1,053 research outputs found

    Towards a CGIAR Financial Strategy: Issues and Options

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    Paper reviewed by the CGIAR Finance Committee paper and provided to the Group as a basis for discussion at the CGIAR meeting of May 1994. The Committee intended to make a detailed proposal to ICW94, and sought guidance from the Group. The paper argued that the financial problems faced by the CGIAR indicate the need for innovative financial strategies and mechanisms that can assure stable and predictable funding. It outlined a variety of funding models, and their characteristics.Agenda document, CGIAR Mid Term Meeting, May 1994

    Report of the Eighth Meeting of the CGIAR Finance Committee

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    Report of the eighth meeting of the CGIAR Finance Committee, held in Washington, DC, on October 28 and November 2, 1995, during International Centers Week 1995. Committee Chair Michel Petit reported on the outcome at the same meeting, and this written report was circulated later for information. The report covered the 1995 and 1996 financing plans, and guidelines for the preparation of the 1997 research agenda. In 1995, the Committee granted a request from CIMMYT to keep proceeds from the devaluation of the Mexican currency, but was unable to compensate CIAT for the cost of revaluation of the Colombian currency. For 1996, the Committee considered the implications of the new financial arrangements, determined an allocation of the World Bank contribution with a small reserve for contingencies, and suggested a planning level of 4%-8% below the financial plan for the year for CGIAR approval at ICW95. The Committee endorsed a process and schedule for the preparation of 1998-2000 plans for the system

    Report of the Third Meeting of the CGIAR Finance Committee

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    Preliminary report of the third meeting of the CGIAR Finance Committee, held in New Delhi on May 21, 1994. It was distributed for information of the CGIAR Mid Term Meeting which began on May 24, 1994. The final version of the report is not available. The Committee concluded from its study of cost control measures by IARCS, that further savings in costs would need to come from inter-center collaboration

    Report of the Second Meeting of the CGIAR Finance Committee

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    Report of the second meeting of the CGIAR Finance Committee, held at FAO headquarters in Rome in March, 1994. Annexes summarize donor grants to centers for 1993 and 1994, and the allocation of the World Bank contribution for 1994.Agenda document, CGIAR Mid Term Meeting, May 1994

    Higher Education Program Evaluation

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    The University of New Mexico hosted a comprehensive visit in April 2009. At the time of the visit, the team report noted, The institution is the midst of a near complete break down in trust between the faculty and staff and the President. The faculty voted no confidence in the Board Chair, President and Executive Vice President for Administration.\u27 In the ten years prior to the comprehensive visit, UNM had had six presidents and seven provosts in leadership roles, which challenged the institution to provide consistent leadership.\u2

    Domestic violence in Australia: interim report

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    One in three Australian women have experienced physical violence since the age of 15 and almost one in five have experienced sexual violence.  A study of Victorian women demonstrated that domestic violence is the leading preventable contributor to death, disability and illness in women aged between 15 and 44, and is responsible for more of the disease burden than many well-known risk factors such as high blood pressure, smoking and obesity.  The emotional and personal costs of domestic violence in our community are enormous. Violence affects the victims themselves, children who are exposed6 to violence, extended families, friends, work colleagues and the broader community. The committee acknowledges these emotional and personal costs as well as the enormous economic cost of domestic violence. A study commissioned by the commonwealth government notes that the yearly cost of domestic violence in Australia in 2008-09 was $13.6 billion and the cost is increasing.   Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee Members Senator the Hon Kate Lundy (Chair) Senator Cory Bernardi (Deputy Chair) Senator John Faulkner (until 6 February 2015) Senator Claire Moore (from 12 February 2015) Senator Joseph Ludwig Senator Dean Smith Senator Janet Rice Substitute Member Senator Larissa Waters (replaced Senator Janet Rice) Participating Members Senator Claire Moore (until 12 February 2015) Senator Penny Wong Senator Nova Peris Secretariat: Ms Lyn Beverley (Secretary) Ms Ann Palmer (Principal Research Officer) Mr Nicholas Craft (Senior Research Officer) Ms Margaret Cahill (Research Officer) Ms Sarah Brasser (Administrative Officer

    Long Range Financing Strategy for the CGIAR

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    Final report of a Finance Committee Working Group prepared by The Conservation Company. The report addresses CGIAR public awareness, resource mobilization, and financing, and builds on work presented at ICW 1999 and MTM 2000. It presents an operational plan for an enhanced Future Harvest organization, which would add resource mobilization capacity to its existing public awareness capacity. The governance of the new organization is addressed, as well as its relationships to other parts of the CGIAR System.This report was an agenda document at CGIAR International Centers Week, 2000, where it was considered under the report of the Finance Committee. The CGIAR endorsed the recommendations of the Finance Committee to be implemented in the context of the overall change management process. The report was also discussed in connection with the report of the Synthesis Group

    Long Range Financing Strategy for the CGIAR: Final Report of the Working Group

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    Executive summary of the longer term strategy prepared by the Conservation Company under the direction of a Finance Committee working group whose members are listed in an annex. The report summarized here presents an operational plan for an enhanced Future Harvest organization. It addresses CGIAR public awareness, resource mobilization, and financing, and builds on work presented at ICW 1999 and MTM 2000. This summary document was circulated as background to the report of the Synthesis Group to ICW 2000. The full report was also distributed to members at ICW 2000 and is contained in a separate record, under the title 'Long Range Financing Strategy for the CGIAR'

    Report of the Twelfth Meeting of the CGIAR Finance Committee

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    Report of the twelfth meeting of the CGIAR Finance Committee, held in Washington, DC on October 25 and 29, 1997 during International Centers Week. The Chairman, Michel Petit, presented the results of the meeting to the CGIAR at ICW97. The written version was circulated later, with the slides used in the presentation attached.The Committee reviewed the estimated outcome for 1997, and noted that 14 centers were closer to their funding targets than at MTM97. ILRI remained seriously underfunded, ICLARM and ISNAR faced small shortfalls, while ICRISAT and IRRI had carried out major staff reductions. All commodities except livestock and fish were funded at their research agenda targets. The Committee expressed serious concerns about slow disbursement by donors, only 46% through the third quarter, which had significant costs to centers. It noted a continued decline in the proportion of unrestricted funds.The CGIAR Secretariat reported the prospects for 1998 funding, and the TAC Chairman offered comments. The Finance Committee recommended that donors make a special effort to cover shortfalls in livestock and water research. It heard appeals for special funding from ICRISAT, ILRI, ICARDA, IIMI, IITA and WARDA. It decided on immediate action to help ICRISAT and ILRI, and requested full proposals from ICARDA and IIMI for TAC review. It allocated the World Bank contribution for the year, with 30millionofthe30 million of the 45 million total used to match grants from other donors.The Finance Committee and the Oversight Committee met jointly with the Chairman of the Third System Review. The Finance Committee also considered funding for Central Asia and collaboration with the private sector
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