210 research outputs found

    A Drug-Sensitive Genetic Network Masks Fungi from the Immune System

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    Fungal pathogens can be recognized by the immune system via their β-glucan, a potent proinflammatory molecule that is present at high levels but is predominantly buried beneath a mannoprotein coat and invisible to the host. To investigate the nature and significance of “masking” this molecule, we characterized the mechanism of masking and consequences of unmasking for immune recognition. We found that the underlying β-glucan in the cell wall of Candida albicans is unmasked by subinhibitory doses of the antifungal drug caspofungin, causing the exposed fungi to elicit a stronger immune response. Using a library of bakers' yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) mutants, we uncovered a conserved genetic network that is required for concealing β-glucan from the immune system and limiting the host response. Perturbation of parts of this network in the pathogen C. albicans caused unmasking of its β-glucan, leading to increased β-glucan receptor-dependent elicitation of key proinflammatory cytokines from primary mouse macrophages. By creating an anti-inflammatory barrier to mask β-glucan, opportunistic fungi may promote commensal colonization and have an increased propensity for causing disease. Targeting the widely conserved gene network required for creating and maintaining this barrier may lead to novel broad-spectrum antimycotics

    A Candida albicans CRISPR system permits genetic engineering of essential genes and gene families

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    Candida albicans is a pathogenic yeast that causes mucosal and systematic infections with high mortality. The absence of facile molecular genetics has been a major impediment to analysis of pathogenesis. The lack of meiosis coupled with the absence of plasmids makes genetic engineering cumbersome, especially for essential functions and gene families. We describe a C. albicans CRISPR system that overcomes many of the obstacles to genetic engineering in this organism. The high frequency with which CRISPR-induced mutations can be directed to target genes enables easy isolation of homozygous gene knockouts, even without selection. Moreover, the system permits the creation of strains with mutations in multiple genes, gene families, and genes that encode essential functions. This CRISPR system is also effective in a fresh clinical isolate of undetermined ploidy. Our method transforms the ability to manipulate the genome of Candida and provides a new window into the biology of this pathogen.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (GM035010

    Antisense Transcription Controls Cell Fate in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    SummaryEntry into meiosis is a key developmental decision. We show here that meiotic entry in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is controlled by antisense-mediated regulation of IME4, a gene required for initiating meiosis. In MAT a/α diploids the antisense IME4 transcript is repressed by binding of the a1/α2 heterodimer at a conserved site located downstream of the IME4 coding sequence. MAT a/α diploids that produce IME4 antisense transcript have diminished sense transcription and fail to initiate meiosis. Haploids that produce the sense transcript have diminished antisense transcription and manifest several diploid phenotypes. Our data are consistent with transcription interference as a regulatory mechanism at the IME4 locus that determines cell fate

    FASTER MT: Isolation of Pure Populations of a and α Ascospores from Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has many traits that make it useful for studies of quantitative inheritance. Genome-wide association studies and bulk segregant analyses often serve as first steps toward the identification of quantitative trait loci. These approaches benefit from having large numbers of ascospores pooled by mating type without contamination by vegetative cells. To this end, we inserted a gene encoding red fluorescent protein into the MATa locus. Red fluorescent protein expression caused MATa and a/α diploid vegetative cells and MATa ascospores to fluoresce; MATα cells without the gene did not fluoresce. Heterozygous diploids segregated fluorescent and nonfluorescent ascospores 2:2 in tetrads and bulk populations. The two populations of spores were separable by fluorescence-activated cell sorting with little cross contamination or contamination with diploid vegetative cells. This approach, which we call Fluorescent Ascospore Technique for Efficient Recovery of Mating Type (FASTER MT), should be applicable to laboratory, industrial, and undomesticated, strains

    Ruler Arrays Reveal Haploid Genomic Structural Variation

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    Despite the known relevance of genomic structural variants to pathogen behavior, cancer, development, and evolution, certain repeat based structural variants may evade detection by existing high-throughput techniques. Here, we present ruler arrays, a technique to detect genomic structural variants including insertions and deletions (indels), duplications, and translocations. A ruler array exploits DNA polymerase’s processivity to detect physical distances between defined genomic sequences regardless of the intervening sequence. The method combines a sample preparation protocol, tiling genomic microarrays, and a new computational analysis. The analysis of ruler array data from two genomic samples enables the identification of structural variation between the samples. In an empirical test between two closely related haploid strains of yeast ruler arrays detected 78% of the structural variants larger than 100 bp.United States. National Institutes of Health (Grant R01GM069676

    Engineered yeast tolerance enables efficient production from toxified lignocellulosic feedstocks

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    Lignocellulosic biomass remains unharnessed for the production of renewable fuels and chemicals due to challenges in deconstruction and the toxicity its hydrolysates pose to fermentation microorganisms. Here, we show in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that engineered aldehyde reduction and elevated extracellular potassium and pH are sufficient to enable near-parity production between inhibitor-laden and inhibitor-free feedstocks. By specifically targeting the universal hydrolysate inhibitors, a single strain is enhanced to tolerate a broad diversity of highly toxified genuine feedstocks and consistently achieve industrial-scale titers (cellulosic ethanol of >100 grams per liter when toxified). Furthermore, a functionally orthogonal, lightweight design enables seamless transferability to existing metabolically engineered chassis strains: We endow full, multifeedstock tolerance on a xylose-consuming strain and one producing the biodegradable plastics precursor lactic acid. The demonstration of "drop-in" hydrolysate competence enables the potential of cost-effective, at-scale biomass utilization for cellulosic fuel and nonfuel products alike

    Polyploids require Bik1 for kinetochore–microtubule attachment

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    The attachment of kinetochores to spindle microtubules (MTs) is essential for maintaining constant ploidy in eukaryotic cells. Here, biochemical and imaging data is presented demonstrating that the budding yeast CLIP-170 orthologue Bik1is a component of the kinetochore-MT binding interface. Strikingly, Bik1 is not required for viability in haploid cells, but becomes essential in polyploids. The ploidy-specific requirement for BIK1 enabled us to characterize BIK1 without eliminating nonhomologous genes, providing a new approach to circumventing the overlapping function that is a common feature of the cytoskeleton. In polyploid cells, Bik1 is required before anaphase to maintain kinetochore separation and therefore contributes to the force that opposes the elastic recoil of attached sister chromatids. The role of Bik1 in kinetochore separation appears to be independent of the role of Bik1 in regulating MT dynamics. The finding that a protein involved in kinetochore–MT attachment is required for the viability of polyploids has potential implications for cancer therapeutics

    RNAi in Budding Yeast

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    RNA interference (RNAi), a gene-silencing pathway triggered by double-stranded RNA, is conserved in diverse eukaryotic species but has been lost in the model budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here, we show that RNAi is present in other budding yeast species, including Saccharomyces castellii and Candida albicans. These species use noncanonical Dicer proteins to generate small interfering RNAs, which mostly correspond to transposable elements and Y′ subtelomeric repeats. In S. castellii, RNAi mutants are viable but have excess Y′ messenger RNA levels. In S. cerevisiae, introducing Dicer and Argonaute of S. castellii restores RNAi, and the reconstituted pathway silences endogenous retrotransposons. These results identify a previously unknown class of Dicer proteins, bring the tool of RNAi to the study of budding yeasts, and bring the tools of budding yeast to the study of RNAi

    Making electromagnetic wavelets

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    Electromagnetic wavelets are constructed using scalar wavelets as superpotentials, together with an appropriate polarization. It is shown that oblate spheroidal antennas, which are ideal for their production and reception, can be made by deforming and merging two branch cuts. This determines a unique field on the interior of the spheroid which gives the boundary conditions for the surface charge-current density necessary to radiate the wavelets. These sources are computed, including the impulse response of the antenna.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures; minor corrections and addition