868 research outputs found

    Nikah Sirri: Dimana Perempuan?

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    Nikah sirri often make controvertion. People who reject nikah sirri and who receive nikah sirri, all of them using religious texts to strengthen their opinion. Nikah sirri make problems than benefits, and almost women and children become victims. So, we have to solve this big problem, the important thing is rethinking and redefining marriage concept. Because, marriage often understood only relation two persons (male and female) with God. But actually the case is social problems. And what is more give knowledge for women, so they can be autonomous and be self-reliant

    Implikasi Shalat Dalam Membentuk Kepribadian Perempuan

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    The subject of women and the shalat is riddled with debate. In fiqh, certain arrangements are made that are subjective to men and women, the criteria for the imam or the placements of the rows for the prayer itself are such examples. Some feel that this is discriminatory towards women, while others feel that it is irrelevant to such cause. This article however, focuses more on the tasawuf aspect of shalat, which does not concern itself with matters practical or legal. It talks more on the essence, of how the shalat shapes, forms and ultimately influences one's personality, this case the one being women in general

    Dinamika Migrasi Desa Kota Di Indonesia: Karakteristik Dan Kehidupan Migran Baru Di Tangerang, Propinsi Banten

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    This paper attempts to examine the dynamics of recent migration in Tangerang city, the major industrial city on the outskirts of Jakarta. In this paper we fist deal with migration patterns associated with economic and social change in Indonesia, both historically and in more recent times especially in Tangerang city. The fild research conducted both in Tangerang city and Tangerang district in 2008 and as part of collaborative research on rural urban migration in Indonesia. Using data gathered from household urban survey, this focuses on the general fiures, characteristics of recent migrants (those moving to the city in the past fie years), compare to lifetime migrants (those living in the city for fie years or more) and non migrants in Tangerang. The paper also provide overview how recent migrants make adjusments on urban environments and also how recent migration has strong relationship with adolescents' life, youth migration and empowerment

    Miskonsepsi Konsep Archaebacteria Dan Eubacteria

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi siswa pada konsep Archaebacteria dan Eubacteria. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan instrumen berupa pilihan ganda beralasan terbuka sebagai alat ukur. Unit analisis dalam penelitian adalah siswa MAN kelas X berjumlah 72 orang. Hasil analisis ditemukan ketidakpahaman pada konsep Archaebacteria dan Eubacteria (61%) yang mendominasi kategori lainnya. Sedangkan kategori Paham konsep dan Miskonsepsi hanya sebesar 19% dan 20%. Miskonsepsi yang dialami siswa dari hasil diagnosa alasan terbuka menunjukkan lebih banyak miskonsepsi utuh dibandingkan dengan miskonsepsi sebagian. Miskonsepsi utuh teridentifikasi dengan siswa beranggapan bahwa bakteri lebih banyak menimbulkan kerugian daripada keuntungan bagi manusia dan lingkungan

    Hubungan Lama Duduk Saat Jam Kerja dan Aktivitas Fisik dengan Keluhan Nyeri Punggung Bawah (Low Back Pain) pada Karyawan Kantor Terpadu Pontianak Tahun 2014

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    Latar Belakang. Nyeri punggung bawah adalah penyebab utamaketerbatasan aktivitas dan alasan untuk tidak masuk kerja di seluruhdunia. Duduk dalam waktu yang lama merupakan salah satu faktor risikoyang paling sering. Aktivitas fisik berhubungan dengan beberapa penyakit,namun hubungan antara aktivitas fisik dengan nyeri punggung bawahmasih belum jelas. Tujuan. Penelitian dilakukan untuk melihat hubunganantara lama duduk dan aktivitas fisik dengan keluhan nyeri punggungbawah. Metodologi. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptifanalitik dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Jumlah sampel 68 orangkaryawan Kantor Terpadu Pontianak, pengambilan dengan tehnik randomsampling. Data penelitian diambil dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil.Ditemukan bahwa lama duduk memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengankeluhan nyeri punggung bawah (p=0,007), dan duduk selama 4-6 jamberisiko 8,579 kali untuk menderita nyeri punggung bawah dibandingkandengan duduk kurang dari 2 jam. Aktivitas fisik tidak memiliki hubunganyang bermakna dengan keluhan nyeri punggung. Kesimpulan. Orangdengan aktivitas fisik tinggi berisiko menderita nyeri punggung bawah jikabersama dengan duduk lama dan indeks massa tubuh tinggi


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    Perceptions of quality audits vary widely depending on the viewpoint of the judge. In general, audit quality is always reviewed by the auditor. The quality of audit implementation always refers to established standards including general standards, work standards, and reporting standards, while the users of audit services are often forgotten. Good audit quality will have an impact on audit service users (auditee).This study  was aimed to exemined  the effect of audit quality dimensions including auditor’s reputation, expertise, capability, independence, responsiveness and emphaty to client satisfaction. The population of  this study are goverment officer in Maluku Barat Daya. Sampling was conducted using a judgement sampling method and number of samples are 44 respondents. Technique of  data collection is survey by using questionnaires. Analysis using multiple regression analysis. The results showed that auditor reputation, capability, and emphaty have a positive and significant effect on auditee satisfaction, while the auditor expertise, independence, responsiveness do not significantlyaffect the auditee satisfaction

    The Relationship Between Early Childhood Education and Student Success

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    The purpose of the study was to determine whether differences exist in performance on high-stakes accountability tests in third grade and high school among seniors who attended preschool and those who did not attend preschool. Test performance was measured using 2006-2007 third grade Mississippi Curriculum Test (MCT) reading and math scaled scores, English II and Algebra I Subject Area Testing Program-2 (SATP2) scores, and ACT composite scores. The study further analyzed the difference among groups based on retention rates, gender, and socioeconomic status. The study also examined the beliefs of parents of preschool attendees about the impact of preschool on their children’s preparation for formal school success using a parent questionnaire. A total of 185 parent questionnaires were accompanied by signed parental consents and could be included in the study. Frequencies and percentages were provided for each of the independent variables. Analysis of the data found no statistically significant differences among students’ academic performance with regards to preschool type. However, statistically different results were found when considering a student’s Algebra I SATP2 scores with regard to retention history. In addition, statistically significant differences were detected on ACT scores when considering socioeconomic status and public school preschool. The study found no differences in reports of parental beliefs about the impact of preschool on reading and math readiness. The study further revealed that parents’ beliefs about the impact of preschool on reading and math were moderately positively correlated to subsequent performances MCT reading/English I SATP2 and MCT math/Algebra I SATP2 tests. Most parents agree that their child attending preschool was very effective in preparing them for success in kindergarten through twelfth grades and even future employment. However, this study revealed that as children got older parents reported less involvement with homework assistance, and volunteering at their child’s school. Parents were neutral or in agreement up through grade five, after which many disagreed to volunteering at their child’s school, receiving helpful information from school, and helping with homework

    Implementasi Peraturan Daerah No. 3 Tahun 2010 Tentang Pengelolaan dan Penyelenggaraan Perparkiran di Kota Bukittinggi (Studi Kasus pada Penentuan Lokasi, Pengadaan dan Pembangunan Gedung Parkir dan Pelataran Parkir)

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    Bukittinggi city is one of trade centers and tourist resorts in West Sumaterathat attract many people to visit this place. Not only local people but also otherpeople from other cities are very interested in Bukittinggi. As the result, the parkingproblem has been becoming much more seriously important in this city. Parkingspaces capacity cannot meet the needs of parking demand for visitors. The problemsof this research are how the implementation of the regional regulation no 3 of 2010about parking management and supply in Bukittinggi and the factors that influencethe implementation.This research used policy implementation theory by Van Mater and VanHorn. This theory consists of six variables that include standard and objective, policyresources, activities between organizations and executive activities, implementingagencies characteristics, economic, social and politic condition and the dispositionsof implementers. The method of this research was qualitative using snowballsampling technique in selecting the key informants. The key informants in thisresearch were the Department of Transportation, Communication and InformationBukittinggi, Department of Public Work Bukittinggi, parking attendants and society.Based on the research, it was found that the implementation of RegionalRegulation no 3 of 2010 about Parking Management and Supply in Bukittinggi didnot run well. The Department of Public Work constructed a parking building but theparking was not managed well. This condition occurred because the regulation wasnot properly disseminated and lack of parking attendants to manage the parking inBukittinggi. Therefore, many people did not aware of the parking building.Key words: Implementation, Regional Regulation, Management, Supply, Parking,Parking Building

    Perancangan Robot Pencapit Untuk Penyotir Barang Berdasarkan Warna Led Rgb Dengan Display Lcd Berbasis Arduino Uno

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    Pada rancangan penelitian ini dibuat sebuah robot yang dapat mengenali benda berdasarkan warna dan ditampilkan pada LCD dengan menggunakan mikrokontroler berbasis arduino uno. Robot akan mengelompokkan barang (box) yang sejenis secara otomatis. Robot ini mendekteksi 6 macam warna yaitu merah muda, hijau, biru, orange, hitam dan putih. Warna-warna tersebut dideteksi dengan menggunakan sensor warna yang memiliki output frekuensi, besar frekuensi yang dihasilkan tergantung dari panjang gelombang warna objek dan Intensitas cahayanya. Sedangkan sebagai pusat kendalinya menggunakan mikrokontroler berbasis arduino uno yang diprogram menggunakan bahasa C. Dari hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa Robot ini dapat berjalan dengan baik pada saat membaca warna box dan menempatkan box tersebut sesuai dengan tempatnya serta warna tersebut ditampilkan pada LCD dan manfaat penggunaan robot dalam penyortiran akan lebih efisien dan efektif
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