2 research outputs found

    Effect of under-reinforcement on the flexural strength of corroded beams

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    Reinforced concrete beams are normally designed as under-reinforced to provide ductile behaviour i.e. the tensile moment of resistance, Mt(0) is less than the moment of resistance of the compressive zone, Mc. The degree of under-reinforcement (Mt(0)/Mc ratio) can depend upon the preferences of the designer in complying with design and construction constraints, codes and availability of steel reinforcement diameters and length. Mt(0)/Mc is further influenced during service life by corrosion which decreases Mt(0). The paper investigates the influence of Mt(0)/Mc on the residual flexural strength of corroded beams and determines detailing parameters (e.g. size and percentage of steel reinforcement, cover) on Mt(0)/Mc. Corroded reinforced concrete beams (100 mm · 150 mm deep) with varying Mt(0)/Mc ratios were tested in flexure. The results of the investigation were combined with the results of similar work by other researchers and show that beams with lower Mt(0)/Mc ratios suffer lower flexural strength loss when subjected to tensile reinforcement corrosion. Cover to the main steel does not directly influence Mt(0)/Mc and, thus, the residual flexural strength of corroded beams is not normally affected by increased cover. A simplified expression for estimating the residual strength of corroded beams is also given

    Inside the eco-home: using video to understand the implications of innovative housing

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    As a method of qualitative research, video offers a means of looking into the world of a respondent and a means of stimulating a dialogue, both with the respondent and others. Video requires, however, the application of additional ethical procedures and may also increase refusal rates, if it is publicly disseminated. Applied to the home, the use of video reveals both practice and identity. Video records practice, showing how the spaces within a home are used at a particular time. For this reason, video is well adapted to understanding the implications of living in a home with an innovative design and technology, with all the complexities that this commonly involves. Equally, video communicates the appearance of the home and of its occupants to whoever is watching. Video is, therefore, intimately connected to identity and the home as a place