67 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Composite Materials for Use on Launch Complexes

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    Commercially available composite structural shapes were evaluated for use. These composites, fiberglass-reinforced polyester and vinylester resin materials are being used extensively in the fabrication and construction of low maintenance, corrosion resistant structures. The evaluation found that in many applications these composite materials can be successfully used at the space center. These composite materials should not be used where they will be exposed to the hot exhaust plume/cloud of the launch vehicle during the liftoff, and caution should be taken in their use in areas where electrostatic discharge and hypergolic propellant compatibility are primary concerns

    Two Eyes

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    How Can Teachers and Students Prepare for Effective Field Trips to Historic Sites and Museums?

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    Well planned and well organized field trips can be valuable learning experiences for middle school students, resulting in gains in both academic content knowledge and personal growth. Students rank field trips among their favorite activities during their school year and often look back favorably on those experiences as adults. While an emphasis on standardized testing has fueled a decline in the number of field trips taken by many schools, when the trips are coordinated with curriculum standards, administrative approval is more likely, student learning is improved, and test scores do not necessarily suffer. Jefferson County eighth grade teachers and students were surveyed and interviewed to determine their opinions of what factors are necessary for field trips to be effective, that is to provide opportunities for academic and personal growth. Along with a review of the literature, the research showed that these teachers and students see significant preparation as key to an effective field trip; while on a field trip, teachers should engage the students academically; and sufficient follow-up is necessary to help the students retain the knowledge gained on the trip

    Friendships and Relocation: Making the Transition to Long-distance Friendships

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    Human Environmental Science

    Resilience amid Uncertainty: The on-going impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on nonprofits in Washington State

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    This report represents the second phase of on-going research to understand how nonprofits in Washington State have responded to the twin public health crises of systemic racism and the COVID-19 pandemic. The first report focused on the initial phases of the pandemic from March to July 2020 and revealed that many nonprofits faced precarious financial and operational conditions precipitated by an increased demand for services and dwindling revenue sources. Our second phase sought to understand how nonprofits fared in the subsequent period, specifically to investigate (a) how nonprofits, especially organizations led by and serving communities of color, which bore the greatest burden of the twin pandemics, have been able to navigate, (b) the types of support that organizations have been able to access, what that support has allowed them to do (i.e. the needs it covered), the sufficiency of that support to meet organizational needs, and any challenges experienced in receiving support, and (c) the financial and operational outlook for the future of nonprofits in Washington State.We interviewed 37 nonprofit leaders located across Washington State from March to August 2021. Our sample included many of our 2020 survey respondents as well as nonprofits serving communities of color and rural communities. Our interviews revealed that nonprofits responded to the twin pandemics with resilience, compassion, and initiative.

    NASA Marshall Impact Testing Facility Capabilities Applicable to Lunar Dust Work

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    The Impact Testing Facility at Marshall Space Flight Center has several guns that would be of use in studying impact phenomena with respect to lunar dust. These include both ballistic guns, using compressed gas and powder charges, and hypervelocity guns, either light gas guns or an exploding wire gun. In addition, a plasma drag accelerator expected to reach 20 km/s for small particles is under development. Velocity determination and impact event recording are done using ultra-high-speed cameras. Simulation analysis is also available using the SPHC hydrocode

    Chronicles of Oklahoma

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    Article describes the life and career of D. R. Miller, successful circus owner and famous showman. Juliana Nykolaiszyn and Tanya Finchum explore the details of his upbringing, the growth of his circus, the partnerships he formed, and the difficulties he faced

    Chronicles of Oklahoma

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    This article analyzes several oral history interviews with families who own Centennial Farms and Ranches in Oklahoma. The Centennial Farm and Ranch Program began in 1989 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Land Run of 1889. With an aim to record Oklahoma's agricultural history, librarians with the Oklahoma Oral History Research Program developed the Oklahoma Centennial Farm Families oral history project in collaboration with the Oklahoma Historical Society in 2008

    Capabilities of the Impact Testing Facility at Marshall Space Flight Center

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    The test and analysis capabilities of the Impact Testing Facility at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center are described. Nine different gun systems accommodate a wide range of projectile and target sizes and shapes at velocities from subsonic through hypersonic, to accomplish a broad range of ballistic and hypervelocity impact tests. These gun systems include ballistic and microballistic gas and powder guns, a two-stage light gas gun, and specialty guns for weather encounter studies. The ITF "rain gun" is the only hydrometeor impact gun known to be in existence in the United States that can provide single impact performance data with known raindrop sizes. Simulation of high velocity impact is available using the Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic Code. The Impact Testing Facility provides testing, custom test configuration design and fabrication, and analytical services for NASA, the Department of Defense, academic institutions, international space agencies, and private industry in a secure facility located at Marshall Space Flight Center, on the US Army's Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. This facility performs tests that are subject to International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and DoD secret classified restrictions as well as proprietary and unrestricted tests for civil space agencies, academic institutions, and commercial aerospace and defense companies and their suppliers