18 research outputs found

    The Impact of the Microbiological Vaginal Swab on the Reproductive Outcome in Infertile Women

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    Background: The thesis on which this paper is based intended to investigate whether the result of the microbiological vaginal swab has an influence on the outcome of the fertility treatment. Methods: The microbiological vaginal swabs of patients who received fertility treatment at Saarland University Hospital were evaluated. Depending on the microorganisms detected, the swab result was classified as inconspicuous, intermediate, or conspicuous. The SPSS software was used to determine the correlation between the swab result and the outcome of the fertility treatment. Results: Dysbiosis was associated with a worse outcome of fertility treatment. The pregnancy rate with a conspicuous swab was 8.6%, whereas it was 13.4% with an inconspicuous swab. However, this association was not statistically significant. Furthermore, an association of endometriosis with dysbiosis was found. Endometriosis was more frequent with a conspicuous swab result than with an inconspicuous result (21.1% vs. 17.7%), yet the correlation was not statistically significant. However, the absence of lactobacilli was significantly associated with endometriosis (p = 0.021). The association between endometriosis and a lower pregnancy rate was also statistically significant (p = 0.006). Conclusion: The microbiological vaginal and cervical swabs can be used as predictors for the success of fertility treatments. Further studies are needed to assess the impact of transforming a dysbiotic flora into a eubiotic environment on the success of fertility treatments

    Postpartum Assessment of the Correlation between Serum Hormone Levels of Estradiol, Progesterone, Prolactin and ß-HCG and Blood Pressure Measurements in Pre-Eclampsia Patients

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    Background: Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-related hypertensive disease. Aberrant hormone levels have been implicated in blood pressure disorders. This study investigated the association of postpartum maternal serum hormone levels of estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, and ß-HCG with poorer PE-related complications including arterial hypertension. Methods: Thirty patient women with preeclampsia, and twenty women with uncomplicated pregnancy were included in this study. Serum levels of estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, and ß-HCG were determined immediately after delivery, and on the first and third postpartum days by means of ECLIA. Results: Compared with normal pregnancy cases, preeclampsia cases had higher serum levels of ß-HCG levels on Day 0 (319%), of progesterone on Day-0 (207%) and Day-1 (178%), and of estradiol on Day-1 (187%) and Day-3 (185%). Increased prolactin levels were positively associated with disease severity and estradiol and progesterone levels were decreased in poorer preeclampsia features including disease onset and IUGR diagnosis. No significant correlation between different hormone levels and blood pressure measurements was reported. Conclusions: This study is the first that detected postpartum maternal serum hormone levels and their correlation with blood pressure measurements in preeclampsia. We believe that the persistent arterial hypertension in the puerperium in preeclampsia as well as poorer disease specifications are most likely not of hormonal origin. Larger, well-defined prospective studies are recommended

    The Therapy of Vulvar Carcinoma : Evaluation of Surgical Options in a Retrospective Monocentric Study

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    (1) Background: Surgical-oncological treatment methods are continuously put to the test in times of evidence-based medicine—notably, a constant reevaluation remains key, especially for tumor entities with increasing incidence such as vulvar carcinoma. (2) Methods: In order to determine the postoperative clinical course of different methods of vulvar excision (vulvectomy, hemivulvectomy) as well as inguinal lymph node removal (lymphadenectomy, sentinel lymph node biopsy) with regard to postoperative wound-healingprocess, perioperative hemorrhage, and reresection rates, we retrospectively analyzed surgical, morphological and laboratory data of 76 patients with a pathological diagnosed vulvar cancer. (3) Results: Analysis of our data from a single center revealed a comparable perioperative clinical course regardless of the chosen method of vulvar excision and inguinal lymph node removal. (4) Conclusions: Thus, our results emphasize the current multimodality in surgical therapy of vulvar carcinoma, in which consideration of known prognostic factors together with the individual patient’s clinical situation allow guideline-based therapy aimed at maximizing surgical safety

    Teaching breast ultrasound skills including core-needle biopsies on a phantom enhances undergraduate student's knowledge and learning satisfaction

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    Purpose To investigate whether a training program on breast ultrasound skills including core-needle biopsies to undergraduate students can improve medical knowledge and learning satisfaction. Methods Medical students attending mandatory classes at the Medical School of the University of Saarland received a supplemental theoretical and hands-on training program on ultrasound (US) breast screening and on US-guided core-needle biopsy using an agar–agar phantom. Experienced breast specialists and ultrasound examiners served as trainers applying Peyton’s 4-step training approach. The students’ theoretical knowledge and hands-on skills were tested before and after the training program, using a multiple-choice questionnaire (MCQ), the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and a student curriculum evaluation. Results The MCQ results showed a significant increase of the student’s theoretical knowledge (50.2–75.2%, p < 0.001). After the course, the OSCE showed a mean total of 17.3/20 points (86.5%), confirming the practical implementation of the new skills. The student curriculum evaluation in general was very positive. A total of 16/20 questions were rated between 1.2 and 1.7 (very good) and 3 questions were rated as 2.1 (good). Conclusion Undergraduate student’s medical education can be enhanced by teaching breast US skills

    Students' attitudes toward digital learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: a survey conducted following an online course in gynecology and obstetrics

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    Purpose The purpose of this survey was to assess medical students’ opinions about online learning programs and their preferences for specific teaching formats during COVID 19 pandemic. Methods Between May and July 2020, medical students who took an online gynecology and obstetrics course were asked to fill in a questionnaire anonymously. The questionnaire solicited their opinions about the course, the teaching formats used (online lectures, video tutorials featuring real patient scenarios, and online practical skills training), and digital learning in general. Results Of 103 students, 98 (95%) submitted questionnaires that were included in the analysis. 84 (86%) students had no problem with the online course and 70 (72%) desired more online teaching in the future. 37 (38%) respondents preferred online to traditional lectures. 72 (74%) students missed learning with real patients. All digital teaching formats received good and excellent ratings from > 80% of the students. Conclusion The survey results show medical students’ broad acceptance of the online course during COVID 19 pandemic and indicates that digital learning options can partially replace conventional face-to-face teaching. For content taught by lecture, online teaching might be an alternative or complement to traditional education. However, bedside-teaching remains a key pillar of medical education

    The Prevalence, Management and Impact of Dysmenorrhea on Medical Students’ Lives—A Multicenter Study

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    Introduction: Dysmenorrhea is defined as the presence of painful menstruation, and it affects daily activities in different ways. The aims of this study were to assess the prevalence and management of dysmenorrhea and to determine the impact of dysmenorrhea on the quality of life of medical students. Material and methods: The study conducted was prospective, analytical and observational and was performed between 7 November 2019 and 30 January 2020 in five university centers from Romania. The data was collected using an original questionnaire regarding menstrual cycles and dysmenorrhea. The information about relationships with family or friends, couples’ relationships and university activity helped to assess the effects of dysmenorrhea on quality of life. The level of significance was set at p < 0.05. Results: The study comprised 1720 students in total. The prevalence of dysmenorrhea was 78.4%. During their menstrual period, most female students felt more agitated or nervous (72.7%), more tired (66.9%), as if they had less energy for daily activities (75.9%) and highly stressed (57.9%), with a normal diet being difficult to achieve (30.0%). University courses (49.4%), social life (34.5%), couples’ relationships (29.6%), as well as relationships with family (21.4%) and friends (15.4%) were also affected, depending on the duration and intensity of the pain. Conclusion: Dysmenorrhea has a high prevalence among medical students and could affect the quality of life of students in several ways. During their menstrual period, most female students feel as if they have less energy for daily activities and exhibit a higher level of stress. The intensity of the symptoms varies considerably and, with it, the degree of discomfort it creates. Most student use both pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods to reduce pain (75.7%). University courses, social life, couples’ relationships, as well as relationships with family and friends are affected, depending on the duration and intensity of the pain

    Incidence of and risk factors for vaginal cuff dehiscence following total laparoscopic hysterectomy: a monocentric hospital analysis

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    Purpose Vaginal cuff dehiscence (VCD) is one of the major surgical complications following hysterectomy with data on incidence rates varying largely and studies assessing risk factors being sparse with contradictive results. The aim of this study was to assess the incidence rate of and risk factors for VCD in a homogenous cohort of women treated for benign uterine pathologies via total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) with standardized follow-up. Methods All patients undergoing TLH at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Saarland University Hospital between November 2010 and February 2019 were retrospectively identified from a prospectively maintained service database. Results VCD occurred in 18 (2.9%) of 617 patients included. In univariate and multivariate analyses, a lower level of surgeon laparoscopic expertise (odds ratio 3.19, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.0–9.38; p = 0.03) and lower weight of removed uterus (odds ratio 0.99, 95% CI 0.98–0.99; p = 0.02) were associated positively with the risk of VCD. Conclusion In this homogenous cohort undergoing TLH, laparoscopic expertise and uterine weight influenced the risk of postoperative VCD. These findings might help to further reduce the rate of this complication

    Ovarian stimulation for fertility treatment

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    Dieser Reviewartikel gibt einen Überblick ĂŒber die verschiedenen in der Reproduktionsmedizin zum Einsatz kommenden Arten der hormonellen Stimulation der Eierstöcke. Der Artikel ist in 3 Teile gegliedert: ZunĂ€chst werden prognostische und prĂ€diktive Parameter fĂŒr den Erfolg einer hormonellen Stimulationstherapie aufgelistet, die es erlauben sollen, ein zu geringes („low response“) oder ein zu starkes Ansprechen der Ovarien („high response“) zu antizipieren. Anschließend werden die Formen der ovariellen Stimulation mit den verfĂŒgbaren Stimulationsmedikamenten und -protokollen dargestellt. Den Abschluss bildet ein Fazit fĂŒr die reproduktionsmedizinische Praxis. Der Beitrag soll einen kompakten Überblick ĂŒber die Thematik geben und praktisch tĂ€tigen Reproduktionsmediziner(inne)n eine schnelle Orientierung im klinischen Alltag ermöglichen.This article provides an overview of the various types of ovarian hormonal stimulation available for fertility treatments in reproductive medicine. The article is divided into three parts: First, prognostic and predictive parameters for successful hormonal stimulation therapy are presented. These should make it possible to anticipate whether ovarian response towards hormonal treatment will be too low (so-called low response) or too high (so-called high response). Subsequently, several forms of ovarian stimulation with the available stimulation drugs and protocols are described. The paper concludes with a brief summary for practical reproductive medicine. This work intends to summarize the topic and provide a quick orientation for reproductive medicine practitioners in daily clinical practice

    Cetrorelix in reproductive medicine

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    This book chapter presents the most important clinical aspects concerning the gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist cetrorelix and its importance in reproductive medicine. After an overview of the historical milestones in the development and establishment of cetrorelix in the context of ovarian stimulation treatment, its dosage, effects, and side effects are evaluated. The chapter terminates with a conclusion emphasizing the ease of use and the increase in patient safety because of a significantly reduced risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome with cetrorelix compared with the agonist protoco

    Long‐term effectiveness of an online decision aid for female cancer patients regarding fertility preservation: Knowledge, attitude, and decisional regret

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    Introduction: The decision, whether to undergo fertility preservation or not is highly demanding for cancer patients. Decision aids may act as an additional source of support. So far, only a limited number of decision aids regarding fertility preservation for female cancer patients exist and have been evaluated systematically. This paper presents the results of secondary analyses of the first randomized controlled trial evaluating an online decision aid for female cancer patients affected by different types of cancer. It focuses on fertility-related knowledge, attitude toward fertility preservation, and long-term effectiveness regarding decisional regret. Material and methods: Young female cancer patients between 18 and 40 years of age were recruited after fertility counseling with a reproductive specialist. They were assigned to either the control group (counseling only) or the intervention group (counseling followed by the additional use of the decision aid). Both groups had to complete a questionnaire after counseling as well as 1 and 12 months later, covering topics such as fertility-related knowledge, attitude towards fertility preservation, decisional conflict and regret. Recruitment was ongoing during 18 months in eight fertility centers located in Switzerland and Germany. Results: Mean age of participating women was 29.31 years (SD 4.57). Of the entire sample (n = 51) 53% were affected with breast cancer, 27.4% with lymphoma, and 19.6% with various other types of cancer. Knowledge regarding the most common fertility preservation methods was high and comparable in both groups. Positive attitude significantly exceeded negative attitude among all participants (p = 0.001). Although the altogether low scores for decisional regret were on a higher level in the control group (T2: mean = 19.00, SD = 13.24; T3: mean = 22.0, SD = 20.67) than in the intervention group (T2: mean = 14.12, SD = 11.07; T3: mean = 12.94, SD = 13.24), there were no statistically significant differences between and within both groups. There was a positive association between decisional conflict and decisional regret at T3 (p = 0.001, r = 0.510). Conclusions: This decision aid was suitable as an additional source of knowledge and may positively impact decisional regret in the long term. Results suggest that the provision of an online decision aid as a complement to fertility counseling may facilitate decision-making. Keywords: attitude; decision aid; decision-making; decisional regret; oncofertility; young female cancer patients