4 research outputs found

    Prospective study on severe malaria among in-patients at Bombo regional hospital, Tanga, north-eastern Tanzania

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    In Tanzania, malaria is the major cause of morbidity and mortality, accounting for about 30% of all hospital admissions and around 15% of all hospital deaths. Severe anaemia and cerebral malaria are the two main causes of death due to malaria in Tanga, Tanzania. This was a prospective observational hospital-based study conducted from October 2004 to September 2005. Consent was sought from study participants or guardians in the wards. Finger prick blood was collected from each individual for thick and thin smears, blood sugar levels and haemoglobin estimations by Haemocue machine after admission. A total of 494 patients were clinically diagnosed and admitted as cases of severe malaria. Majority of them (55.3%) were children below the age of 5 years. Only 285 out of the total 494 (57.7%) patients had positive blood smears for malaria parasites. Adults aged 20 years and above had the highest rate of cases with fever and blood smear negative for malaria parasites. Commonest clinical manifestations of severe malaria were cerebral malaria (47.3%) and severe anaemia (14.6%), particularly in the under-fives. Case fatality was 3.2% and majority of the deaths occurred in the under-fives and adults aged 20 years and above with negative blood smears. Proper laboratory diagnosis is crucial for case management and reliable data collection. The non-specific nature of malaria symptomatologies limits the use of clinical diagnosis and the IMCI strategy. Strengthening of laboratory investigations to guide case management is recommended

    Strengthening midwives’ competencies for addressing maternal and newborn mortality in Tanzania: Lessons from Midwifery Emergency Skills Training (MEST) Project

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    Introduction In Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs), maternal and infant mortality remains a significant problem. Inadequate healthcare provider competencies, including those of midwives, are cited as one of the major contributors to the high maternal and newborn mortality rates. Thus, enhancing the skills of midwives is a prerequisite for enhancing positive maternal and newborn health outcomes. This study describes the lessons learned from a Midwifery Emergencies Skills Training (MEST) project implemented in Tanzania between 2013 and 2018. Methods An exploratory qualitative study was used to purposefully recruit and interview twelve health facility in-charges and eighteen midwives from twelve selected health facilities in six districts of Tanzania mainland to discover their perceptions about the midwifery practice after MEST training. The data were transcribed verbatim and analysed with qualitative content analysis. Results Four categories were generated from the analysis (i) enhanced knowledge and skills in the provision of midwifery care and management of obstetric emergencies, (ii) improved midwives’ communication skills, (iii) increased trust and support between midwives and community and (iv) transformed attitudes of midwives toward continued professional development (CPD). Conclusion MEST enhanced the knowledge and skills of midwives in the management of obstetric emergencies and referral protocol practice. However, notable gaps remain in the capacity of midwives to provide human rights-based respectful maternity care. Continued professional development for nurses and midwives through training, mentorship and supervision programs is recommended for improving maternal and newborn health

    Community knowledge, attitude, practices and beliefs associated with persistence of malaria transmission in North-western and Southern regions of Tanzania

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    Abstract Background Despite significant decline in the past two decades, malaria is still a major public health concern in Tanzania; with over 93% of the population still at risk. Community knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP), and beliefs are key in enhancing uptake and utilization of malaria control interventions, but there is a lack of information on their contribution to effective control of the disease. This study was undertaken to determine KAP and beliefs of community members and service providers on malaria, and how they might be associated with increased risk and persistence of the disease burden in North-western and Southern regions of Tanzania. Methods This was an exploratory study that used qualitative methods including 16 in-depth interviews (IDI) and 32 focus group discussions (FGDs) to collect data from health service providers and community members, respectively. The study was conducted from September to October 2017 and covered 16 villages within eight districts from four regions of mainland Tanzania (Geita, Kigoma, Mtwara and Ruvuma) with persistently high malaria transmission for more than two decades. Results Most of the participants had good knowledge of malaria and how it is transmitted but some FGD participants did not know the actual cause of malaria, and thought that it is caused by bathing and drinking un-boiled water, or consuming contaminated food that has malaria parasites without warming it. Reported barriers to malaria prevention and control (by FGD and IDI participants) included shortage of qualified health workers, inefficient health financing, low care-seeking behaviour, consulting traditional healers, use of local herbs to treat malaria, poverty, increased breeding sites by socio-economic activities and misconceptions related to the use of bed nets and indoor residual spraying (IRS). Among the misconceptions, some participants believed that bed nets provided for free by the government came with bedbugs while others reported that free bed nets caused impotence among men. Conclusion Despite good knowledge of malaria, several risk factors, such as socio-economic and behavioural issues, and misconceptions related to the use of bed nets and IRS were reported. Other key factors included unavailability or limited access to health services, poor health financing and economic activities that potentially contributed to persistence of malaria burden in these regions. Relevant policies and targeted malaria interventions, focusing on understanding socio-cultural factors, should be implemented to reduce and finally eliminate the disease in the study regions and others with persistent transmission