26 research outputs found

    Особливості стимулювання праці на підприємствах машинобудування України

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    The article presents issues concerning the formation of effective mechanism of work incentives of labour potential in modern conditions. The factors influencing labour activity of personnel were determined, the character of work incentives of labour potential at machine building enterprises of Ukraine was analysed and the necessity of development of practical recommendations for improvement were grounded. В статті висвітлені питання щодо формування ефективного механізму стимулювання праці трудового потенціалу в сучасних умовах, визначені фактори, які впливають на трудову активність персоналу, проаналізовано стан стимулювання праці трудового потенціалу підприємств машинобудування України, а також обгрунтовано необхідність розробки практичних рекомендацій, які стосуються його покращення

    Financial and economic problems of the shadow economy in Ukraine and ways of its legalization

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    Досліджуються фінансові проблеми формування і поширення тіньової економіки, а також можливостей обмеження її впливу на етапі розповсюдження. Визначено форми прояву тіньової економіки в реальному житті, її причини та методи боротьби з цим негативним явищем. The article is devoted the scientific comprehension of problems of forming and distribution of shadow economy, and also possibilities of limitation of its influence on the stage of distribution. Certainly forms of display of shadow economy in the real life, its reasons and methods of fight against this negative phenomenon

    Distribution of powers between the government and mestnrgo enforcement authorities

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    Аналізуються проблеми здійснення адміністративної реформи на регіональному рівні. Визначається, що важливим чинником на регіональному рівні є чітке розмежування повноважень та функцій між органами виконавчої влади та органами місцевого самоврядування. The distribution of powers between the executive authorities and local government bodies as a priority of the administrative reform implementation at the regional level. The problems of implementation of administrative reform at the regional level is being analyzed. It has been proved that the basis for successful changes is a definite distribution of authorities and functions between the local bodies of executive power and local government bodies

    Professional Сulture in the Aspect of Training Specialists

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    У статті обгрунтовано необхідність формування професійної культури майбутніх фахівців як невід’ємної складової їхньої загальної культури. Подано різні наукові підходи до визначення сутності і структури досліджуваного феномена. Проаналізовано функції культури та етапи формування в процесі професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців. The article is defined the necessity of forming professional culture for future specialists as the main component of their general culture. Different scientific approaches to the definition of essence and structure of this phenomenon are described. Different looks are given to essence of concept professional culture, which is examined as is the collective programming of human mind which distinguishes the members of this group from other, from other side is the specific aggregate of facilities, methods of co-operation of people, in a professional environment, and also is the system of collective values, persuasions, standards and codes of production conduct, inherent the certain group of workers of professionals. Culture functions and phases of her forming in the process of future specialists professional preparation are also analyzed. Except for it, an author asserts that forming of culture of future specialist in the process of his professional preparation predetermines a recreation in educational establishment of such terms which provide him inculturation, socialization and authentication

    Professional Сulture in the Aspect of Training Specialists

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    У статті обгрунтовано необхідність формування професійної культури майбутніх фахівців як невід’ємної складової їхньої загальної культури. Подано різні наукові підходи до визначення сутності і структури досліджуваного феномена. Проаналізовано функції культури та етапи формування в процесі професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців. The article is defined the necessity of forming professional culture for future specialists as the main component of their general culture. Different scientific approaches to the definition of essence and structure of this phenomenon are described. Different looks are given to essence of concept professional culture, which is examined as is the collective programming of human mind which distinguishes the members of this group from other, from other side is the specific aggregate of facilities, methods of co-operation of people, in a professional environment, and also is the system of collective values, persuasions, standards and codes of production conduct, inherent the certain group of workers of professionals. Culture functions and phases of her forming in the process of future specialists professional preparation are also analyzed. Except for it, an author asserts that forming of culture of future specialist in the process of his professional preparation predetermines a recreation in educational establishment of such terms which provide him inculturation, socialization and authentication

    State of development and peculiarities of innovatiove infrastructure functioning in Kirovohrad region

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    Досліджено стан розвитку та особливості функціонування інноваційної структури в Кіровоградському регіоні в контексті необхідності забезпечення реалізації державної регіональної політики та створення системи суб’єктів, здатних забезпечити ефективне здійснення інноваційної господарської діяльності в інтересах всього суспільства. Здійснено критичний аналіз умов функціонування діючих об’єктів інноваційної інфраструктури регіону. Визначені основні напрямки розвитку інноваційної інфраструктури Кіровоградської області. The aim of the article is to study the state of development and peculiarities of functioning of innovative infrastructure in Kirovohrad in order to determine the conditions necessary for the establishment or improvement of the formation of innovative infrastructure in the region taking into account its needs and potential. The state of development and peculiarities of functioning of innovative infrastructure in Kirovohrad region in the context of the implementation the state regional policy and the creation of a system of the subjects that can ensure effective implementation of innovative economic activities for the benefit of all society have been investigated The critical analysis of conditions functioning of innovative infrastructure objects existing has been carried out. The main directions of development of innovative infrastructure in Kirovohrad region have been determined. The experience of creation and activity of innovative infrastructure of foreign countries showed the need for further systematic and coordinated action by regional state administration, regional council, district state administrations and district councils, research institutions and universities, enterprises, institutions and organizations to maintain favorable conditions for innovation development of the region through the creation of new technologies, production facilities, materials, and other high-tech competitive products, including improving the formation of innovative infrastructure in the region considering its needs and potential. It has been substantiated that these measures should be considered as a prerequisite for successful economic reform in the region

    The current state of innovation activity of enterprises, institutions, organizations of Kirovohrad region and their problems

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    У статті розглянуто стан інноваційної діяльності та досліджено інноваційну активність підприємств, установ, організацій Кіровоградської області. Конкретизовано проблеми інноваційного розвитку підприємств регіону. На основі проведеного аналізу визначено основні напрямки активізації інноваційного розвитку суб’єктів господарювання регіону.The objective of the article is to study the current state and problems of the innovation activity of enterprises and organizations in the region, to generalize the received information for the development and implementation of measures for qualitative reform and increase of the region's economy efficiency, ensuring of its development on an innovative basis. Summarizing the main economic processes in Kirovograd region and the results of the survey of innovation development of region enterprises state, it is necessary to note the unsatisfactory development of industry innovation activity, the results indicate that in the conditions of legislation instability, low investment rating of Kirovograd region, lack of financial and investment fund and tense relations with individual countries, there is a risk of lowering business investment activity in the region. This is facilitated by the decline in solvent demand for scientific technical products by the state and the business sector, the deterioration of scientific personnel qualitative characteristics and the material technical base of the research and a number of equally important factors. At the same time, Kirovograd region has significant potential for the innovation activity development under conditions of effective state and regional policy. However, despite the high innovation potential, the innovative component of the economic development of the region is poorly used. In order to create a system that will ensure effective innovation development, it is necessary to develop an innovation-investment strategy that would provide resource support for the subjects of the region's economic activity, the development of which takes place under conditions of constant negative change of internal and external factors