5 research outputs found

    The Effect Analysis of Motivation, Competence and Organizational Culture on Employees Performance of Jakarta Social Department

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    All this time, government institutions are still overshadowed by stigma, the poor performance of civil servants. Therefore, this research was conducted to analyze the influence of performance factors, including motivation, competence and organizational culture. This study uses a quantitative approach, causal associative research methods, descriptive and inferential analysis. The total population is 50 respondents, the sample technique used in the census and the analysis method uses multiple linear regression. The results of the analysis show that motivation, competence and organizational culture both partially and simultaneously have a significant effect on performanc

    Earning Cultural Values as A Strategic Step to Improve Employee Performance

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    Employee performance is a reflection of a quality organization. Especially in government institutions, where the main task is public servants. So, having professional employees and integrity is a necessity. This study aims to examine the factors that shape performance, based on organizational values. The qualitative method was chosen as a scientific approach, used to facilitate data collection and analysis. The unit of analysis is an employee of the Religion Ministry of Banten province, with a total sample of 70. The sample technique uses simple random sampling and the research instrument uses a questionnaire. Furthermore, the research data were analyzed using multiple linear regression. The results suggest that the performance of employees in the Ministry of Religion offers more professional work skills. This is intended to make public services more measurable and satisfying to the community

    Perspektif Karyawan : Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Naiknya Kinerja

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    Along with the times, there has been a shift in the perspective of organizational management, especially the involvement of human resources. In this century, HR is given a high position, including fulfilling satisfaction. This is done, because the owner of the company realizes that progress will only be achieved if HR maintenance is carried out very well. This study is interested in examining how performance is from the employee's point of view. This is intended so that all interests within the company can be accommodated, especially the interests of HR as the spearhead of the company. To follow up this research, a quantitative approach and regression analysis were used. The object of this research is Panin bank employees in South Tangerang City Region. The results of the study indicate that a good compensation system is a factor that greatly affects the increase in performance. The results of the descriptive analysis explain that employees consider compensation to be the core of a million reasons for wanting to work, willing to be ordered, accepting pressure, ready to sacrifice time and energy. So, if all the sacrifices that have been made for a whole month get a high appreciation, in this case the compensation is commensurate, then very good work productivity will be born

    Peran Kompensasi, Lingkungan Kerja, dan Dukungan Pimpinan dalam Meningkatkan Semangat Kerja

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    For employees, carrying out duties properly is an obligation. But in practice, maintaining work performance and productivity is not easy. Therefore, factors that strengthen morale are needed, including a good compensation system, a comfortable working environment, and getting support from the leadership. In fact, this study will analyze these three factors, in order to determine the level of employee motivation. For this reason, a quantitative approach is determined, in order to obtain a statistical picture of the level of employee morale. In testing, multiple regression techniques are used. The research subjects were employees of PT Panin Bank, with a sample size of 52. The research data were obtained by distributing questionnaires. The results suggest that compensation is the factor that is considered the most influential on morale. This finding confirms that an employee will work better if his main goals are met. In a work context, the main goal of employees is compensation. It can be concluded, compensation can be used as an organizational strategy in directing and controlling employees so that they work in accordance with the interests of the company. Keyword : Motivation, Compensation, Environment, Leadershi