly desirable that a single integration procedure efficiently handles both
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