8 research outputs found

    Input flow rate waveform along with the binned input waveform, and the inflow waveform reconstructed from PC-MRI at the inlet of the aneurysm.

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    <p>The flow rate and pressure waveforms measured upstream of the aneurysm using the ultrasonic flow meter and pressure transducer respectively are shown for comparison.</p

    Normalized velocity magnitude () at three selected cut planes in the aneurysm sac.

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    <p>Each row shows one cardiac phase. Note that for better visibility, every third vector in each direction is shown.</p

    A schematic of the experimental setup.

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    <p>The black solid lines indicate the flow circuit, whereas the red dashed lines indicate the electronics connections. Note that the components are not to scale.</p

    Normalized relative pressure, , and normalized velocity magnitude, , at the phantom centerline.

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    <p>Each blue line represents velocity distribution at the centerline in one phase from diastole (light blue) to systole (dark blue) with the dashed blue line showing the cycle-averaged velocity. The red color coding shows the pressure distribution at the centerline in the same fashion. The centerlines shown at the top right and bottom right are respectively colored by the local systolic velocity and systolic pressure from blue (low) to red (high).</p

    Columns from left to right: Iso-surface of the velocity magnitude at , streamlines, vortex lines, and the measurement phase.

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    <p>Five measurement phases from top to bottom rows are early systole, systolic peak, late systole, dicrotic notch, and late diastole, respectively. Streamlines are colored by the normalized velocity magnitude (), and vortex lines are colored by the normalized vorticity magnitude ().</p