27 research outputs found

    IFC Classification for FOSS HBIM: Open Issues and a Schema Proposal for Cultural Heritage Assets

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    : The IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) open format has been developed by BuildingSMART and regularized through ISO standards. It has been implemented into a BIM (Building Information Modeling) informative system for the AEC industry (Architecture Engineering and Construction). The IFC format has changed interoperability processes concerning architectural and technical entities in a semantic way. However, because this standard open format was specifically designed for the modern AEC industry, it may not cater to the demands of cultural heritage assets. Since IFC classification is fundamental for informative systems, it should become a standard also concerning heritage assets, even if nowadays there is no regularized IFC classification for historical existing buildings. Specific cultural heritage peculiarities therefore need semantic classification based on historical asset families. For this reason, this work is based on a proposal and experimental IFC classification implemented inside an HBIM open source software (FreeCAD), whereby limitations of IFC standards can be overcome thanks to the freedom of access to libraries and codes. Moreover, this work is based on IFC objects management outside the platform for interoperability purposes

    Quality Assessment of DJI Zenmuse L1 and P1 LiDAR and Photogrammetric Systems: Metric and Statistics Analysis with the Integration of Trimble SX10 Data

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    This manuscript focuses on a quality assessment of DJI’s new sensors: the Zenmuse L1 and P1, which are LiDAR and photographic payload sensors, respectively, for UAVs/UASs. In particular, metric and statistical analyses aim to evaluate the data obtained from different 3D survey instruments. Furthermore, we compared these sensors with TLS data derived from a Trimble SX10 scanning station. The integration of LiDAR and photogrammetric data was then performed and tested inside a complex architectural context, the medieval Frinco Castle (AT-Italy). Point clouds obtained from aerial and terrestrial instruments were analysed and compared using specific tools to calculate variance/distance between points and cloud alignment (via the ICP algorithm), as well as to perform qualitative estimations (especially roughness analysis). The medieval castle proved crucial for the purpose of analysing different metric data of an extremely complex architecture and achieving more accurate results. The collected dataset and performed analyses are now essential information for the consolidation and restoration programme

    Shape grammar libraries of European classical architectural elements for historic BIM

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    This paper proposes a design for libraries of European Classical architectural elements based on shape grammars. This design is based on a workflow which develops library objects from 3D CAD primitives using architectural rules to construct parametric representations of architectural elements. In the case of Classical architecture, the design and detail for the parametric objects are based on manuscripts rangingfromVitruviustoPalladiotothearchitecturalpatternbooksoftheeighteenthcentury. The generation of 3D objects for virtual reconstruction necessitates the application of computer algorithms and rules introduced by the user to generate objects, buildings and spaces from a grammar and vocabulary of shapes. Both the use of graphicly constructed and coded parametric libraries in formal and open-source platforms will be considered here

    Gli arredi liturgici lapidei altomedievali: committenti e maestranze nel Casentino tra VII-X secolo

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    Il territorio casentinese mostra esigue evidenze archeologiche del periodo che va dal primo periodo longobardo fino all’epoca carolingia; queste evidenze sono in prevalenza relative alle prime fondazioni delle pievi romaniche del territorio. Il periodo altomedievale in Casentino (dalla fine del VII agli inizi del X secolo) può essere analizzato invece attraverso le evidenze scultoree legate alla sfera liturgica. Nella Toscana altomedievale, come del resto dell'Italia, le maestranze legate alla sfera edilizia e scultorea erano principalmente itineranti. I magistri potevano circolare sia al di fuori della Toscana sia da diocesi in diocesi, nel caso del Casentino tra Fiesole e Arezzo. I loro spostamenti tra le diocesi erano, ovviamente, volute ed autorizzate dai vescovi, soprattutto per le committenze di arredi liturgici. La natura itinerante delle maestranze ha consentito di individuare, attraverso la lettura delle tracce materiali scultoree, la diffusione degli stili figurativi in molti circuiti cittadini. Risulta tuttavia difficile ricostruire le vicende e gli spostamenti delle maestranze scultoree nella Toscana alto- medievale, sia per le poche attestazioni e sia per le fonti documentarie quasi sempre postume. L'analisi degli arredi liturgici casentinesi, soprattutto l'analisi delle tracce degli strumenti, potrebbe contribuire a sanare parte di questa mancanza. L’integrazione delle fonti artistiche degli elementi scultorei con una lettura di tipo archeologica renderà possibile da un lato l’individuazione delle possibili influenze artistiche delle maestranze, dall’altro la localizzazione del territorio di pertinenza dei magistri che hanno eseguito i frammenti casentinesi