16 research outputs found

    Discrimination between Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus mitis based on sorting of their MALDI mass spectra

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    AbstractAccurate species-level identification of alpha-hemolytic (viridans) streptococci (VGS) is very important for understanding their pathogenicity and virulence. However, an extremely high level of similarity between VGS within the mitis group (S. pneumoniae, S. mitis, S. oralis and S. pseudopneumoniae) often results in misidentification of these organisms. Earlier, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization–time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has been suggested as a tool for the rapid identification of S. pneumoniae. However, by using Biotyper 3.0 (Bruker) or Vitek MS (bioMérieux) databases, Streptococcus mitis/oralis species can be erroneously identified as S. pneumoniae. ClinProTools 2.1 software was used for the discrimination of MALDI-TOF mass spectra of 25 S. pneumoniae isolates, 34 S. mitis and three S. oralis. Phenotypical tests and multilocus gene typing schemes for the S. pneumoniae (http://spneumoniae.mlst.net/) and viridans streptococci (http://viridans.emlsa.net/) were used for the identification of isolates included in the study. The classifying model was generated based on different algorithms (Genetic Algorithm, Supervised Neural Network and QuickClassifier). In all cases, values of sensitivity and specificity were found to be equal or close to 100%, allowing discrimination of mass spectra of different species. Three peaks (6949, 9876 and 9975 m/z) were determined conferring the maximal statistical weight onto each model built. We find this approach to be promising for viridans streptococci discrimination

    Innovative development of the regions in the context of specific taxation of energy industries

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    The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of tax expenditures carried by the state in form of tax incentives for the fuel and energy sector on stimulating the innovative development of the oil-producing regions of the Russian Federation. This study applied the cluster analysis using Ward method to the 32 oil producing regions of Russia with regards to 7 innovation indicators and 5 indicators representing types of tax incentives. The study of the impact of tax incentives on mineral extraction tax for the companies which at the same time represent state tax expenditures is important in the context of innovative development of the oil-producing regions of Russia. Mineral extraction tax incentives are determined by the degree of depletion of oilfield, the complexity of extraction and other production and regional factors. Providing such incentives can encourage companies interested in increasing production to conduct research and development studies and introduce innovations in the field development process. Based on the results of clustering of oil producing regions, two groups with high and low innovation potential were identified in terms of the impact of tax expenditures on their innovative development. Each group included two clusters with high and medium tax expenditures and medium and low tax expenditures, respectively. Results proved that, on average, regions with high state tax expenditures have higher values of innovation indicators. However, consideration of a wide range of innovative indicators revealed the unevenness of innovative development, when even leading regions can lag behind in certain indicators

    Comparison of the efficacies of cutaneous and subcutaneous administration of tactivin for correction of secondary immunodeficiency in infants and young children

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    A method for noninvasive administration of immunomodulators, specifically, of tactivin, has been developed. The dosage form for cutaneous applications represents a special film containing the immunocorrector tactivin. Before application the film and underlying skin site are moistened with normal saline, after which the film is held with a plaster on the skin of the forearm flexor surface for 10-12 h. The optimal dose of tactivin for applications is 100μg. Comparative analysis showed that the efficacies of cutaneous and subcutaneous administration of tactivin to infants and young children are comparable according to immunological criteria and clinical results. © 1995 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    Emissions of CO2 in Europe and the Asia–pacific region: Panel data model

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    The rapid growth of CO2 emissions determines the problem of global warming, which has now become a severe threat to humanity. This work aimed to identify significant factors and assess their impact on CO2 emissions in Europe and the Asia–Pacific region using a panel data model. The authors have established the following factors’ influence on CO2 emissions in European countries - GDP, consumption of fossil energy resources, population, urbanization, and in the Asia–Pacific countries - GDP, population, and “green factors”. A positive coefficient before the GDP factor confirms the impact of economic growth on the amount of CO2 emissions. The authors also revealed that the “green factor” is not significant for European countries, since the development of alternative energy in Europe has reached the limit when the influence of the “green factor” significantly reduces emissions. However, for the Asia–Pacific region, as the largest region in terms of emissions, the “green factor” and the share of gas consumption had a negative impact on the dependent variable. Technological and institutional development of countries will be the main factor in determining competitiveness in international trade

    Green energy through the LCOE indicator

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    Renewable energy development in Russia follows global trends with some delay. However, at the moment, a renewable energy production cluster has been formed, and the commissioning of 8.4 GW of capacity is planned until 2028, marking more than a twofold drop in capital expenditures under the power supply contracts program. The article calculated the LCOE indicator for three types of generation of wind farms, solar and small hydropower plants in 2021 based on the results of capacity selection at power supply contracts auctions, describes the primary factors and drivers of the decline in this indicator. Utilizing the chain substitution method, factors’ contribution to the change in the LCOE indicator in 2021 were calculated, which marked more than 105 % of the contribution of capital expenditures to the change in the indicator. Analysis of the last power supply contracts program revealed the Efficiency indicator of a renewable energy generating facility (analogue of LCOE) dropped to 0,023 $/kWh for wind projects due to increased competition in Russia. It is shown that Russia notes similar worldwide trends of new solar and wind generation price reduction

    A quantum-chemical study of the oxidation of ethylene by peroxyacetic acid derivatives

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    Density functional theory (B3LYP/6-31G(d, p)) and the Möller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2/6-31G(d, p)) were used to study the electronic and geometric structure and relative stability of possible peroxyacetic acid and its trifluorinated derivative tautomers (including conformers), R-C(=O)(-OOH), R = CH3, CF3. Four types of stable tautomers of both compounds were found, and the energy characteristics of transitions between them were determined. The results of quantum-chemical modeling were used to study some special features of the oxidation of ethylene with the participation of all the tautomeric forms of both peroxy acids. For the acyclic form (ground state) of both peroxy acids and its conformers, two reactions are possible, namely, epoxidation with the formation of ethylene oxide (plus acid) and hydroxylation with the formation of ethanediol acetate ester and/or its isomer acetaldehyde semiacetal. At the same time, the oxidation of ethylene with the participation of all the other tautomeric forms (dioxirane and tautomers of the type of carbonyl and water oxides) only results in ethylene epoxidation. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2010

    Special features of ethylene epoxidation by peroxyacetic acid

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    The B3LYP/6-31G(d, p) method of density functional theory was used to study the influence of carboxylic acid and water molecules on parallel ethylene oxidation reactions (epoxidation and hydroxylation) by peroxyacetic acid with the formation of various products. It was shown that carboxylic acid in the nondissociated form always present in the reaction mixture for several reasons had a catalytic action on this reaction and therefore contributed to an increase in its selectivity. We also found that the water molecule and its dimer facilitated epoxide formation. The suggestion was made that, if the reaction was performed in an aqueous medium, where the acid dissociated, the situation could radically change, and the hydroxylation reaction with the formation of glycol and/or its ester of the corresponding carboxylic acid would become predominant. © 2010 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Special features of ethylene epoxidation by peroxyacetic acid

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    The B3LYP/6-31G(d, p) method of density functional theory was used to study the influence of carboxylic acid and water molecules on parallel ethylene oxidation reactions (epoxidation and hydroxylation) by peroxyacetic acid with the formation of various products. It was shown that carboxylic acid in the nondissociated form always present in the reaction mixture for several reasons had a catalytic action on this reaction and therefore contributed to an increase in its selectivity. We also found that the water molecule and its dimer facilitated epoxide formation. The suggestion was made that, if the reaction was performed in an aqueous medium, where the acid dissociated, the situation could radically change, and the hydroxylation reaction with the formation of glycol and/or its ester of the corresponding carboxylic acid would become predominant. © 2010 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    A quantum-chemical study of the oxidation of ethylene by peroxyacetic acid derivatives

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    Density functional theory (B3LYP/6-31G(d, p)) and the Möller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2/6-31G(d, p)) were used to study the electronic and geometric structure and relative stability of possible peroxyacetic acid and its trifluorinated derivative tautomers (including conformers), R-C(=O)(-OOH), R = CH3, CF3. Four types of stable tautomers of both compounds were found, and the energy characteristics of transitions between them were determined. The results of quantum-chemical modeling were used to study some special features of the oxidation of ethylene with the participation of all the tautomeric forms of both peroxy acids. For the acyclic form (ground state) of both peroxy acids and its conformers, two reactions are possible, namely, epoxidation with the formation of ethylene oxide (plus acid) and hydroxylation with the formation of ethanediol acetate ester and/or its isomer acetaldehyde semiacetal. At the same time, the oxidation of ethylene with the participation of all the other tautomeric forms (dioxirane and tautomers of the type of carbonyl and water oxides) only results in ethylene epoxidation. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2010

    Nuclear gamma resonance examination of phase transitions taking place in a corrosion resisting steel under the effect of a divergent shock wave with a duration of 10-7 sec

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    14.00; Translated from Russian (Fiz. Khim. Obrab. Mater. 1985 v. 19(6) p. 28-33)Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:9023.19(VR--3405)T / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo