7,313 research outputs found

    Topological invariants for semigroups of holomorphic self-maps of the unit disc

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    Let (φt)(\varphi_t), (ϕt)(\phi_t) be two one-parameter semigroups of holomorphic self-maps of the unit disc DC\mathbb D\subset \mathbb C. Let f:DDf:\mathbb D \to \mathbb D be a homeomorphism. We prove that, if fϕt=φtff \circ \phi_t=\varphi_t \circ f for all t0t\geq 0, then ff extends to a homeomorphism of Dˉ\bar{\mathbb D} outside exceptional maximal contact arcs (in particular, for elliptic semigroups, ff extends to a homeomorphism of Dˉ\bar{\mathbb D}). Using this result, we study topological invariants for one-parameter semigroups of holomorphic self-maps of the unit disc.Comment: 28 pages, final version, to appear in J. Math. Pures App

    Hyperfine-induced decoherence in triangular spin-cluster qubits

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    We investigate hyperfine-induced decoherence in a triangular spin-cluster for different qubit encodings. Electrically controllable eigenstates of spin chirality (C_z) show decoherence times that approach milliseconds, two orders of magnitude longer than those estimated for the eigenstates of the total spin projection (S_z) and of the partial spin sum (S_{12}). The robustness of chirality is due to its decoupling from both the total- and individual-spin components in the cluster. This results in a suppression of the effective interaction between C_z and the nuclear spin bath

    Irreversibility-inversions in 2 dimensional turbulence

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    In this paper we consider a recent theoretical prediction (Bragg \emph{et al.}, Phys. Fluids \textbf{28}, 013305 (2016)) that for inertial particles in 2D turbulence, the nature of the irreversibility of the particle-pair dispersion inverts when the particle inertia exceeds a certain value. In particular, when the particle Stokes number, St{\rm St}, is below a certain value, the forward-in-time (FIT) dispersion should be faster than the backward-in-time (BIT) dispersion, but for St{\rm St} above this value, this should invert so that BIT becomes faster than FIT dispersion. This non-trivial behavior arises because of the competition between two physically distinct irreversibility mechanisms that operate in different regimes of St{\rm St}. In 3D turbulence, both mechanisms act to produce faster BIT than FIT dispersion, but in 2D turbulence, the two mechanisms have opposite effects because of the flux of energy from the small to the large scales. We supplement the qualitative argument given by Bragg \emph{et al.} (Phys. Fluids \textbf{28}, 013305 (2016)) by deriving quantitative predictions of this effect in the short time limit. We confirm the theoretical predictions using results of inertial particle dispersion in a direct numerical simulation of 2D turbulence. A more general finding of this analysis is that in turbulent flows with an inverse energy flux, inertial particles may yet exhibit a net downscale flux of kinetic energy because of their non-local in-time dynamics

    Sharing rides with friends: a coalition formation algorithm for ridesharing

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    We consider the Social Ridesharing (SR) problem, where a set of commuters, connected through a social network, arrange one-time rides at short notice. In particular, we focus on the associated optimisation problem of forming cars to minimise the travel cost of the overall system modelling such problem as a graph constrained coalition formation (GCCF) problem, where the set of feasible coalitions is restricted by a graph (i.e., the social network). Moreover, we significantly extend the state of the art algorithm for GCCF, i.e., the CFSS algorithm, to solve our GCCF model of the SR problem. Our empirical evaluation uses a real dataset for both spatial (GeoLife) and social data (Twitter), to validate the applicability of our approach in a realistic application scenario. Empirical results show that our approach computes optimal solutions for systems of medium scale (up to 100 agents) providing significant cost reductions (up to -36.22%). Moreover, we can provide approximate solutions for very large systems (i.e., up to 2000 agents) and good quality guarantees (i.e., with an approximation ratio of 1.41 in the worst case) within minutes (i.e., 100 seconds