1,171 research outputs found

    A model based framework for air quality indices and population risk evaluation, with an application to the analysis of Scottish air quality data

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    The paper is devoted to the development of a statistical framework for air quality assessment at the country level and for the evaluation of the ambient population exposure and risk with respect to airborne pollutants. The framework is based on a multivariate space–time model and on aggregated indices defined at different levels of aggregation in space and time. The indices are evaluated, uncertainty included, by considering both the model outputs and the information on the population spatial distribution. The framework is applied to the analysis of air quality data for Scotland for 2009 referring to European and Scottish air quality legislation

    Two-stage Bayesian model to evaluate the effect of air pollution on chronic respiratory diseases using drug prescriptions

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    Exposure to high levels of air pollutant concentration is known to be associated with respiratory problems which can translate into higher morbidity and mortality rates. The link between air pollution and population health has mainly been assessed considering air quality and hospitalisation or mortality data. However, this approach limits the analysis to individuals characterised by severe conditions. In this paper we evaluate the link between air pollution and respiratory diseases using general practice drug prescriptions for chronic respiratory diseases, which allow to draw conclusions based on the general population. We propose a two-stage statistical approach: in the first stage we specify a space-time model to estimate the monthly NO2 concentration integrating several data sources characterised by different spatio-temporal resolution; in the second stage we link the concentration to the β2-agonists prescribed monthly by general practices in England and we model the prescription rates through a small area approach

    Coherency in space of lake and river temperature and water quality records

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    Environmental time series observed over 100’s of monitoring locations usually possess some spatial structure in terms of common patterns throughout time, commonly described as temporal coherence. This paper will apply, develop and compare two methods for clustering time series on the basis of their patterns over time. The first approach treats the time series as functional data and applies hierarchical clustering while the second uses a state-space model based clustering approach. Both methods are developed to incorporate spatial correlation and stopping criteria are investigated to identify an appropriate number of clusters. The methods are applied to Total Organic Carbon data from river sites across Scotland

    Instability of the superfluid flow as black-hole lasing effect

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    We show that the instability leading to the decay of the one-dimensional superfluid flow through a penetrable barrier are due to the black-hole lasing effect. This dynamical instability is triggered by modes resonating in an effective cavity formed by two horizons enclosing the barrier. The location of the horizons is set by v(x)=c(x)v(x)=c(x), with v(x),c(x)v(x),c(x) being the local fluid velocity and sound speed, respectively. We compute the critical velocity analytically and show that it is univocally determined by the horizons configuration. In the limit of broad barriers, the continuous spectrum at the origin of the Hawking-like radiation and of the Landau energetic instability is recovered.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Bulk Cr tips for scanning tunneling microscopy and spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy

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    A simple, reliable method for preparation of bulk Cr tips for Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) is proposed and its potentialities in performing high-quality and high-resolution STM and Spin Polarized-STM (SP-STM) are investigated. Cr tips show atomic resolution on ordered surfaces. Contrary to what happens with conventional W tips, rest atoms of the Si(111)-7x7 reconstruction can be routinely observed, probably due to a different electronic structure of the tip apex. SP-STM measurements of the Cr(001) surface showing magnetic contrast are reported. Our results reveal that the peculiar properties of these tips can be suited in a number of STM experimental situations
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