704 research outputs found

    The Reflexive Ability in Teacher’s Professional Activity

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    У статті проаналізовано рефлексивні здібності педагога як визначальний фактор успішної професійної діяльності, а також параметри його професійної діяльності: знання функцій як спеціаліста, ставлення до професії, вимоги до його професійних та особистісних якостей, емоційна обізнаність, стратегії поведінки в стресових ситуаціях, самооцінка. Охарактеризовано професійно-ділові й особистісно-значущі властивості педагога. The article presents the reflective abilities of the teacher as a determining factor of successful professional aktivity. The parameters of teacher’s professional activities are underlined: knowledge in functioning of the teacher-educator, attitude to the profession, the requirements for teacher’s professional and personal qualities, emotio-nal awareness. The behavior strategies in stressfull situations, self-determination. The teacher’s professional-business and personal-significant properties are described

    Ellipsoidal Calculus, Singular Perturbations and the State Estimation Problems for Uncertain Systems

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    One of the basic elements of dynamic modelling of complex systems is the linkage and synchronization of subsystems that develop in different time scales. The relevant techniques applied here are related to a singular perturbation theory for differential systems. A more complicated issue arises for uncertain systems described by differential inclusions, for which an appropriate theory is being developed. In order to make the theory constructive, some further steps are necessary. These are presented in this paper, where a computer-implementable "ellipsoidal" version is given. The results are particularly relevant to the linkage of models related to environmental, demographic and economic problems

    Developing model of mass-exchange processes in porous bodies on example of iron-ore pellets oxidation process

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    There is developed a model of magnetite oxidation in agglomeration of iron-ore pellets. Unlike the oxidation models proposed before, this model considers the porous structure of a pellet: the surface and the distribution of pores by sizes. The process of magnetite oxidation is considered as three-unit: diffusion by pores, diffusion through products of oxidation and proper chemical reaction. The model considers various limiting steps at different stages of the process. There were carried out pilot studies on the basis of SSMCC pellets for confirming the correctness of the proposed model. This model can be used in a broader aspect: for the description of the process of chemical reaction in polyporous bodies

    Analysis of financial risks as an important stage in the formation of financial strategy of the company

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    This paper deals with the analysis of the problems of the formation of financial strategy, subject to the need to ensure the growth of shareholder value of a company, considering the benefits of the company in comparison to its competitors, the analysis of alternative development of the company, and the influence of the uncertainty on the implementation of goals achieved. Strategic risk management is considered as an integral part of the financial strategy. The proposed methodology will ensure implementation of a long-term goal of the company in terms of growth of shareholder value.The authors have presented a range of relative indicators characterizing the risks of decrease in liquidity and mobility, loss of solvency, deterioration of financial stability and decrease in profitability. As the resulting indicators reflecting the changes in the value of the company, the following three were used: MBR1, MBR2, EVA. To determine the composition of the key indicators of internal financial risks, we conducted a correlationregression analysis to identify the closeness and type of relation between the relative and the resulting indicators in GRETL environment. Based on the results of the statistical analysis, five key indicators of financial risks were defined, reflecting the mobility, financial stability and profitability. During econometric modeling, the recommended values of key risk indicators were calculated on the basis of the zonal method of risk assessment. The companies can use this methodology within the framework of the formation and implementation of financial strategies for finding a compromise in the field of financial security and the value increase

    Internet use for educational purposes: Evidence from Russia

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The study sets out to examine empirically the use of Internet in education process in Russia. Socio-demographic determinants of use of Internet for educational purposes, to obtain reference information or to learn the news are studied. The sample represents entire population of Russia. Significant age and gender differences in Internet use for educational purposes are discovered. Influence of satisfaction with financial status on Internet use is weak, while it is the education level of respondents which acts as the most powerful determinant of Internet use for educational purposes

    Risk-oriented technique of real investments management: Consepts

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    © 2014, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. One of the main objectives of real investment management is increasing in company’s revenues and market value. Long time lag of income from investments, the scale of investments, and a high level of uncertainty in their implementation makes the questions of project risk management actual. We focused on systematization of methods to measure, report and manage project risks. The paper suggests the concepts of risk-oriented methodology of project risk management. We assumed similar results ranking of investment projects in terms of risks, using Monte Carlo simulation and the fuzzy sets theory for risk assessment. In this study, was formed the empirical base, including investment projects of Russian pharmaceutical companies. The obtained results confirmed our hypothesis

    Emotional Intelligence Practical Psychologists as an Important Component of Professional Orientation

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    У статті охарактеризовано результати дослідження взаємозв’язку емоційного інтелекту та професійної спрямованості особистості. Узагальнено концептуальні підходи до розуміння емоційного інтелекту, окреслено особливості професіоналізму та задоволеність професійною діяльністю практичних психологів. The paper presents the results of a study devoted to examining the relationship of emotional intelligence and professional orientation of the individual. Conceptual approaches to understanding emotional intelligence, have been generalized, features of professionalism and satisfaction with occupational practices of psychologists have been outlined

    Pancreatogenic infections: importance of microbiological monitoring and penetration of antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agents into the pancreas when defining therapeutic approach

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    The review provides the information on the spectrum of microorganisms initiating the development of clinical and morphological forms of pancreatogenic infections. It is shown that when analyzing pathological conditions, no features in the microbiological landscape of the secondary infection in the pancreas and the surrounding extraperitoneal cellular tissue are registere