45 research outputs found

    Tactile experience induces c-fos expression in rat barrel cortex

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    Understanding gene expression that is responsive to sensory stimulation is central to elucidate molecular mechanisms underlying neuronal plasticity. In this study we demonstrate two new methods of stimulating whiskers that provide major sensory input to rat neocortex. In the first paradigm, animals were placed on the top of a cylinder and their vibrissae were brushed by hand, In the second paradigm, animals were placed for a brief period or time into a new, wired cage resulting in vibrissae stimulation when they explored the new environment. Both approaches induced c-Fos expression in barrel cortex corresponding to the stimulated vibrissae, especially in layer IV. Layers II/III and V/VI also showed c-Fos induction, but there were no detectable changes in layer VIb. The majority of c-Fos-expressing cells are probably not inhibitory neurons, because they do not show parvalbumin staining. Both paradigms, in contrast to the previous methods, are simple to use and do not require anesthesia, restraint of animals, or elaborate experimental setups

    Inducing gene expression in barrel cortex - focus on immediate early genes

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    Using only their vibrissae, rats and mice are able to recognize and differentiate surfaces not distinguishable by primates using their fingertips. It has been shown that sensory stimulation elicits the expression of immediate-early genes (IEG), e.g., c-fos and zif268, in the sensory cortex of rats and mice. Though most of these findings come from visual system, mice and rats rely more on their vibrissal system which also offers many advantages for designing precise and precisely controlled experiments. In this review, new models for the selective and simple stimulation of vibrissae are presented and discussed. The data demonstrating IEG expression in the vibrissal system is also reviewed

    Tactile Experience Induces c-fos Expression in Rat Barrel Cortex

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    Expression of c-Fos, Fos B, Jun B, and Zif268 transcription factor proteins in rat barrel cortex following apomorphine-evoked whisking behavior

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    Apomorphine-evoked expression of transcription factor proteins: c-Fos, Fos B, Jun B, and Zif268 (also named Krox-24, NGFI-A, Egr-1), was investigated in rat somatosensory (barrel) cortex. The effect of the X-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist MK-801 on their expression was also analyzed. Apomorphine is a dopamine receptor agonist, eliciting motor activity, including enhanced whisking leading to the activation of vibrissae representation in the barrel cortex. Rats had their whiskers clipped on one side of the snout. The Zif268 levels were markedly reduced by this procedure alone. In contrast, apomorphine (5.0 mg/kg) evoked marked c-Fos elevation, less pronounced changes in Jun B and Zif268 and no change in Fos B. The greatest apomorphine-evoked c-Fos accumulation was observed in layers IV and V/VI of non-deprived barrel cortex and was not significantly influenced by MK-801 injection at 0.1 mg/kg. A higher dose of MK-801 (1.0 mg/kg) produced abnormalities in locomotor behavior and diminished c-Fos levels on the non-deprived side to the ones observed in the sensory stimulus-deprived cortex. We conclude that the response of the somatosensory cortex is selective with respect to both the gene activated and its cortical layer localization. Furthermore, sensory stimulation provides a major but not the only component to apomorphine-evoked barrel cortex gene activation

    Functional analysis of the leader peptide of the yeast gene CPA1 and heterologous regulation by other fungal peptides

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    The 25-amino-acid leader peptide present at the 5' end of yeast CPA1 mRNA is responsible for the translational repression of that gene by arginine. We show here that the active domain of the yeast peptide is highly specific and extends over amino acids 6-23. The region between amino acids 6-21 is well conserved between similar peptides present upstream of CPA1-homologous genes in other fungi. The Neurospora crassa arg-2 peptide represses the expression of CPA1, whereas the peptide from Aspergillus nidulans has only a weak regulatory effect. Such results suggest that the N- and C-terminal amino acids of the peptide may influence its regulatory activity. We also show that the transcription start sites of CPA1 are not modified when the cells are grown in the presence of arginine, nor in a strain carrying an inactive peptide

    The dorsal hippocampus is essential for context discrimination but not for contextual conditioning

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    The authors describe how (a) the timing of hippocampal lesions and (b) the behavioral-representational demands of the task affect the requirement for the hippocampus in contextual fear conditioning. Post- but not pretraining lesions of the hippocampus greatly reduced contextual fear conditioning. In contrast, pretraining lesions of the hippocampus abolished context discrimination, a procedure in which mice are trained to discriminate between 2 similar chambers (shock context vs. no-shock context). Whereas either contextual- or cue-based strategies can be used to recognize an aversive context, discrimination between similar contexts is optimally acquired by contextual (hippocampal)-based strategies. In keeping with the lesion results, Nf1(+/-)/Nmdar1(+/-) mutant mice, which have spatial learning deficits, are impaired in context discrimination but not in contextual conditioning. Together, these data dissociate hippocampal and nonhippocampal contributions to contextual conditioning, and they provide direct evidence that the hippocampus plays an essential role in the processing of contextual stimuli

    A segment of mRNA encoding the leader peptide of the CPA1 gene confers repression by arginine on a heterologous yeast gene transcript.

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    The expression of the yeast gene CPA1, which encodes the small subunit of the arginine pathway carbamoylphosphate synthetase, is repressed by arginine at a translational level. CPA1 mRNA contains a 250-nucleotide-long leader which includes a 25-codon upstream open reading frame (uORF). Oligonucleotide site-directed mutagenesis of this uORF as well as sequencing of constitutive cis-dominant mutations has suggested that the leader peptide product of the CPA1 uORF is an essential negative element for repression of the CPA1 gene by arginine. In this work, a series of deletions affecting the regions 5' and 3' to the uORF in the leader sequence was constructed. The arginine-dependent repression of CPA1 was little affected in these constructions, indicating that these regions are not essential for the regulatory response. This conclusion was further supported by the finding that inserting the mRNA segment encoding the leader peptide sequence of CPA1 in the leader sequence of another gene, namely, GCN4, places this gene under arginine repression. Similarly, the behavior of fusions of the leader sequence of CPA1 with those of ARG4 or GAL10 confirmed that the regions of this leader located upstream and downstream from the uORF are dispensable for the regulation by arginine. Finally, a set of substitution mutations which modify the uORF nucleotide sequence while leaving unchanged the corresponding amino acid sequence was constructed. The mutations did not affect the repression of CPA1 by arginine. The data presented in this paper consequently agree with the conclusion that the leader peptide itself is the main element required for the translational repression of CPA1