16 research outputs found

    Malaria in pediatric age in the Piedmont Region

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    Introduction. Pediatric malaria, even in countries considered as free as Italy, is an important problem of public health because children have a high variability of the clinical picture. The objective of this brief note is to determine the incidence of pediatric malaria in the Piedmont Region during the period 1989-2015.Materials and methods. All cases of pediatric malaria notified were considered thanks to the regional information flow over the period 1989-2015. Cases of congenital malaria, unconfirmed malaria cases, and aged 14 and older were excluded of the study.Results. In Piedmont in the period 1989-2015, pediatric malaria accounts for 8.8% of the total (172/1946 cases). 74% of patients are of foreign nationality, to which must be added the 14% represented by those born in Italy from foreign parents, while it is 100% the fraction of patients who have made a trip to the abroad. The notification of cases is greater in the autumn months. Only 7.6% of the sample carried out a complete chemoprophylaxis. In 79% of cases, the primary care physician advised chemoprophylaxis on trips to endemic areas.Conclusions. At present, lacking an effective vaccine, the prevention and implementation of standard precautions such as chemoprophylaxis, represent the safest strategy to put into practice to eradicate the disease especially for the groups at greater risk as visiting friends and relatives

    Rapunzel syndrome: how to orient the diagnosis

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    Rapunzel syndrome is a rare form of tricobezoar with a tail extending from the stomach into the small bowel; surgical removal is generally required. About 60 cases have been reported and described in the literature since 1968. We present the case of an 8-year-old girl who, during the course of a genetic consultation, was initially assigned with a clinical suspicion of ectodermal dysplasia. Surgical intervention, which resulted in the extraction of a tricobezoar of enormous size and extension, led us to the diagnosis of Rapunzel syndrome. The possibility of a tricobezoar should be considered in all cases of adolescent patients who present signs of intestinal occlusion or sub-occlusion, suffer from psychiatric disorders, and have a history of trichotillomania. Endoscopic methodology, medical imaging and clinical diagnostics are fundamental for a differential diagnosis. Psychiatric follow-up is advised to prevent recurrence

    Rete didattica contro la violenza alle donne: un’esperienza presso il Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica dell’Università degli Studi di Torino, sede di Ivrea

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    Speaking about gender violence we refer to every act that involve or resemble a physical, sexual or psychological harm or pain inflicted to a woman, including threats. This topic is of social interest and has a negative impact on women’s health. It is evident that we need to arise the awareness of health professionals form a multidisciplinary perspective about this theme. Following this considerations, some teachers of the Università degli Studi di Torino, Degree in Nursing, dedicated an area to this topic in the Venue of Ivrea, creating at the same time a “Didactic Network Versus Violence against Women”. This path leads to the creation of a dedicated conference every year. The objective of this network is to train future nurses to address this delicate issue in a professional manner, empathic and respectful, and help to create awareness among the younger generation, through the activation of a critical thought

    MMR vaccine in the postpartum does not expose seronegative women to untoward effects.

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    Contesto : Lo scopo di questo studio è stato quello di valutare se la vaccinazione rosolia immediatamente dopo il parto potrebbe esporre le donne sieronegative per effetti indesiderati specifici.Metodi : 163 donne rosolia-sieronegativi hanno ricevuto il vaccino MMR nel periodo post-partum; sono stati valutati a 1 mese a 3 mesi successivi attraverso interviste telefoniche. Come controlli, abbiamo confrontato 163 donne rosolia-sieropositivi, che potrebbe avere sintomi simili per qualsiasi motivo, nello stesso arco di tempo.Risultati : A un mese di follow-up, 161 donne nel gruppo dei casi e 162 controlli hanno risposto alla nostra intervista telefonica; alle tre mesi di follow-up, 154 casi e 159 controlli. Eruzione cutanea, faringite, artralgia, linfoadenopatia cervicale, mialgia e parestesia sono state le lamentele più frequentemente riportati in entrambi i gruppi. Una differenza statisticamente significativa nella frequenza di linfoadenopatia cervicale e rash cutaneo a un mese (p = 0.028 ep = 0.005, rispettivamente) è stata osservata tra i casi ei controlli; Tuttavia, nessuna differenza significativa è stata ancora osservata nella frequenza delle manifestazioni muscoloscheletriche acute e croniche a tre mesi.Conclusioni : Non sono sostanziali differenze sono stati segnalati tra casi e controlli per quanto riguarda la frequenza di artralgia e conseguente mialgia al MMR vaccinazione in post-partum . Postpartum rosolia la vaccinazione è sicura e consigliabile in caso di necessità per evitare la circolazione del virus e la sindrome da rosolia congenita

    Rete didattica contro la violenza alle donne: un’esperienza presso il Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica dell’Università degli Studi di Torino, sede di Ivrea

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    Speaking about gender violence we refer to every act that involve or resemble a physical, sexual or psychological harm or pain inflicted to a woman, including threats. This topic is of social interest and has a negative impact on women’s health. It is evident that we need to arise the awareness of health professionals form a multidisciplinary perspective about this theme. Following this considerations, some teachers of the Università degli Studi di Torino, Degree in Nursing, dedicated an area to this topic in the Venue of Ivrea, creating at the same time a “Didactic Network Versus Violence against Women”. This path leads to the creation of a dedicated conference every year. The objective of this network is to train future nurses to address this delicate issue in a professional manner, empathic and respectful, and help to create awareness among the younger generation, through the activation of a critical thought

    Skin-to-Skin Contact in Cesarean Birth and Duration of Breastfeeding: A Cohort Study

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    Early skin-to-skin contact (SSC) after birth is a physiological practice that is internationally recommended and has well-documented importance for the baby and for the mother. This study aims to examine SSC with a cohort of mothers or fathers in the operating room after a Cesarean section (C-section) and its relationship with duration of breastfeeding. From January 1, 2012, to December 31, 2012, at the Castelli Hospital in Verbania, Italy, a Baby Friendly designated hospital, 252 consecutive women who had a C-section were enrolled in the study and followed for 6 months. The sample was later divided into three groups depending on the real outcomes in the operating room: SSC with the mother (57.5%), SSC with the father (17.5%), and no SSC (25%). Our study showed a statistical association between skin-to-skin contact with the mother and the exclusive breastfeeding rates on discharge. This effect is maintained and statistically significant at three and six months, as compared to the groups that had paternal SSC or no SSC. After a C-section, skin-to-skin contact with the mother can be an important practice for support, promotion, and duration of breastfeeding

    Anesthesia in Mowat-Wilson syndrome: information on 11 Italian patients

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    Mowat-Wilson syndrome is a genetic disease caused by heterozygous mutations or deletions of the ZEB2 gene and characterized by typical clinical features. The congenital malformations typical of this syndrome call for early diagnostic and surgical procedures requiring general anesthesia, but few information about the anesthesiology management of such patients is available. We enrolled 11 families of patients with Mowat-Wilson syndrome who had undergone surgical or diagnostic procedures requiring general anesthesia, and sent them a retrospective questionnaire including 16 open questions about the procedures. They were further contacted by phone for a semi-structured interview. A total of 37 procedures requiring general anesthesia was reported in 11 patients. Only two patients reported anesthesia-related complications during the procedure. No true additional anesthesia-related risk was present for the patients with MW syndrome, besides difficult intubation, weaning and lower respiratory tract infection. Perception of risk, however, is derived by non-medical observation on the part of the parents

    Clinical heterogeneity in a family with DKC1 mutation, dyskeratosis congenita and Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson syndrome in first cousins

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    Dyskeratosis congenita (DC) is an inherited bone marrow failure disorder characterized by mucocutaneous features (skin pigmentation, nail dystrophy and oral leukoplakia), pulmonary fibrosis, hematologic and solid malignancies. Its severe form, recognized as Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson syndrome (HHS), also includes cerebellar hypoplasia, microcephaly, developmental delay and prenatal growth retardation. In literature phenotypic variability among DC patients sharing the same mutation is wellknown. To our knowledge this report describes for the first time a family of DC patients, characterized by a member with features of classic DC and another one with some features of HHS, both with the same mutation in DKC1. Our family confirms again that one mutation can be associated with different phenotypes and different hematological manifestations. It’s possible to speculate that there are likely to be patients who do not clinically fit neatly into either classical DC or HHS, but whose clinical features are due to mutations in DKC1 or in genes responsible for autosomal DC/HHS