33 research outputs found

    Occurrence of hyperostotic pterygiophores in the silver scabbardfish, Lepidopus caudatus (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Trichiuridae)

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    Background. Hyperostosis is a productive change characterized by an increase of the periosteal ossification combined with resorption of the bony tissue. It is common in several fish species. Its presence has been report- ed in the silver scabbardfish, Lepidopus caudatus (Euphrasen, 1788). The aim of the presently reported study is to improve the k nowledge on the presence of hyperostotic pterygiophores in L. caudatus. Materialsandmethods. In total, 50 specimens of Lepidopus caudatus, captured off the coast of Messina (Sicily, Italy) were examined by radiography. Deformed pterygiophores were decalcified and processed for histopatho- logical examination, and the sections obtained were stained with haematoxylin and eosin. Results. Forty (80%) of the 50 specimens examined showed skeletal deformities exclusively o n the pterygio- phores of the dorsal fin. In total, 433 deformities were observed. Histological examination showed slight expan- sion of the bone tissue, which was poor in cells and characterised by thin layers of compact bone tissue. Macroscopic, radiographic, and histological findings were consistent with diagnosis of hyperostosis. Conclusion. Hyperostosis of L. caudatus does not affect its consumption. However, it may be a complication for filleting t echniques as the presence of hyperostosis along the longitudinal axis of teleosts does not allow a com- plete and repeatable filleting technique. This could increase the possibility of bacterial contamination, loss of muscle tissue, and imperfections in cutting and trimming

    Effect of allyl isothiocyanate against Anisakis larvae during the anchovy marinating process.

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    Allyl isothiocyanate (AITC), is a natural compound found in plants belonging to the family Cruciferae and has strong antimicrobial activity and a biocidal activity against plants parasites. Anisakidosis is a zoonotic disease caused by the ingestion of larval nematodes in raw, almost raw, and marinated and/or salted seafood dishes. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of AITC against Anisakis larvae and to study its potential use during the marinating process. The effects of AITC against Anisakis larvae were tested in three experiment: in vitro with three liquid media, in semisolid media with a homogenate of anchovy muscle, and in a simulation of two kinds of anchovy fillets marinating processes. For all tests, the concentrations of AITC were 0, 0.01, 0.05, and 0.1%. Significant activity of AITC against Anisakis larvae was observed in liquid media, whereas in the semisolid media, AITC was effective only at higher concentrations. In anchovy fillets, prior treatment in phosphate buffer solution (1.5% NaCl, pH 6.8) with 0.1% AITC and then marination under standard conditions resulted in a high level of larval inactivation. AITC is a good candidate for further investigation as a biocidal agent against Anisakis larvae during the industrial marinating process

    Histology as a Valid Tool To Differentiate Fresh from Frozen-Thawed Marinated Fish.

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    European Commission Regulation (EU) 1276/2011 requires that fishery products intended for raw consumption be frozen at -20°C for not less than 24 h or at -35°C for at least 15 h in order to kill viable parasites other than trematodes. But because marinating processes are not always effective in destroying nematode larvae, raw marinated fish preparations should be frozen before consumption. This study evaluated the performance of a standardized histological method to distinguish between fresh and frozen-thawed raw marinated fish. Sixty anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) fillets were sampled: 30 were marinated at +4°C for 24 h, and 30 were frozen at -20°C for 24 h before being marinated for 24 h. All 60 samples were fixed in formalin, processed for paraffin embedding, cut, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The slide preparations were examined microscopically by three independent histopathologists and classified as frozen-thawed or negative according to standard operating procedure criteria in use at our laboratory. Performance evaluation of the method showed 100% sensitivity (95% confidence interval [CI], 88.4 to 100%) and 100% specificity (95% CI, 88.4 to 100%), and the interrater agreement (Cohen's kappa) was 1 (95% CI, 0.85 to 1). Histology proved a valid and reliable tool to distinguish fresh from frozen-thawed marinated fish. It can be applied to deliver safe raw fishery products to consumers in order to minimize the risk of anisakidosis

    Activity of Tagetes minuta Linnaeus (Asteraceae) essential oil against L3 Anisakis larvae type 1

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    Abstract Objective To evaluate in vitro effects of Tagetes minuta L. essential oil (TEO) on L3 Anisakis larvae type 1. Methods In order to evaluate the potential use of Tagetes minuta essential oil against L3 Anisakis larvae three different media were tested: 1) a saline solution (SS); 2) an industrial marinating solution (MS); 3) sunflower seeds oil (SO). For each media and concentrations of TEO (0.1%, 0.5%, 1.0% and 5.0% v/v), 20 parasites were introduced into plastic Petri dishes (diameter 90 mm) and maintained at room temperature. As controls, larvae were maintained without TEO under identical experimental conditions in SS, MS and SO. A total of 900 larvae were tested. The normalized mean viability, LT100, LT50 and the percentage of inactivation at 24 h were calculated. Results In vitro tests revealed a complete inactivation of parasites in saline solution after 2 h with 5% and 1% of TEO. In marinating solution, a complete inactivation of parasites was observed after 4 h at all concentrations used. A slower activity for all TEO concentration was reported in SO. Conclusions The results obtained, showing a strong activity against Anisakis larvae, confirm TEO as a larvicidal agent in the treatment of human anisakidosis and in the industrial marinating process

    Sredozemni morski puž Tritonova truba, Charonia lampas lampas (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda): izvješće o akvarijskom uzgoju

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    Two females and a male triton of Charonia lampas lampas (Linnaeus, 1758) were collected from March 2010 to September 2012 in S. Raineri peninsula in Messina, (Sicily, Italy). They were reared in a tank at the Aquarium of Messina. Mussels, starfish, and holothurians were provided as feed for the tritons. Spawning occurred in November 2012, lasted for 15 days, yielding a total number of 500 egg capsules, with approximately 2.0-3.0 x 103 eggs/capsule. The snail did not eat during the month, in which spawned. Spawning behavior and larval development of the triton was described.Dvije ženke i mužjak puža Tritonova truba, Charonia lampas lampas (Linnaeus, 1758) su prikupljeni od ožujka 2010. do rujna 2012. na poluotoku S. Raineri, Messina, (Sicilija, Italija). Ovi primjerci su uzgajani u spremniku akvarija u Messini. Puž Tritonova truba je hranjen s školjkama, zvjezdačama i trpovima. Mrijest se dogodio u studenom 2012. godine, trajao je 15 dana tijekom kojih je izneseno 500 jajčanih kapsula s približno 2.0-3.0 x 103 jaja po kapsuli. Puževi nisu jeli tijekom mjeseca u kojem se odvijalo mriješćenje. U radu su opisani ponašanje tijekom mrijesta i razvoj ličinke Tritonove trube

    Study on microbial communities in domestic kitchen sponges: Evidence of Cronobacter sakazakii and Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL) producing bacteria

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    Domestic environment, in particular, kitchen setting is a well-established source of microbial contamination. Kitchen sponges represent an important vehicle of microbial transmission and maintenance of spoilage bacteria and pathogenic strains responsible for food borne diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbial communities of 100 ‘in-use’ kitchen sponges, improving the knowledge on their role in cross-contamination in domestic environment and transmission of ESBLproducing strains. Sponges were processed for: aerobic mesophilic bacteria (AMB), Enterobacteriaceae (EB), yeasts and molds (YM), coagulase-positive staphylococci (CPS), micrococci (MCC), anaerobic sulfite reducing bacteria (ASR), and for the detection of Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp. and Yersinia enterocolitica. A total of 309 enterobacteria strains were identified and then processed for ESBL (Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase) phenotypical expression. A high contamination level of kitchen sponges was observed (mean value AMB 8.25±1.1; EB 5.89±1.2; YM 5.57±1.1; MCC 4.82±0.1 log CFU/g). Identified enterobacteria strains revealed several opportunistic and pathogenic agents such as Enterobacter cloacae (28%), Citrobacter freundii (23.3%), Cronobacter sakazakii (14.6%) and other strains in lower percentage. Listeria monocytogenes was found in only one sponge (1%). A total of 69 (22.3%) enterobacteria resulted ESBL+, with the following prevalence: P. rettgeri (50%), L. adenocarboxilata (30%), K. pneumoniae (25%), K. oxytoca (25%), C. sakazakii (20%), E. cloacae (20.7%), C. freundii (20.1%). Results confirm the potential role of kitchen sponges as vehicle for food-borne pathogens such as, C. sakazakii for the first time, infectious agents and spoilage microorganisms. The observed high contamination level and the presence of several ESBLs opportunistic pathogens, stresses the necessity to improve a proper education of the consumers on the effective treatment to reduce their microbial loads

    Effectiveness of essential oil from the Artemisia herba-alba aerial parts against multidrug-resistant bacteria isolated from food and hospitalized patients

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    Abstract. Ed-Dra A, Filali FR, Presti VL, Zekkori B, Nalbone L, Elsharkawy ER, Bentayeb A, Giarrtana F. 2021. Effectiveness of essential oil from the Artemisia herba-alba aerial parts against multidrug-resistant bacteria isolated from food and hospitalized patients. Biodiversitas 22: 2995-3005. The World Health Organization has sounded the warning on the diffusion of multidrug resistance (MDR) bacteria, requiring solutions and alternatives to solve the therapeutic failure that may occur. This study aims to evaluate the antioxidant activity and bactericidal effectiveness against MDR bacteria of Artemisia herba-alba essential oil (A-EO) collected from semi-arid region of Morocco. Chemical composition of the A-EO was determined by Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionisation Detector and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, while the antioxidant activity was performed by DPPH scavenging activity and ?-carotene bleaching assay. Antibacterial activity of A-EO, performed by disc diffusion assay and broth dilution method, was tested against: four MDR strains (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella Typhimurium and Enterococcus faecalis) isolated from food matrices, two (Klebsiella pneumonia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) from hospitalized patients, and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 as reference strain. Davanone was the main compound among the 17 identified. An antioxidant activity with IC50 of 1.13±0.02 mg/mL, EC50 of 2.12±0.05 mg/mL and RC50 of 0.87±0.02 mg/mL was observed. A weak activity against P. aeruginosa was observed, while it was intermediate or high against the other bacteria. This study confirms that A-EO could be a suitable alternative to antibiotics in the infection treatment related to MDR bacteria

    Balantidiasis: A Neglected Tropical Disease Used as a Study Model for a Holistic Approach to Sustainable Development in the Framework of Agenda 2030 Goals

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    The term “sustainability” could be defined as the process of people maintaining changes in a homeostasis-balanced environment, in which the exploitation of resources, direction of investments, orientation of technological development, and institutional change are all in harmony. The most significant global effort to address sustainable development is the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Among the various targets set within the 17 SDGs, the end of neglected tropical zoonoses (NTZs) is an example of how coordinated social, economic, and environmental efforts are needed to achieve this goal. Balantidiasis, caused by Balantidium coli, is a zoonotic parasitic disease characterized by high infection and incidence rates; however, it is only scantly investigated and therefore considered a NTZ. In this review article, balantidiasis was used as a model to demonstrate how proper management of NTZs falls in all the SDGs and how a holistic approach to animal and human diseases could improve their health status and other aspects of their being. In this manuscript, the SDGs were divided in three pillars: (i) social, (ii) economic, and (iii) eviromental. This theoretical division helps to demonstrate that the presence and, consequently, the control of an NTZ could be reflected on all the 17 SDGs

    Balantidiasis: A Neglected Tropical Disease Used as a Study Model for a Holistic Approach to Sustainable Development in the Framework of Agenda 2030 Goals

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    The term “sustainability” could be defined as the process of people maintaining changes in a homeostasis-balanced environment, in which the exploitation of resources, direction of investments, orientation of technological development, and institutional change are all in harmony. The most significant global effort to address sustainable development is the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Among the various targets set within the 17 SDGs, the end of neglected tropical zoonoses (NTZs) is an example of how coordinated social, economic, and environmental efforts are needed to achieve this goal. Balantidiasis, caused by Balantidium coli, is a zoonotic parasitic disease characterized by high infection and incidence rates; however, it is only scantly investigated and therefore considered a NTZ. In this review article, balantidiasis was used as a model to demonstrate how proper management of NTZs falls in all the SDGs and how a holistic approach to animal and human diseases could improve their health status and other aspects of their being. In this manuscript, the SDGs were divided in three pillars: (i) social, (ii) economic, and (iii) eviromental. This theoretical division helps to demonstrate that the presence and, consequently, the control of an NTZ could be reflected on all the 17 SDGs